Friday, September 30, 2011


Pina acum la filmul anului am pus cu litere mari SUCKERPUNCH. Acum i se adauga glorios BUNRAKU.

Until now, I considered the movie of the year being SUCKERPUNCH. Now I can add the wonderful BUNRAKU.

Daca SP este un film despre modificarea realitatii prin visat, BRK este un film despre stalking. Ambele arte vrajitoresti cultivate prin disciplina, cele doua filme merg mina in mina si se completeaza.

If SP is a movie about the changing of realities through dreaming, BRK is a movie about stalking. Both sorceric arts cultivated through discipline, go hand in hand and complete themselves, the same as the movies.

Bunraku este o forma de teatru traditional japonez, in care papusi mari de lemn sint manipulate de maestrii papusari, jucind intr-o poveste narata de un povestitor ce se afla in spatele scenei. Muzica tradiitonala de shamisen si uneori taiko o acompaniaza.

Bunraku (文楽?), also known as Ningyō jōruri (人形浄瑠璃), is a form of traditional Japanese puppet theater, founded in Osaka in 1684 A traditional Japanese puppet theater featuring large puppets operated by onstage puppeteers with a narrative recited from offstage. The puppets have heads, hands, and feet of wood attached to a bodiless cloth costume

Inspirata de benzile animate ale lui Boaz Davidson, povestea imbina stilurile intilnite in dramele japoneze si artele martiale clasice japoneze cu arta satirica din KUNGFU HUSTLE, animatia computerizata ce sugereaza o realitate dubla din 300, stilul pinup si fantastic din SUCKERPUNCH cu forme usor edulcorate de visual kei--'Crima psihedelica violenta a socului vizual'

Inspired by the animated stories of Boaz Davidson, the story combines the old style of japanese dramas with traditional martial arts, and the satirical approach found in KUNGFU HUSTLE, but also the computerized animation of 300 and the shocking pin up erratic fantastic style of SUCKER PUNCH. Add to this recipe

Ca sa intelegem filmul in toata profunzimea sa, stilul agresiv- vizual generat de visual kei trebuie absorbit dinainte.

Povestea in sine este simpla-o super banda de raufacatori condusa de Nicola Tapinarul terorizeaza un intreg oras, si doi eroi apar pe neasteptate, trezindu-i locuitorii din apatie si disperare-fiecare avind acelasi scop (chiar daca motive diferite)-de a-l ucide pe Nicola.

The story is simple- a band of gangsters terrorizes a whole city, until the supreme leader-Nicola the Woodcutter-is challenged by the sudden apparition of 2 superheroes that wake up the desperate city dwellers.
Cu toate ca in structurile sale de la baza armata de raufacatori este vulgara, galagioasa si egoista, virfurile sale nu sint deloc asa, iar la final vom vedea cu stupoare ca ultimii doi capi ai bandei ramasi in viata sint chiar dublurile eroilor principali.

Even thought at its base structure the evil army is vulgar, loud and malevolent, at its peak structure the story is different, and near the end we will see that the last 2 heads of the band are exactly the doubles of the main heroes.

Va prevala curajul si onoarea in fata genialitatii stalkingului? Vor fi inglobate lectiile sale intr-un ultim amurg al zeilor? Va las sa vedeti filmul care nu da raspunsuri simple.

Will courage and honour prevail in front of the geniality of malevolent stalking? Will the lessons of this art be understood during the last Gotterdammerung? I let you watch this movie's complicated final answers.



Yoshi, samuraiul care ajunge in oras pentru a cauta medalionul cu totemul dragon al clanului sau, este jucat de GACKT.

Yoshi, the samurai that arrives in the doomed city to look for the medallion bearing the dragon-totem of his clan, is played by GACKT.

Gackt este privit ca o fiinta semidivina in Japonia si chiar este o fiinta care nu poate fi incadrata in nici un tipar. Lasind la o parte propriile sale afirmatii ca este un vampir nemuritor ce nu fac decit sa-i sporeasca misterul, frumusetea sa androgina este dureroasa.

