We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment,We are choosing to be here right now. hold on, stay inside...This holy reality, this holy experience. choosing to be here in...Abia ne amintim cine sau ce s-a petrecut inainte de acest moment pretiosAlegem sa fim aici, chiar acum. MAi rezista putin, stai inauntru...inlauntrul acestei sfinte realitati, acestei sacre experiente, alegind sa fii aici, in...This body. this body holding me. be my reminder here that I am not alone inThis body, this body holding me, feeling eternal all this pain is an illusion.acest corp, acest trup ce ma tine, sa fie semnul care sa-mi aminteasca-nu sint singur in acest trup, acest corp ce ma retine, ce ma face sa ma simt etern..TOATA DUREREA NU ESTE DECIT O ILUZIE.AliveSINT VIUThis holy reality, in this...