Reality as we see it, is always influenced by what we think about reality. Everything we perceive is coloured by our culture, upbringing, experience, education and a lot more. However, what is behind our experiences and who or what is perceiving things?
In this video, Lama Ole Nydahl explains ultimate reality: the truth beyond all personal matters, and how this truth can be realized through Buddhist methods.
About the author: Lama Ole Nydahl is a Buddhist teacher with over ten thousand students around the world. For more than thirty years his life has been dedicated to conveying Buddhist teachings in the west. He is always on the road, giving lectures, holding meditations courses and taking care of his Buddhist centers the world over. He teaches the Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism under the guidance of the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje. Lama Ole was married for 35 years and together with his late wife Hannah created that which most of us only dream about: a fulfilled, permanently joyful life.
Diamondway Buddhism
© 2008 Buddhistischer Dachverband Diamantweg e.V.
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