My Burning Heart-RUMIInima mea in flacariMy heart is burning with loveAll can see this flameMy heart is pulsing with passionlike waves on an oceanInima mea arde cu iubiretot ce pot vedea este aceasta flacarainima pulseaza cu pasiuneca valurile din oceanmy friends have become strangersand I’m surrounded by enemiesBut I’m free as the windno longer hurt by those who reproach meprietenii mi-au devenit strainisint inconjurat de dusmanidar sint liber ca vintulcei ce imi fac reprosurinu ma mai pot raniI’m at home wherever I amAnd in the room of loversI can see with closed eyesthe beauty that dancessint acasa oriunde ma aflusi in camera indragostitilorpot vedea cu ochi inchisifrumusetea ce danseazaBehind the veilsintoxicated with loveI too dance the rhythmof this moving worldin spatele valurilorintoxicat...