Don Juan said: if a warrior is defeated by a little tyrant, then he comes back more refined, self restrained for maintaining discipline and control, or gives up and becomes part of the tyranny. While the inner dialogue is not a choice but something the warrior has to bear,to participate in the tyranny, even as a victim, yes, it.s a choice:the choice of the definitive defeat.
Don Juan spunea:daca un luptator este infrint de un mic tiran, el se intoarce mai rafinat, restrins de disciplina si control, sau devine o parte a tiraniei. In timp ce dialogul interior nu este o alegere ci ceva ce luptatorul trebuie sa indure, a participa in sistemul tiraniei, chiar si ca victima, da, este o alegere:alegerea infringerii definitve.
Cum dobandesti intelepciunea. Anecdota
10 hours ago
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