Friday, March 27, 2009


Questions I received on the spiritual meanings of Kabbalistic writings:

Question: Is there a translation of the 613 desires (commandments) of the Torah to the language of the ten Sefirot?

Exista vreo traducere a celor 613 dorinte(porunci) din Torah in limbajul sefirotilor?

My Answer: As one example, see Baal HaSulam’s article, “Pkudin ve Eitin” at the end of the “Preface to the Book of Zohar” (not to be confused with the “Introduction to the Book of Zohar”).

Ca exemplu cititi articolul lui Baal ha Sulam de la sfirsitul cartii "Prefata la Zohar)

Question: The following is a quote from a poem by Baal HaSulam: “And then that special Tower of Oz will appear before you.” What does the Tower of Oz refer to?

Urmatorul este un citat dintr-un poem al lui Baal HaSulam:"si atunci acel turn special al lui Oz va aparea in fata ta". Ce inseamana turnul lui OZ?

My Answer: Oz is a force, referring to the complete revelation of the Creator.

Oz este o forta, ce se referea la revelarea completa a Creatorului.

Question: One of Baal HaSulam’s texts reads: “The Method of Influence Through the Names.” Could you explain what this means?

Unul din textele lui Baal HaSulam spune:"Metodele de influenta prin nume". La ce se refera?

My Answer: Names refer to partial attainments of the Creator, which then combine together to form His one four-letter name, HaVaYaH.

Numele se refera la dezvaluirile partiale ale Creatorului, care se combina impreuna pentru a forma numele Sau alcatuit din patru litere YHWH, HAVAYAH.

Question: The Book of Creation speaks about the seven skies, each of which has seven moons, and the seventh sky has pure souls. And it also mentions “screens.” I would like to know more about this. What do the skies, the moons, and the screens actually mean?

CarteaCreatiei vorbeste despre cele 7 ceruri, in fiecare dintre care exista 7 luni, iar in al 7lea cer sint sufletele pure. Si totodata se mentioneaza niste"ecrane". Ce inseamna toate acestea?

My Answer: All of this refers only to the Sefirot, Parzufim, Olamot, Masachim, Reshimot, and other parts of the desire, which gradually become similar to the Creator. It’s because nothing exists except the Creator and the desire He created. The seven skies are the seven Sefirot of ZON. The seven moons are the Malchut in each Sefira. And so on. See the Ari’s work.

Toate se refera la Sefirot, Partzufim, Olamot,Masachim, Reshimot si alte bucati de dorinta, care in mod gradat devin simlare Creatorului. Asta din cauza ca nimic nu exista in afara de Creator si dorinta pe care El a creeat-o. Cele 7 ceruri sint 7 sefiroti in ZON. Cele 7 luni sint Malchut si fiecare sefira. Citi opera lui Ari.

sursa rav laitman


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