Wednesday, March 23, 2011



DE LA LIA( am crezut ca-i o poezie cu rime albe)

SUNT o fiinta magica ( asa zice Castaneda, in ultimul timp imi e din ce mai greu sa cred).

AS VREA ca copiii mei sa fie perfect sanatosi si sa moara dusmanii mei (pe bune)

PASTREZ credinta ca exista un dumnezeu al dreptatii-
Elohay Mishpat

MI-AS Fi DORIT sa fiu o pianista celebra

NU IMI PLACE tradarea, lipsa de onoare, minciuna fata de tine insuti, pretextele timpite

MA TEM ummmmm de NIMIC?

IMI PARE RAU ca nu am avut mai multa grija de nana si ca nu i-am spus cit o ador

IMI PLACE Shambhala tarimul luptatorilor celesti

NU SUNT buna, calma, miloasa

DANSEZ pe flamenco si muzica orientala

CÂNT psalmi de durere si bucurie si lupta si razbunare si iubire

NICIODATA nu tradez pe nimeni

RAR alerg (brrrr insasi ideea imi repugna)

PLÂNG la filme de desene animate

SUNT CONFUZĂ in ultimul timp

AM NEVOIE de iubire, muzica, de sex si cafea, de aer curat

AR FI TREBUIT sa mai slabesc

AS PUTEA sa fac un stalking mai bun

Castaneda Quotes On Stalking

  • "The first principal of the art of stalking is that warriors choose their battleground. A warrior never goes into battle without knowing what the surroundings are."
  • "To discard everything that is unnecessary is the second principal. A warrior doesn't complicate things. He aims at being simple."
  • "He applies all the concentration he has to decide whether or not to enter into battle, for any battle is a battle for his life. This is the third principal. A warrior must be willing and ready to make his last stand here and now. But not in a helter skelter way."
  • "A warrior relaxes and abandons himself; he fears nothing. Only then will the powers that guide human beings open the road for a warrior and aid him. Only then. That is the fourth principal of the art of stalking."
  • "When faced with odds that cannot be dealt with, warriors retreat for a moment. They let their minds meander. They occupy their time with something else. Anything would do. That is the fifth principal."
  • "Warriors compress time; this is the sixth principal of the art of stalking. Even an instant counts. In a battle for your life, a second is an eternity, an eternity that may decide the outcome. Warriors aim at succeeding, therefore they compress time. Warriors don't waste an instant."
  • In order to apply the seventh principle, one has to apply the other six; a stalker never pushes himself to the front. He is always looking on from behind the scenes."
Si daca aveti timp preluati aceasta leapsa ce m-a pus pe ginduri..


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