Thursday, January 20, 2011

Trecerea Gradinaritului sub Ilegalitate?FFF IMPORTANT


Azi, senatul SUA va vota trecerea legii 510, bine cunoscutul deja Act al Modernizarii Sigurantei Alimentelor (S510). Daca S510 este trecuta, controlul individual asupra gradinaritului personal va fi restrictionat in mod sever, iar pastrarea semintelor pentru anul viitor, va fi trecuta in ilegalitate, aceasta insemnand teoretic pregatirea pentru un complet monopol al firmei Monsanto si agedei sale de proliferare a OMG-urilor (Organismele Modificate Genetic).

Pe scurt, ii va oferi guvernului Statelor Unite o noua autoritate asupra drepturilor populatiei de a cultiva, comercializa si transporta orice fel de alimente. Productia de alimente de orice fel, va fi esentialmente sub autoritatea Departamentului de Siguranta Nationala si oricine va fi prins cultivand alimente fara permisiune, chiar si in gradina casei sale, va putea fi acuzat de ofensa criminala. Ia actiune acum impotriva Legii Senatului S510.

Daca Legea senatului 510 va trece, Statele Unite vor fi cu un pas mai aproape de situatia Europei unde Uniunea Europeana a acceptat o directiva care va fi aplicata in forta maxima din Aprilie 2011. Toate plantele medicinale si suplimentele minerale vor fi interzise, toate invataturile si metodele de vindecare ale medicinei alternative vor fi interzise iar toate colegiile si scolile de homeopatie vor fi dizolvate. Incepand cu aceasta vara, acum este interzisa vanzarea de carti pe tema vindecarii prin folosirea plantelor si a mineralelor.

si versiunea in engleza:

The Outlaw of Gardening?

Today the U.S. Senate will vote to pass bill 510, the notorious "Food Safety Modernization Act". If S510 is passed, personal control over gardening will be severely restricted and saving seeds will be outlawed, theoretically setting the stage for a complete food monopoly by Monsanto and its GMO agenda. In short, it will grant the U.S. government new authority over the public’s right to grow, trade and transport any foods.

Food production of any kind will essentially be under the authority of the Department of Homeland Security and anyone caught growing food without permission, even in their own backyard, could be charged with a criminal offense. Take action against Senate Bill 510 now.

If Senate Bill 510 passes the United States will be one step closer to a situation akin to Europe's, where the European Union has passed a directive to come into full-force in April 2011. All herbal and mineral supplements are to be banned, all teaching of alternative healing methods will be banned, and all homeopathic colleges will be dissolved. As of this summer, it is now forbidden to sell books about using plants and minerals. If you live in Europe or know people/family in Europe, please help circulate this email, 35 million signatures are needed-NOW!

No matter where in the world you live, please act today! We all need to contribute to arresting this unfolding of events that threaten our health and lives.

Vezi și următoarele:



sa nu murim noi inainte...dar putem sa le-o dam cu inner silence

nu imi vine sa cred ca pot face asta cand majoriatea lumii e impotriva....

da, ai dreptate, trebuie sa ne opunem cu orice chip
btw esti ruda cu domnul profesor Cadariu de la scoala generala 80?

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