Thursday, January 20, 2011



William Nonog was born in 1960 as the seventh child of a gold miner close to Baguio, a city in the mountains in the north of Luzon. He is a descendant from a mountain tribe. As a child he used to accompany his grandmother, who was working as a well known herbalist and healer. She was the only spiritual teacher William ever had. After her death she came back to her grandson and told him that he had to carry on her work.

William Nonog s-a nascut in 1960 ca al saptelea copil al unui miner, linga Baguio un oras din munti, la nord de Luzon. Este descendent al unui trib montan.

Ca copil obisnuia sa o insoteasca pe bunica sa care era o binecunoscuta herbalista si vindecatoare.Ea a fost singura invatatoare spirituala pe care William a avut-o vreodata.

Dupa moartea ei aceasta s-a intors la nepotul ei si i-a spus ca trebuie sa-ii continue munca.

William was then only ten years old and little did he understand what mission he had accepted. During many dreams in which he was performing bloody operations he was being prepared to work in this extraordinary way. At the age of twelve years when he was giving healing to a lady he realised that his hands were inside the body of his patient. He tried to carry on the healing like he had in many previous dreams and was relieved to see the wound close when his hands left the body.

William avea doar 10 ani si nu prea a inteles ce misiune a acceptat. In timpul unor vise a inceput sa opereze fara instrumente, pregatindu-se astfel pentru munca sa in acest mod extraordinar. La 12 ani cind a vindecat o doamna a realizat ca miinile sale sint in interiorul corpului pacientei. A incercat sa continue vindecarile asa cum o facuse in visat si a fost usurat sa vada ca rana s-a inchis cind miinile sale au parasit corpul pacientei.

Soon many people came hoping to get healed from this young child. Sometimes the demand was overwhelming and William went into the forest to hide from the people. He waited until everybody had left his home and then came back with firewood.
His mission was such a heavy burden that at the age of 14 he committed suicide. He fainted and had a life changing experience that led him to accept his mission.

In curind multi oameni au venit la el dorind sa fie vindecati de acest copil. Uneori cererile erau covirsitoare, asa ca William se ascundea de ei in padure. Astepta pina cind toti plecau si abia apoi se intorcea cu ceva lemne.

Misiunea sa a fost atit de grea, incit la 14 s-a sinucis. A lesinat si a avut o experienta care i-a schimbat viata si l-a condus la acceptarea misiunii sale.


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