Friday, November 8, 2013
Programul Festivalului Adevărul despre daci 2013, ...
Daniel Roxin: Programul Festivalului Adevărul despre daci 2013, ...: Vă anunțăm cu bucurie că între 8 și 10 noiembrie 2013, Asociația Geto-Dacii organizează la Muzeul Național al Țăranului Român din Bucureș...
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Dupa ce am vazut acest clip suprem, am pornit in cautarea originilor sale, evident shamanice, mai ales ca citisem mai demult intr-una din cartile Florindei Grau despre un carnaval al diavolului, ca un ritual shamanic invelit in povestiri crestine.
El Tio este zeul muntelui pe care minerii bolivieni au inceput sa-l adore dupa 1600 cind, stapinii spanioli au inceput sa-i forteze sa munceasca 24 DE ORE NEINTRERUPT in mina, impreuna cu copiii lor. Ca sa supravietuiasca trebuia sa mestece frunze de coca in continuu. Mortile din ce in ce mai dese au inceput sa le ridice probleme metafizice, si impreuna cu shamanii lor au inceput sa aduca ofrande zeitatiilor chtonice.
Daca deasupra pamintului Pachamama-zeita pamintului cea buna si binevoitoare are putere, sub pamint lucrurile se schimba,. El Tio (Unchiul), regele muntelui, stapinul zonei subpamintene a luat forma unui diavol crestin si la intrarea fiecarei mine se afla o statuie a sa impreuna cu ofrandele ce ii sint aduse-frunze de coca, lichior, tigari, carne.
De citeva ori pe an, dar mai ales cu ocazia celebrului carnaval de la Oruro-Bolivia- cind El Tio este scos pe strazi si dansatorii sint imbracati in hainele sale (se spune ca cine il impersoneaza este protejat, va avea noroc si se va imbogati), i se aduc ofrande shamanice.
Ritualul este de data aceasta diferit fata de ofrandele zilnice cind minerii isi impart mincarea, frunzele de coca si bautura cu el, spunindu-si pasurile. Acum 4 lame sint aduse in fata altarului si inimile lor sint oferite lui El Tio, iar apoi minele sint sigilate 24 de ore pentru a-l lasa sa savureze ofrandele.
Carnavalul este o ocazie extraordinara de a vedea dansurile si obiceiurile incase deghizate in(sau nu) in catolicism.
Revenind la clip pustiul este adus de aliati, din cauza ca era abuzat de tatal sau alcoolic, la El Tio pentru protectie si a-l distra, de aceasta beneficiind in mod clar toti autorii dramei shamanice plus pustiul cel nazdravan.
Imi cer scuze celor ce au participal la PINK MONDAYS, dar am probleme cu computerul asa ca fetelor va multumesc si va astept luni
Dupa ce am vazut acest clip suprem, am pornit in cautarea originilor sale, evident shamanice, mai ales ca citisem mai demult intr-una din cartile Florindei Grau despre un carnaval al diavolului, ca un ritual shamanic invelit in povestiri crestine.
El Tio este zeul muntelui pe care minerii bolivieni au inceput sa-l adore dupa 1600 cind, stapinii spanioli au inceput sa-i forteze sa munceasca 24 DE ORE NEINTRERUPT in mina, impreuna cu copiii lor. Ca sa supravietuiasca trebuia sa mestece frunze de coca in continuu. Mortile din ce in ce mai dese au inceput sa le ridice probleme metafizice, si impreuna cu shamanii lor au inceput sa aduca ofrande zeitatiilor chtonice.
Daca deasupra pamintului Pachamama-zeita pamintului cea buna si binevoitoare are putere, sub pamint lucrurile se schimba,. El Tio (Unchiul), regele muntelui, stapinul zonei subpamintene a luat forma unui diavol crestin si la intrarea fiecarei mine se afla o statuie a sa impreuna cu ofrandele ce ii sint aduse-frunze de coca, lichior, tigari, carne.
De citeva ori pe an, dar mai ales cu ocazia celebrului carnaval de la Oruro-Bolivia- cind El Tio este scos pe strazi si dansatorii sint imbracati in hainele sale (se spune ca cine il impersoneaza este protejat, va avea noroc si se va imbogati), i se aduc ofrande shamanice.
Ritualul este de data aceasta diferit fata de ofrandele zilnice cind minerii isi impart mincarea, frunzele de coca si bautura cu el, spunindu-si pasurile. Acum 4 lame sint aduse in fata altarului si inimile lor sint oferite lui El Tio, iar apoi minele sint sigilate 24 de ore pentru a-l lasa sa savureze ofrandele.
Carnavalul este o ocazie extraordinara de a vedea dansurile si obiceiurile incase deghizate in(sau nu) in catolicism.
