Hildegard of Bingen.
Voice of the Living Light .
Hildegard of Bingen: healing and the nature of the cosmos.
01 O rubor sanguinis, antiphon for Saint Ursula & her companions.
02 Favus distillans, response for Saint Ursula & her companions.
03 Work(s).
04 Studium divinitatis, Laudes antiphon for Saint Ursula & her Companions.
05 O ecclesia occuli tui, sequence for Saint Ursula & her Companions.
06 Misc. instrumental Pieces associated with Hildegard recordings.
07 O eterne Deus, antiphon.
08 O dulcissime amator, sinfonia for the virgins.
09 Rex noster promptus est, response for the Holy Innocents.
10 O cruor sanguinis, antiphon.
11 Cum vox sanguinis, hymn for Saint Ursula & her Companions.
12 Misc. instrumental Pieces associated with Hildegard recordings.
13 O...