Stealthily like a woman, secretly like shame
Her garb the cloak of night, dust particles her skin
As if summoned for me only and just for me a meal-offering
Shadow of the one who feasts the body, a shadow falls at my feet
And the powers have already finished debating
Since falsehood upon falsehood comes to an end
Her hair silvery night
Her hair softer than a feather
And it’s already too late to argue
That it was just a passing breeze
Look at this marvel: the body
Arched like the back of a chameleon
Bends over its shadow to kiss her.
La noi nu a nins - Miercurea fără cuvinte 12/2025
11 minutes ago
Am si eu 2 bloguri si la altul il ajut pe domnul Lucian Cuesdean.
Te uiti pe ele si-mi spui daca e ok pentru un schimb de linkuri?
Astea sunt:
Ma anunti?
Si spune-mi, care e articolul despre arte martiale a lui Zamolxe.
sigur am bagat in blogroll...articolul nu imi vine acum nus tiu de care vorbesti
Articolul lui Zamolxe de pe Qadratus.
Inca nu a ajuns? :)
Multumesc pentru linkuri.
Acum adaug si eu pe al tau.
O seara buna!
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