Revenind la clip pustiul este adus de aliati, din cauza ca era abuzat de tatal sau alcoolic, la El Tio pentru protectie si a-l distra, de aceasta beneficiind in mod clar toti autorii dramei shamanice plus pustiul cel nazdravan.
Imi cer scuze celor ce au participal la PINK MONDAYS, dar am probleme cu computerul asa ca fetelor va multumesc si va astept luni
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
"What??" you're saying, as you read the post title. Israelis don't signal while driving! After all, as I shared in my guide to driving like an Israeli, "Everyone Else on the Road is an Idiot," there's no point in sharing information like, say, the intention to shift lanes with drivers who are too stupid to understand.
But Israelis do have their own form of non-verbal communication while driving. To pass as an Israeli, master these techniques.
1. The Ex-Post-Facto Turn Signal.
Signaling before turning or making a lane shift would be giving away information (and might result in the person you're trying to cut off speeding up so you can't cut them off). But Israelis do know that signaling while changing lanes is mandatory. The simple solution? Signal after you change lanes. Barur.
2. The Nu-Pay-Attention Honk.
I come from a small, friendly American city in which someone at an intersection will only honk at you if you forget to turn left in front of them (cutting them off) after the light turns green. If people in my home towndo honk in traffic, they're seriously upset-- blaring the horn is one step away from jumping out of your SUV and bashing in an offending driver's window with a baseball bat.
In Israel, on the other hand, honking (like shouting) is just another form of social interaction. Situations in which honking is expected include:
If the driver in front of you is going too slowly (i.e., only 10 kilometers over the speed limit), you should flash your lights urgently into their rear view mirror until they pull over or shift lanes. (You, obviously, are in too much of a hurry to be bothered to lane shift.) My husband and I were recently driving along a country road in northern Israel and a car started flashing his brights at us from about 100 meters back. This is the most annoying behavior of the Israeli driver, and you have my permission to block this car in and drive as slowly as possible instead of pulling over.
By the way, something good to know: Israeli traffic police drive with their blue-and-white lights flashing. This does NOT mean that you need to pull over. They'll put on their siren if you do. On the other hand, if American traffic police drive behind you with their lights flashing, you DO need to pull over. My husband learned this the hard way when he came to the US in his teens. Luckily the cop liked Israel.
4. The How-You-Doin' Intersection Stare.
Ok, this is one of those things I'll never really feel comfortable doing, but apparently when Israelis stop at a traffic light, it's considered polite behavior to turn and stare at the people in the car next to you. I learned this when I watched an Israeli morning show segment about body language b'chul (abroad), and the Israeli host was shocked to learn that in certain parts of the world complete strangers will get mad if you scrutinize them while waiting for the light to turn yellow, er, green.
5. The Tut-Tut-Tut Finger Shake.
The driving version of the Instructional Finger (which I discussed in my guide to Israeli body language), this is the gesture you make when someone does something foolish or misguided (like attempting to cut you off) while driving. Like a wise grandmother from a children's story, put a pained expression on your face and shake your finger sadly at the offending driver. Alternately, raise your hand in the air with your palm towards your face. Both of these are more effective than actually, say, giving another driver the finger, because these gestures indicate an extra level of parental disappointment at another driver's failings. And we all know how effective Jewish Guilt can be.
6. The No-Really-I'm-Cutting-You-Off Nose Nudge.
This maneuver (familiar to anyone who has attempted to drive in New York City) indicates your seriousness about actually cutting off the driver in the next lane. If you nudge the front end of your car into the other driver's lane, some of the time he'll brake to let you in. Most the time he'll swerve around you. Once I saw this result in the Slowest Accident Ever: we were driving in rush-hour traffic through Kiryat Ata when a Hareidi guy tried to nose-nudge his way in front of a young female soldier, who wasn't having any of it. She nose-nudged him back, blaring on her horn. Over the next ten minutes, they each jerked forward inch by inch, screaming at each other (and not the friendly kind of Israeli yelling), until finally-- at about the speed of a dandelion growing in a nature documentary-- they collided into each other and dented their cars. Am I a bad person if that made my day?
Then, of course, there's the art of communicating on a cell phone while driving like an Israeli, but I'll save that for another day. (Here's a sneak preview: it involves lots of hand gesturing.)
cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
How to signal like an Israeli driver...
Don't try these techniques when you are a Hyundai Getz going up against a semi-trailer.
"What??" you're saying, as you read the post title. Israelis don't signal while driving! After all, as I shared in my guide to driving like an Israeli, "Everyone Else on the Road is an Idiot," there's no point in sharing information like, say, the intention to shift lanes with drivers who are too stupid to understand.
But Israelis do have their own form of non-verbal communication while driving. To pass as an Israeli, master these techniques.
1. The Ex-Post-Facto Turn Signal.
Signaling before turning or making a lane shift would be giving away information (and might result in the person you're trying to cut off speeding up so you can't cut them off). But Israelis do know that signaling while changing lanes is mandatory. The simple solution? Signal after you change lanes. Barur.
