Monday, May 18, 2009


Declaratia Unificata a intregului Kli Mondial

Cand, in cursul evenimentelor umane, devine necesar pentru fiecare de a se conecta cu celalalt, si de a-si asuma puterea Lumilor Superioare, dintr-un respect decent fata de cerinta in ceea ce priveste optiunile omenirii, aceasta ar trebui sa declare cauzele care ii determina dorinta de unificare.
Noi credem in adevarurile evidente, ca toti oamenii sunt parte dintr-un suflet unic, si sunt daruiti din partea Creatorului cu anumite drepturi inalienabile, care includ si acela de a iubi aproapele ca pe tine insuti.
Pentru a asigura aceste drepturi, se formeaza grupuri in randul barbatilor, a caror putere decurge doar din acordul celorlalti membri.
Ca, ori de cate ori, orice forma de egoism devine distructiv, este dreptul poporului sa modifice sau sa elimine aceasta, si sa instituie un nou mod de viata, un grup nou, de stabilire a fundamentelor sale cu privire la astfel de principii si de a organiza puterea sa intr-o asemenea forma, ce o considera cea mai indicata in atingerea telului de unitate si de fericire.
Prudenta, intr-adevar, dicteaza ca grupurile desemnate pentru o mai lunga perioada, sa nu fie schimbate din cauze usoare si tranzitorii; si, in consecinta, toata experienta ne-a aratat ca omenirea este mult mai dispusa sa sufere, atat timp cat acest rau este suportabil, decat sa-si asume propriul drept de a elimina formele cu care s-a obisnuit.
Dar atunci cand acest lung sir de abuzuri si de catastrofe, care urmaresc invariabil, acelasi evident obiectiv - reducerea la acel model, al egoismului absolut - este dreptul omenirii, este de datoria ei, de a arunca un astfel de egoism, si de a oferi noi paznici, aparatori pentru viitorul unitatii ei. Astfel a fost persistenta suferintei din lumea fizica, si astfel apare acum necesitatea care ne constrange sa modificam fostul sistem de a trai.
Pana in stadiul actual, istoria lumii este o istorie de rani repetate, de abuzuri si uzurpari, toate avand obiectivul direct de instituire a unei tiranii absolute fata de grupuri. Pentru adovedi acest lucru, sa prezentam faptele intr-un kli sincer:
Aceasta a fortat locuitorii sa primeasca din dorinta pentru sine. Aceasta a fortat sa caute placerile in niveluri diferite: pe plan fizic, legat de sex, adapost si hrana.
Planul fiscal, a urmarit abuzul si puterea financiara.
Planul superficial, cu privire la incercarea de popularitate, influenta si control asupra altora.
Planul stiintific, cu privire la cresterea ego-ul care a depasit auto-indulgenta in a cunoaste si a abuza de anumite aspecte ale naturii.
In fiecare etapa a acestor opresiuni am petitionat pentru caile de atac, in cei mai umili termeni: la petitiile noastre repetate s-a raspuns numai cu prejudicii repetate. Un faraon, al carui caracter este marcat de fiecare act ce poate defini un tiran, este incapabil de a fi conducatorul unor oameni liberi si uniti.
De asemenea, nu i-am scutit de atentionarea asupra dorintelor noastre egoiste. Noi am luptat cu ei din timp in timp, cu incercarile lor de a extinde pretentiile injuste de competenta si de putere asupra-ne.
Am amintit lor, si noua insine, dupa caz, de scopul nostru in aceasta lume. Am apelat la ei si i-am conjurat prin prisma legaturilor noastre de rudenie comune, sa inceteze sa-si asume aceste uzurpari care, in mod inevitabil, vor intrerupe conexiunile si comunicarea dintre noi. Au ramas surzi la vocea individului.
Noi trebuie, prin urmare, sa consimtim la necesitatea, de a denunta deconectarea noastra, dorind sa utilizam acele instrumente de daruire, care ne unesc cu restul omenirii - prietenii nostri.
Prin urmare, noi, reprezentantii Kli-ului din intreaga lume, in America de Nord, in timpul Congresului reunit in 2009, apeland la legea suprema a naturii din lume, facand-o cu sinceritate in intentiile noastre,in numele, si prin autoritatea bunilor membri din aceste grupuri, declaram solemn si public:
ca aceasta lume este un Kli, cu dreptul de a fi unit si conectat, in orice moment;

ca acesta este absolvit de orice apartenenta la dorintele egoiste;

ca toate deconectarile existente ar trebui dizolvate complet;

si ca, in grupuri unite, intr-un singur Kli, sta puterea deplina, in rezolvarea crizei;
Ne reunim pentru a anihila segregarea, a face conexiuni intre toate piesele lui Adam Rishon – Primul Om, si a face toate celelalte acte si lucruri pe care sufletele unificate au dreptul de a le face.

Si sprijinind aceasta declaratie, cu marja de incredere privind protectia Ravului nostru, a Kli-ului Lumii si fortelor de Arvut (Garantare Reciproca), ne angajam reciproc de a oferi celorlalti, viata noastra, intentiile noastre si iubirea noastra.

Numai impreuna vom reusi

Declaration of Unification

The Unified Declaration
of the Entire World Kli
When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for people to connect with one another, and to assume the powers of the Upper Worlds, a decent respect to the options of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the unification.
We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are a part of a single soul, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are, to bestow and to love your neighbor as thyself. That to secure these rights, groups are formed among men, deriving its just power from the consent of the members. That whenever any form of egoism becomes destructive, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new way of life, a new group, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its power in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their unity and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that groups long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and catastrophes, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute egoism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such egoism, and to provide new guards for their future unity. –Such has been the patient sufferance of the corporeal world; and such is now the necessity which constrains it to alter the former system of living. The history of the present state of the world is a history of repeated injuries, abuses and usurpations, all having a direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over the groups. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid kli:
It has forced its inhabitants to receive for the sake of the self.
It has forced to seek pleasures on several levels:
The physical plane, pertaining to gender, shelter and food.
The fiscal plane, pertaining to the seeking and abuse of financial power.
The superficial plane, pertaining to the seeking of popularity and control over others.
The plane of erudition, pertaining to the inflation of one’s ego over the self-indulgence of knowing and abusing certain aspects of nature.
In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Pharaoh, whose character is marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a unified and free people.
Nor have we been wanting in attention to our Egotistical Desires. We have fought with them from time to time in attempts by their taunts to extend unwarrantable jurisdiction and power over us. We have reminded them, and ourselves, of the circumstances of our purpose in this World. We have appealed to them and conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They have been deaf to the voice of individuality. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our disconnection, utilize these desires as tools for bestowal, all the while uniting with the rest of mankind; our haverim.
We, therefore, the representatives of the Entire World Kli, during the North American 2009 Congress, assembled, appealing to the Supreme Law of Nature in the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by the authority of the good members of these groups, solemnly publish and declare, that this World Kli is, and of right out to be united and connected at all times; that they are absolved from all allegiances to the Egoistic Desires, and that all disconnection between them is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as unified groups into One Kli, they have full power to solve the ongoing crisis, come together to end the segregation, make connections between all of the pieces of Adam Rishon, and do all other acts and things which unified souls may of right to do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Our Rav, World Kli and Forces of Arvut, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our intentions and our love.
Only together will succeed


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