Shocking Asia is a series depicting some of the lesser known, bizarre practices commonplace in Asia in the 1970's. Made in 1976, the aptly titled film focuses on many rituals or activities that are illegal, or at the very least, nothing close to the mainstream.
From the sight of massive piercing in India to dumping cremated bodily remains into the Ganges next to bathers, Shocking Asia I does not pull any punches. A real, bloody sex change operation in filmed in Singapore, footage of S & M shows in Tokyo, and even the sight of someone drinking a glass of pig blood are some of the highlights; director Rolf Olsen clearly seems intent on delivering a side of Asia not typically portrayed
Vazut la video! Ne strangeam intr-un apartament, unii veneau il vedeau, plecau, apoi veneau altii. Apoi alta zi, alt film! Eram mai multe grupuri de stagiari. De la filmul asta ne-a ramas cuvantul shocking si mi-aminteste tot timpul de documentar!
jur ca m-am gindit la tine cind l-am pus ma intrebam daca l-ai vazut..pup
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