Sunday, March 29, 2009


laitman_2009-03_8183Questions I received from women:

Question: If 2009 depends on us and our correction of our egoistic nature, how can we contribute to this process most effectively?

Daca 2009 depinde de noi si corectarea naturii noastre egoiste, cum putem contribui la acest proces mai efectiv?

My Answer: By explaining it to everyone else.

Explicindu-l tuturor.

Question: Why does a person lose faith?

De ce isi pierde o persoana credinta?

My Answer: In order to obtain knowledge.

Pentru a obtine cunoastere.

Question: What can be done in order not to lose faith?

Ce poate fi facut ca sa nu ne pierdem credinta?

My Answer: Obtain knowledge.

Sa obtinem cunoastere.

Question: Is it true that Kabbalah does not treat energy healing seriously, or does it simply prefer not to talk about this in order to avoid confusion?

Este adevarat ca in Kabbalah nu se trateaza subiectul vindecarii prin energii alternative cu seriozitate, sau pur si simplu preferati sa nu vorbiti despre acest subiect pentru a inlatura confuziile?

My Answer: Everything that helps is beneficial.

Tot ce ajuta este benefic.

Question: If we don’t reach correction, we return to this world. Does the same happen to vicious and evil people?

Daca nu ating corectia ma intorc in aceasta lume. Nu se intimpla la fel si cu oamenii rai si vicioasi?

My Answer: Yes, and we are just like them.

Ba da, si noi sintem exact la fel ca si ei.

sursa rav laitman


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