Saturday, November 10, 2012


Last year, hairdresser Hesti (not her real name) went to see Ki Gedhe Solo, a dukun, or spiritual healer, practicing in Solo, Central Java Province. She wanted help solving a problem at work. The 18-year-old was having a hard time dealing with her clients, mostly women.“Some were very fussy and not nice to me,” Hesti said. “I sought help from Ki Gedhe so those clients would treat me better.”Ki Gedhe implanted a susuk , or magical charm, underneath Hesti’s skin on her forehead and chin. In Malay cultures, a susuk inserted in soft body tissue is believed to possess magical...

Tinerete fara batrinete [filme Romanesti]

cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 (function() { var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true; po.src = ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); })...


Mor Actorii  (de Adrian Paunescu ): "Câinii mortii reîncep sa latre,Cinici, pofticiosi, nerabdatori,Se tot sting luminile în teatre,Noapte buna, domnilor actori !Ce se-ntâmpla seamana teribilUnui zbor cu foarte multe goluri:În aceasta tara mor actoriiRegretati de propriile roluri.Tineri si batrâni, la garderobaVin sa-si lase cea din urma haina,Programati sa intre în spitaleCa sa poata sa se stinga-n taina.Nu mai vor aplauze si bisuri,Nu mai vor sufleori, lumini si farduri,Ar mai zabovi doar ca sa-si rupaPropriile afise de pe garduri.Mor actorii parasiti de public,Teatrul însusi este o fantomasi la catafalc le stau de gardaRolurile...


ULTIMELE EPISOADE  17 SI 18 RESTUL AICI cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 (function() { var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true; po.src = ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); })(...

Magical Egypt - The Temple in Man


Thursday, November 8, 2012

How do archangels help true believers?

"Jibrîl or Jibrîl-i Amin is an archangel of God. He is also known by the names of rûhu'l-qudus (the Holy Spirit) and ruhû'l-amin (the Trustworthy Spirit) in the Qur'an. Jibrîl is a Hebrew word which means the servant of God.  One wonderful attribute of Jibrîl is that he is the most affectionate and the kindest of all the archangels. To cite an example of his affection and kindness: when a true mu'min (believer) walks on the path of spirituality, then first of all it is he who accompanies that mu'min, then Mikâ'il, then Isrâfil and finally 'Izrâ'il. These four archangels, using their miraculous powers, become engaged in making...


Angels in Islam     Islam's angels.  On left - they are standing (top) and bowing while performing salat.  On Right - Angels shown on the cover page of The Quintet - a collection of Persian poems   Inheriting concepts of angelology from Judaism and Christianity, Islam also developed a hierarchy of angels.   In a descending order of importance are:  -the four throne bearers of Allah (hamalat al-'arsh), symbolized by a man, a bull, an eagle, and a lion in Islamic legend (which drew from the imagery of the Revelation to John in the New Testament);  -the cherubim (karubiyun),...

Dam Mast Qalandar Mast Mast

Dama Dam Mast Qalandar | Translation of Sufi Qawwali O laal meri pat rakhio bala jhoole laalan, Sindri da Sehvan da, sakhi Shabaaz kalandar, Dama dam mast Qalandar, Ali dam dam de andar. O the red robed, may I always have your benign protection, Jhulelal (as he was affectionately called). O master, friend and Sire of Sindh and Sehwan (or Serwan), The red robed God-intoxicated Qalandar, The Lord in every breath of mine, glory be to you. Chaar charaag tere baran hamesha, Panjwa mein baaran aayi bala jhoole laalan O panjwa mein baaran, O panjwa mein baaran aayi bala jhoole laalan, Sindri da Sehvan da, sakhi Shabaaz Qalandar, Dama...


  Angels (Arabic: ملائكة‎ malāʾikah; singular: ملاك malāk) are heavenly beings mentioned many times in the Quran and hadith. Unlike humans or jinn, they have no free will and therefore can do only what God orders them to do.  An example of a task they carry out is that of testing of individuals by granting them abundant wealth and curing their illness.[2] Believing in angels is one of the six Just as humans are made of clay, and jinn are made of smokeless fire, angels are made of light.[3]img alt="" class="thumbimage" font-size:="font-size:" height="352" large="large" src=""...

Going beyond the intellect | a jewish story from the Great Maggid

It is said that the Great Maggid would convene his inner circle every night to teach (the disciples) the sacred texts. All of his greatest students would gather. When the Maggid would begin to speak, "And God said..", Reb Zushya would leap up, overwhelmed with ecstasy. He would yell out, "And God said! God said!"He would spin around and around like a leaf in the wind, and then faint, unconscious for the rest of the teaching. Every night it was the same thing.The other disciples would tease him, saying, "Zushya, you're missing all the holy teachings!" The teasing went on for days and days until finally the master said, "Leave...


Mihai Eminescu a scris o Rugaciune, care a fost recitata in limba romana de catre Papa Paul al II-lea la Vatican. Rugaciune de Mihai Eminescu     Noi ce din mila SfântuluiFacem umbrã pãmântului,Rugãmu-ne'ndurãrilor,Luceafãrului mãrilor.Ascultã-a nostre plângeri,Reginã peste îngeri; Din neguri te aratã,Luminã dulce, clarã,O, Maicã PreacuratãSi pururea Fecioarã,Marie! Crãiasã alegându-te,Îngenunchem rugându-teÎnaltã-ne, ne mântuieDin valul ce ne bântuie.Fii scut de întãrireSi zid de mântuire. Privirea-ti adoratãAsuprã-ne coboarã,O, Maicã PreacuratãSi pururea fecioarã,Marie!       cybershamans...

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