Gackt is considered a semi divine person in Japan, and he really is a being that can't be framed in any pattern. Leaving aside his own affirmations that he is an immortal vampire, his androgynous look adds to the mistery.

Unul dintre pionierii stilului visual kei, GACKT a devenit cunoscut in Japonia datorita celebrei sale trupe cult Malice MiZer.

One of the pioneers of visual kei, Gackt became very famous with his pioneer band Malice Mizer.

Concertele lor, care sint adevarate happeninguri uriase, stirnesc emotii extraordinare in rindul celor ce au norocul sa participe la ele, iar tipul sau de emotivitate agresiva a fost platit scump de acesta, Gackt nemaiavind dreptul la o viata privata, deoarece fanele au amenintat ca se sinucid si chiar au incercat-dupa ce s-a descoperit ca este casatorit.

Their huge mise-en-scene shows stir huge emotional responses, and his agressive sensitivity made him pay dearly with his private life(since many fans tried to kill themselves when they found out he is married, his wife left him for her native Koreea, leaving him alone, aloof and more mysterious than ever).

Desigur sotia sa a trebuit sa plece in Coreea natala, iar Gackt a devenit un singuratic izolat, sporindu-si legenda.

In totala contradictie cu legendara atitudine japoneza de a nu-ti arata emotiile nici in fata mortii, in caz contrar fiind dezonorat, Gackt transforma concertele sale in drame sacre, provocind catharsisul purificator pentru fanii sai, dar si membrii trupei sale.

In complete contradiciton with the legendary japanese etiquette, Gackt transforms his shows in true cathartic dramas.

Fondator al miscarii SHOW YOUR HEART a reusit sa stringa ajutoare imense pentru o Japonie devastata de cataclismul recent.

Founder of SHOW YOUR HEART international movement, he triggered a huge help for a recently devastated Japan.


BUNRAKU este un film cu actori grei, toti jucind exceptional, in stilul cool/exagerat cu gesturi studiate si atent coregrafiate care va face din acest film- ce trebuia sa iasa din 2010- un film cult.

BRK has a heavy cast, all playing with an attentive choreographed style, that will make this film a cult one.

Regizorul Guy Moshe a facut doar 3 filme, dar toate continind un mesaj puternic. A aminat iesirea pe piata a acestui film pentru ca a vrut sa iasa perfect.

Director Guy Moshe made only 3 movies, but all containing a powerful message. He delayed the movie-which had to be ready in 2010- because his obsession with perfection.

Josh Hartnett, Demi Moore, Woody Harrelson, Ron Perlman, Kevin McKidd, and Gackt sint papusile perfecte ce joaca prinse in plasa lui Arachne-a carei legenda este povestita la inceput- minuite de un papusar nebun-ca Nebunul-Marele Initiat din Tarot.

Josh Hartnett, Demi Moore, Woody Harrelson, Ron Perlman, Kevin McKidd, and Gackt are the perfect puppets that play caught in the web of Arachne-whose legend is told at the beginning of the movie by the master puppeteer, a symbol of Tarot's card Fool.

Guy Moshe spunea despre filmul sau ca este o calatorie cu circul fantastic in fascinatia omului pentru violenta.

Cu siguranta un film de pionierat pentru ca este filmat in intregime pe scena, cu perfectiunea obsesiva a unei piese de teatru, BRK a fost filmat in Romania(o putem recunoaste pe Cezara Dafinescu in rolul madamei bordelului din tabara).

Guy Moshe said that his movies is "an action-fantasy circus ride into man's fascination with violence. It has a sort of a Spaghetti Western, samurai movie feel and it's going to be built and shot entirely on a stage".

Certainly an innovative movie, BUNRAKU was shot in Romania.

Va las sa-l vedeti(eu am facut de trei ori pauza ca sa pot absorbi shockul vizual), subtitrat AICI.

You can watch it entirely HERE


(karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0Share/Bookmark


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