Saturday, October 16, 2010


"I have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened."Mark Tw...

Palovana (Inner Fire) - Korpiklaani(With Lyrics and Translation!)

Inner FireSecret fire, inner fire,Burning hidden and concealedI am careful not to burnMy vulnerable skinThe waters will evaporate when I get wetEarth burns as I runMy mind raging in flamesI let it burn, I create the flames!I gather speed, I turn to blackI am the blazing flame, I am the inner fireAs a swirling fierce windI move, bustle, spit and turn!Look, lookLook, lookMy powerMy power!Move, movemove, movewith mewith me!Air cooling down, I turn deadTurn to dead ground, turn to embersI was born from a sparkI will die in the underworld of light[Korpiklaani note:This song is about the inner flame, which burns inside us all and allows us...

Korpiklaani (Shaman) - Kanohta Lávlla


Korpiklaani (Shaman) - Kanohta Lávlla


Shaman-Odda mailbmi


Shaman - Vuojan


KORPIKLAANI - Keep On Galloping


Kelvin Kalvus en Omnia


OMnia - Idvash


Omnia - Dil Gaya


Eivør Pálsdóttir - Jeg vil mig herren love

Lord let me praise youWho carried all my sinsFrom faith my praise shall riseFrom him my heart shall beatThere i shall write his nameAnd carry it till my deathAll the while i here may liveHe shall ease my grief and suffer...

Eivør Pálsdóttir - Trøllabundin



MORT IN CAUCAZ, ALATURI DE TRUPELE GERMANE.GLORIE EROILOR NOSTRI!He sat in a room in a square of the color of blood. He'd rule the whole world if there was a way that he could. He'd sit and he'd stare at the minreds on top of the towers. For he was a beast as he hatched his new plans to gain power. (chorus) And the snow fell covering the dreams and ideals. And the snow fell freezing the blood and the wheels. And the snow fell they had to keep up for survival. And the snow fell defeating the beast's only rival. They took the old roads that Napoleon had taken before. They fought as a force as a light against...

Saga - European dream

Hey brother across the sea, white future for you and me I want to know where we stand, we fight the Reds in all our lands They try and crush us, bring us down, spread their poison in all our towns Police protect them as they march, we're arrested, it's getting dark now - (chorus) European dream, there's things that should be said European dream, better dead than Red European dream, for freedom and for bread European dream, better dead than Red - It's our country, we want it back, love for our nations we do not lack Why do the governments put us down, when the real enemy's all around It's not us who's planting bombs, it's the Reds...

Saga - Free my land


Saga - Ode To A Dying People

Eyes shining bright with unspilt tears, Thinking about all these wasted years. Everything worth living for is gone, Brother, i find it hard to keep fighting on. Falling down towards the abyss, The reaper embraces me with his kiss; It makes me want to refuse to care, To watch this all unfold - too much to bear. If this is the way it ends - If this is the way my race ends . . . If this is the way it ends - i can't bear to witness Disease encroaching on all i hold dear, Somehow i gotta get my soul outta here. Heart of agony, faint burning hope, I'm finding it hard to try to cope . . . Because liars own the world with conquering poise, In a wasteland...


Life is a struggle in these changing timesThoughts once natural are now classed as hate crimesThose now in power, they fear no one but oneA man with open eyes and a sober mind so strongIt's been said before, but still we do not heedTo free the enslaved minds of the sleeping masswe must cast away the yokes, ignore status and classBarriers were built to make us forget blood tiesAnd now we aren't as one, and egos benefits on liesIt's been said before, but still we do not heedFolk and Nation first, and blood - not personal greedAnd it's been said before, but still we do not heedFree your enslaved minds and open up your eyes and seeThe strength...

Saga - Valkyrian (The Valkyrie)

Where souls make war where souls fallof Vikings that listened to the callingFallen is now the Viking from the NorthThe ground is colored red by the blood he shed.Chorus: I am the Valkyrie,I will take you home Warrior!Grant your strengthTo those who continue the fight. I fly over Scandinavia Day and night I take home the warriors who Fall deadNo pain do they ever feel againChorusNo pain do they ever feel ag...

Freya Aswynn lecture part 1 (Sept 2009)





In cursul lunii mai 2009, o viitura a raului Bistrita, produsa in zona localitatii nemtene Farcasa, avea sa scoata la iveala un foarte posibil atelier neolitic de confectionare a unor tablite inscriptionate, foarte asemanatoare cu celebrele tablite de la Tartaria. Ele s-au adaugat celorlalte artefacte care au fost descoperite de catre prof. dr. in istorie Dumitru Ionita, in punctul numit Vadu Rau, din localitatea pomenita mai sus, incepand cu anii ’80 ai secolului trecut, despre care s-a mai vorbit.Descoperirea are o importanta deosebita pentru ca, iata, ea demonstreaza ca celebrele placute de la Tartaria, datate ca fiind mai “tinere”...

