Saturday, December 31, 2011

Filmul „Tibet” face o incursiune în istoria, tradiţiile şi spiritualitatea Ţării celor o mie de Buddha. Acoperişul lumii, Tibetul a fost o ţară mult timp ascunsă şi închisă, locul unde se află Shangri-La. De o frumuseţe ce-ţi taie răsuflarea, Tibetul e mai mult decât o ţară, e un tărâm spiritual.
Cu toate că este o regiune autonomă a Chinei, Tibetul este unic. Situat în Nord-Estul munţilor Himalaya, este cea mai înaltă regiune de pe Glob, la o altitudine de 4.900 de metri. Teritoriul a devenit imperiu unificat în secolul al VII-lea, dar a fost curând divizat în mai multe teritorii, care au fost conduse fie de chinezi, fie de mongoli.
În 1951, în urma unui conflict armat, regiunea a fost inclusă în Republica Populară Chineză. Există până în ziua de azi în Tibet conflicte cu privire la statutul politic al teritoriului. În ceea ce priveşte cultura din Tibet, ea este dominată de principala religie din regiune, budismul.
În timpul Revoluţiei culturale din China, aproape toate mănăstirile călugărilor tibetani au fost distruse de Garda Roşie. O mare parte din ele au început, însă, reconstrucţia începând cu anii ’80. Urmăriţi în cele ce urmează un film documentar prin care veţi descoperi lumea magică a Tibetului.
Vizionare online film documentar subtitrat Tibet
cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0Mistere in Bucegi...
Scientific Evidence that the Entire Universe Is a Holographic Projection around the Earth
Go get your protective tin foil hat, because you’re going to need it. German scientists have been trying to understand why their equipment that measures gravitational waves has been picking up a particular sound. One possible answer that they’ve come up with is that the entire universe is a holographic illusion:
cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0For many months, the GEO600 team-members had been scratching their heads over inexplicable noise that is plaguing their giant detector. Then, out of the blue, a researcher approached them with an explanation. In fact, he had even predicted the noise before he knew they were detecting it. According to Craig Hogan, a physicist at the Fermilab particle physics lab in Batavia, Illinois, GEO600 has stumbled upon the fundamental limit of space-time – the point where space-time stops behaving like the smooth continuum Einstein described and instead dissolves into “grains”, just as a newspaper photograph dissolves into dots as you zoom in. “It looks like GEO600 is being buffeted by the microscopic quantum convulsions of space-time,” says Hogan.
If this doesn’t blow your socks off, then Hogan, who has just been appointed director of Fermilab’s Center for Particle Astrophysics, has an even bigger shock in store: “If the GEO600 result is what I suspect it is, then we are all living in a giant cosmic hologram.”
The idea that we live in a hologram probably sounds absurd, but it is a natural extension of our best understanding of black holes, and something with a pretty firm theoretical footing. It has also been surprisingly helpful for physicists wrestling with theories of how the universe works at its most fundamental level.
The holograms you find on credit cards and banknotes are etched on two-dimensional plastic films. When light bounces off them, it recreates the appearance of a 3D image. In the 1990s physicists Leonard Susskind and Nobel prizewinner Gerard ‘t Hooft suggested that the same principle might apply to the universe as a whole. Our everyday experience might itself be a holographic projection of physical processes that take place on a distant, 2D surface.
Friday, December 30, 2011
[LAST NEWS/URGENT] 2011 Imam Mahdi revealed soon and the 3 men heralding...
The first part of this article has been written by Reza Kahlili, who has also translated the documentary from Iranian to English:
Several month ago, the Iranian officials had started work on a film that had the approval of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The purpose of the project: to inform Muslims across the globe of the immediate coming of the last Islamic messiah.
As this documentary makes clear, the Iranian leaders, now more than ever, feel that all the stars are aligned for such event.
Ever since the Iranian Revolution of 1979, the Islamic rulers of Iran have declared themselves representatives of God on Earth, believing their mission is to pave the way for the reappearance of the Shiites' 12th imam, Mahdi.
Their belief is based on the centuries-old Hadith by Prophet Mohammad and his descendants, who have provided clear guidance as to the timing of The Coming.
According to the Hadith, in the age of The Coming a revolution takes place in Iran. This is a key sign indicating that the reappearance is near, and serves as the initial preparation in the worldwide movement for The Coming of the last messiah. Based on this belief, the leaders of Iran see it as their duty to prepare the ground for The Coming.
One of the most important keys to securing the reappearance of the last messiah — as called for in the Hadith — is the annihilation of Israel, and the conquering of Beitol Moghadas (Jerusalem). They state with conviction that Islam will soon conquer the world, and that all infidels will be destroyed.
The pursuit of nuclear bombs by the radicals ruling Iran is directly connected to this belief: war, chaos, and lawlessness must engulf the world to pave the way for Imam Mahdi's reappearance.
This movie has been produced in Iran by an organization called "Conductors of The Coming", in collaboration with the Iranian president's office and the Basij (Iranian paramilitary force). Also, reports indicate that Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei, President Ahmadinejad's top adviser and chief of staff, was directly involved with this project.
The movie was completed a few months ago and was recently screened for the high clerics by the Iranian president's office, with one of its high-ranking official analyzing it.
Mashaei reflects the Iranian leaders' belief very clearly:
"Therefore let us shout out loud that The Coming is soon and that evil should be fearful. We live with these thoughts every day and our lives are filled with The Coming of the last imam. That human will reappear and fill the world with justice and establish his promised governance on earth. The very world has witnessed too much bloodshed of the innocent for others to build their palaces. The very world is filled with shouts for justice. The innocent and the oppressed are losing their lives to world powers. It is in this very world where the oppressors rule and this world that Allah will command the last imam to appear and forever put an end to injustice. At that time the world will belong to the righteous."
Currently this movie is being distributed throughout the Basij and Revolutionary Guards' bases.
The producers are in the middle of translating it into Arabic, with the purpose of mass distribution throughout the Middle East.
Their intention is to incite further uprisings, with the hopes of motivating Arabs to overthrow U.S.-backed governments.
Please read the second part of this video's description which is in part 2/2 of this documentary.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Ortodoxia - Din imperiu in imperiu on Vimeo
Sensation Alien spaceship found in Russia Patomskiy Crater Tunguska Event
The narrator tells about the sensational discovery in Russia. At a depth of 100 meters below Patomskiy crater is a huge cylinder object ellipse shape. Object sizes are enormous -600 meters. He struck the limestone rocks of squeezing more than a million tons of stones - and lies at a depth of 100 meters from the surface.
He also says that around the crater showed signs of radiation. Drop ship happened a hundred years ago (1908).
Also, Russian scientists have proved that this does not meteor and asteroid impact crater, and has nothing to do with the meteor and asteroid craters.
cordinates of this crater 59.28449, 116.58954 (G) (O)
авторские рисунки Вадима Черноброва, координатора Космопоиска.
Hollow Earth Hohle Erde This video will blow your mind