Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Why Did God Create Death?

soul3A question I received: My eight year old daughter is asking, “Why did God create death?”

Intrebare de la fetita mea de 8 ani:"De ce Dumnezeu a creeat moartea?"

My Answer: He did it in order to encourage man to search for immortality, and to attain immortality even before he dies.

Raspunsul meu: "A facut-o ca sa incurajeze omul sa caute imortalitatea si sa o obtina inainte de a muri.

This is not achieved by prolonging the physiological life of our physical, protein body, but by developing a new, spiritual “body.” The spiritual body is made of the will to bestow instead of the will to receive. When one has this body, then instead of desiring to receive everything “inside of oneself,” one desire to bestow “to the outside, away from oneself.”

Asta nu se intimpla prelungindu-ne viata fiziologica a corpului de proteine, ci dezvoltind un corp nou, spiritual. Corpul spiritual este alcatuit din dorinta de a darui in loc de dorinta de a primi. Cind o persoana are acest corp, in loc sa doreasca sa primeasca totul inlauntrul sau, va dori sa daruiasca totul in afara sa."

Therefore, this body (or these desires) exists forever. One’s desires do not get annulled by the pleasure as soon as they are fulfilled. Through these desires, a person feels eternal and perfect life, and never ceases to develop and be fulfilled.

De aceea corpul dorintelor exista mereu. Dorintele personale nu sint anuleaza de placere in momentul in care se indeplinesc. Prin aceste dorinte o persoana simte viata eterna si perfecta si niciodata nu inceteaza sa se dezvolte si sa se implineasca.


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