2. The Nu-Pay-Attention Honk.
I come from a small, friendly American city in which someone at an intersection will only honk at you if you forget to turn left in front of them (cutting them off) after the light turns green. If people in my home towndo honk in traffic, they're seriously upset-- blaring the horn is one step away from jumping out of your SUV and bashing in an offending driver's window with a baseball bat.
In Israel, on the other hand, honking (like shouting) is just another form of social interaction. Situations in which honking is expected include:
- Another driver seems to be pondering the idea of pulling out of a driveway or parking lot anywhere in the vicinity of your moving vehicle. Because they are idiots, you assume that they will pull into your car unless you honk.
- Another driver does not appear to have his feet poised above the gas pedal the moment the light flashes yellow (which happens before the light turns green here, in a little NASCAR "start yer engines" moment). If said driver hesitates for more than a millisecond or, G-d forbid, actually waits for the light to turn green, HONK.
- You see someone you know.
- You see people standing on a street corner holding signs.
- You feel happy and you know it.
If the driver in front of you is going too slowly (i.e., only 10 kilometers over the speed limit), you should flash your lights urgently into their rear view mirror until they pull over or shift lanes. (You, obviously, are in too much of a hurry to be bothered to lane shift.) My husband and I were recently driving along a country road in northern Israel and a car started flashing his brights at us from about 100 meters back. This is the most annoying behavior of the Israeli driver, and you have my permission to block this car in and drive as slowly as possible instead of pulling over.
By the way, something good to know: Israeli traffic police drive with their blue-and-white lights flashing. This does NOT mean that you need to pull over. They'll put on their siren if you do. On the other hand, if American traffic police drive behind you with their lights flashing, you DO need to pull over. My husband learned this the hard way when he came to the US in his teens. Luckily the cop liked Israel.
4. The How-You-Doin' Intersection Stare.
Ok, this is one of those things I'll never really feel comfortable doing, but apparently when Israelis stop at a traffic light, it's considered polite behavior to turn and stare at the people in the car next to you. I learned this when I watched an Israeli morning show segment about body language b'chul (abroad), and the Israeli host was shocked to learn that in certain parts of the world complete strangers will get mad if you scrutinize them while waiting for the light to turn yellow, er, green.
5. The Tut-Tut-Tut Finger Shake.
The driving version of the Instructional Finger (which I discussed in my guide to Israeli body language), this is the gesture you make when someone does something foolish or misguided (like attempting to cut you off) while driving. Like a wise grandmother from a children's story, put a pained expression on your face and shake your finger sadly at the offending driver. Alternately, raise your hand in the air with your palm towards your face. Both of these are more effective than actually, say, giving another driver the finger, because these gestures indicate an extra level of parental disappointment at another driver's failings. And we all know how effective Jewish Guilt can be.
6. The No-Really-I'm-Cutting-You-Off Nose Nudge.
This maneuver (familiar to anyone who has attempted to drive in New York City) indicates your seriousness about actually cutting off the driver in the next lane. If you nudge the front end of your car into the other driver's lane, some of the time he'll brake to let you in. Most the time he'll swerve around you. Once I saw this result in the Slowest Accident Ever: we were driving in rush-hour traffic through Kiryat Ata when a Hareidi guy tried to nose-nudge his way in front of a young female soldier, who wasn't having any of it. She nose-nudged him back, blaring on her horn. Over the next ten minutes, they each jerked forward inch by inch, screaming at each other (and not the friendly kind of Israeli yelling), until finally-- at about the speed of a dandelion growing in a nature documentary-- they collided into each other and dented their cars. Am I a bad person if that made my day?
cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Atlantis: The Truth
A very plausible solution to the Atlantis mystery is that Plato's Atlantic Island was located in the Mid-Atlantic and that the island chain known as the Azores are its surviving remnants. This cluster of nine main islands is located amid a chain of underwater mountains that rise to heights in excess of 9000 metres.
They form part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge which defines the division between tectonic plates, aligned approximately north-south beneath the ocean floor for some 17,600 kilometres. It is the tips of the very highest of these subterranean mountains that protrude from the ocean floor as the principal islands of the Azores, which are themselves endowed with sizeable mountains that soar to a height in excess of 2100 metres. the Azores once formed part of a much greater landmass which sank beneath the waves and is now situated 'many thousands of feet' below the current sea-level. To obtain a more substantial insight into this fascinating subject, the O'Briens propose that a scientific team take a series of core samples from the proposed sites of their river channels. They confidently predict that these will show not only evidence of ancient river beds, but also of the freshwater flora and fauna which once thrived on the former Azorean landmass.
cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
WW este initiativa lui Carmen
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Sunday, November 3, 2013
cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0