Tuesday, July 19, 2011



In the year 400 A.D., the Roman empire still occupied ancient Ireland. But there were those willing to stand up against these oppressors.

Among them was Caitlin (Vera Farmiga), strong-willed, fearless fighter and runaway slave who was a better warrior than most men.

With the aid of her friends, Tully, a black apprentice magician, Conor, a 20-year-old orphaned Celtic prince, his mentor Fergus and the sage counsel of Galen, who possessed secrets of magic, Caitlin battled the forces of evil that had landed on fifth century Ireland.

Caitlin's worst fear was Diana (Lisa Zane), an evil power-hungry Roman Queen who used magic and the sorcerer Longinus (Sebastian Roche) , a 400-year-old Roman Centurion cursed with immortality, to suppress the local tribes.

Poate va mai aduceti aminte de ROAR-nu mai stiu cum a fost tradus la noi-un serial ff tare din 1997.A fost primul serial in care Heath Ledger a avut un rol principal, si cu toate ca mai tirziu facea misto de el, niciodata nu am inteles de ce.

ROAR este un serial in care viata celtilor cu toate obiceiurile lor-inclusiv cele magice si razboinice-sint descrise foarte bine. Adaugati legende legate de Iisus, Longinus si sulita destinului si avem un serial magic pe care iubitorii misterelor trebuie sa il vada. Ca tot ce e bun si tru nu a durat decit o serie.


(karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0


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