One Rune to Keep You Safe



UR AR TU(lacul VAN) in SE Marii Negre(of course) nos...

The Power of Jera


One Rune to Change Your Life


Shaman's Journey


Shamanic Runes


FILMUL DE WEEKEND-Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance (Korean Movie/English Subtitles) Part 1 of 12


Sympathy for Lady Vengeance (parte 1)



THE TEUTON’S BATTLE SONGbyH. P. LovecraftThe mightY Woden laughs upon his throne,And once more claims his children for his own.The voice of Thor resounds again on high,While arm’d Valkyries ride from out of thIs sky:The Gods of Asgard all their pow’rs releasedTo rouse the dullard from his dream of peace.Awake! Ye hypocrites, and deign to scanthe actions of your “brotherhood of Man”.Could your shrill pipings in the race impairThe warlike impulse put by nature there?Where now the gentle maxims of the school,The cant of preachers, and the Golden Rule?What feeble word or doctrine now can sway?Too long restrain’d, the bloody tempest...

Friday, October 15, 2010

Unreal: Mongolian Throat Singing


Mongolian Overtone Singer , amazing


Kongar-ol Ondar on David Letterman's Late Show



Am revazut de curind 'AL TREISPREZECELEA RAzboinic' SI cautind pe net am aflat ca el chiar a existat, ca si cartea dupa care s-a inspirat scriitorul a carui carte este baza filmului..... Foto (1) Summa pia gratia nostra conservando corpora et cutodita, de gente fera Normannica nos libera, quae nostra vastat, Deus, regna (Preainalt si sfant Milostiv, apara-Ne pe noi si pe ai nostri, si Ne scapa, Doamne, de neamul salbatic al nordicilor care ne pustiesc pamanturile) – rugaciune medievala. In acest articol Pledoarie pentru vikingiAhmad ibn...

Black sun Empire - Gun Seller


Ghearele guvernului suedez

Posted on octombrie 15, 2010 by Cristina Dominic Johannson a fost confiscat de la părinţii săi in 25 iunie 2009, pentru că el era educat la domiciliu, a avut câteva carii netratate şi nu au fost date cele mai recente vaccinări programate de guvern. Ruby Harrold-Claesson, presedinta al Comitetului Nordic pentru Drepturile Omului, a spus ca ” în 20 de ani de practică niciodata nu a văzut un caz mai prost administrat. Aceasta familie a fost atât de traumatizata încât nu e sigur daca se pot recupera..” Ea a spus ca guvernul suedez “a încălcat grav drepturile acestei familii, atât în conformitate cu legislaţia suedeză şi în...


Taraf De Haidouks - Rind De Hore from Jordan Rachev on Vim...

Mircea Eliade despre Bucuresti

„Bucureştiul are această misiune de a asimila şi configura, de a elimina toxinele şi de a suprima pe impotenţi. Nu vă uitaţi că atîţia oameni sterpi şi netrebnici urcă pe scara măririlor. Nu acesta este criteriul Bucureştiului, al oraşului care mai mult decît alt oraş românesc poate avea comanda spaţiului. Ceea ce se întîmplă în zilele noastre este un accident, o imbecilitate politică, aşa cum sînt multe altele. Nu vă lăsaţi păcăliţi de zvonul cafenelei şi al anticamerelor politice. Căci nu acesta este adevăratul Bucureşti, oraşul trăirilor mondene.Funcţiunea Bucureştiului rămîne intactă, chiar dacă noi nu o vedem, întunecaţi de evenimente....


Mahala Rai Banda - Mahalageasca from Jordan Rachev on Vim...


Din cauza secretomaniei tipic comuniste cu care s-a tratat cazul Ion Rîmaru, în perioada 1970-1971, în jurul acestuia s-au construit imediat zeci de legende care l-au catalogat rapid drept “cel mai odios asasin din istoria României”. Fascinanta poveste a acestui adevărat „Jack Spintecătorul” de Dâmboviţa ne-a relatat-o comisarul criminalist Traian Tandin, aflat la acea vreme în subordinea locotentului Ioan Sântea, cel care l-a prins şi executat pe Rîmaru. În dimineaţa zilei de 5 martie 1971, locatarii unui bloc situat pe strada Scărlătescu nr.46 au sesizat Miliţia că în curtea imobilului se află cadavrul...

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