Wednesday, February 10, 2010


May I be a guard for those who are protectorless,
A guide for those who journey on the road;
For those who wish to go across the water,
May I be a boat, a raft, a bridge.

May I be an isle for those who yearn for landfall,
And a lamp for those who long for light;
For those who need a resting place, a bed,
For all who need a servant, may I be a slave.

May I be the wishing jewel, the vase of plenty,
A word of power, and the supreme remedy.
May I be the trees of miracles,
And for every being, the abundant cow.

Like the great earth and the other elements,
Enduring as the sky itself endures,
For the boundless multitude of living beings,
May I be the ground and vessel of their life.

Thus, for every single thing that lives,
In number like the boundless reaches of the sky,
May I be their sustenance and nourishment
Until they pass beyond the bounds of suffering

O seara luminoasa de toamna in care imi amintesc doar culoarea soarelui, ca cea a unei caise coapte. Cerul fara pata se scufunda in pamint, o data cu sufletul meu.

Ce e onoarea? Ce este ascultarea de maestru? Ce este juramintul de boddhisattva pe care il luasem si pe care acum trebuia sa-l onorez? Nu mai am inima, caci ea este sfisiata in mii de bucati pentru a hrani furnicile pamintului.

Sotia mea este in camera ei. Sta acolo prabusita la pamint pentru ca stie ca trupul nu o asculta, si nici nu vreau sa-si ia ramas bun de la mine. Ce mister, ce minune m-ar putea atunci opri de la a-mi calca toate juramintele doar pentru a-i vedea zimbetul in fiecare zi, coroana de diamante a vietii mele.

Plec, salutind scurt in directia altarului si zeilor familiei, stramosii nostri a caror onoare trebuie s-o salvez acum. Vesmintul de cersetor nu ascunde decit bolul in care prin mila celorlalti imi voi primi hrana zilnica, sau nu. Sandalele de pai se vor rupe in curind, dar nimic nu mai conteaza.

Baiatul meu cel mic erupe din iatacurile mamei sale si incepe sa urle. Inca nu are antrenamentul complet; intr-o zi va intelege ca emotiile oricit de puternice sint nu trebuie pictate pe fata. Nu ma intorc, iar doica il ia in brate, pui de tigru ce se zbate feroce.

Voi muri in curind injunghiat de un samurai trufas- umbra celui ce am fost si eu cindva-iritat de risul meu ironic, ris indreptat ca un cutit catre mine si egoul meu inutil; catre desertaciunea acestei lumi; catre stupiditatea mintii. Sabie miloasa ce mi-ai curmat suferinta fii binecuvintata!

Stau in sala de initieri din desertul Marii Moarte si vad in fata ochilor toata aceasta viata a mea din Japonia.Lama vrea din nou sa luam legamintul de boddhisattva. L-am mai luat odata dupa ce o noapte intreaga lama Tanpai m-a hartuit in vise. Si de fapt nici nu mai conta daca il luam acum sau nu, pentru ca odata facut legamintul, in orice viata, el te urmareste pina atingi iluminarea ca sa ajuti toate fiintele simtitoare(inclusiv diavolii)sa se elibereze si ei.Oricite vieti traiesti, in oricare dintre cele 6 tarimuri, legamintul e activ.

Lama Ole imi pune cutia cu relicvele lui Karmapa pe frunte si ma stringe in brate.Noul meu nume este in concordanta cu puterea pe care o am.Puterea mea este mare, ca sa pot suporta durerile ascutite pe care amintirea vietilor anterioare mi le produce in inima.Forgetfulness is bliss.

Exersam transferul de constienta PHOWA, pentru ca in momentul mortii sa ne ducem direct in paradisul uil Buddha Amitabha-DEWACHEN.

Il iubesc pe Amitabha. Dupa ce a trait o viata de cersetor plina de lipsuri, boli si durere, a jurat sa atinga iluminarea pentru ca sa poata creea un cimp de forta-paradisul sau, cel al Tarimului de Vest. Oricine aude de cel putin 10 ori mantra lui va ajunge in mod sigur aici-acesta a fost legamintul lui. Il ador.


Si ma intreb-chiar daca in momentul mortii voi face PHOWA-la ce imi va servi? Am jurat sa ma reincarnez din nou si din nou si din nou pina cind toate fiintele celor 6 tarimuri se vor elibera. Mamele mele preaiubite din alte vieti.

Imi aduc aminte ca am generat atita durere fiintei care a insemnat cel mai mult pentru mine-sotia mea, sufletul meu pereche- incit nesuportind despartirea, s-a sinucis intr-o dimineat in care pasarile cintau in prunii inflorti. Cu o sabie pe care mai tirziu, in aceasta viata o are in dormitor.

Ce alegeri trebuie sa facem? Cele care ne salveaza onoarea -noastra sau a familei? Cele de care sintem legati prin legaminte religioase? Cele care ne produc suferinta cel mai putin?

Astazi as alege sa nu produc suferinta nici unei fiinte vii, indiferent de onoare sau pierderea ei, indiferent de legamintele facute inainte.. Iubirea mea si-a luat viata si acest act a generat o alta karma plina de durere. On and on and on. Ce sa facem ca sa atingem eliberarea? Sa nu mai creeam karma?

Sa intimpinam fiecare zi cu bucurie. Sa nu producem suferinta nimanui, nici macar unei gize care ne biziie. Sa incercam sa aducem pace si nu dezbinare printre prieteni, familie,cei iubiti. Sa incercam sa zimbim necunoscutilor.

Sa intimpinam durerea ca pe un prieten si atunci cind ne loveste inima- ca un berbec portile unei cetati ferecate- sa o indreptam catre ego.

As vrea ca izvorul lacrimilor sa sece. As vrea sa fiu calare pe spatele pasarii libertatii. As vrea sa ma trezesc din vis acum.

Brief Prayer to be Reborn in the Blissful Pure Land of Amitabha


In the center is the marvelous Buddha Amitabha of Boundless Light, On the right side is the Lord of Great Compassion, and on the left is Vajrapani, the Lord of Powerful Means. All are surrounded by limitless buddhas and bodhisattvas.

Immeasurable peace and happiness is the blissful pure land of Dewachen. When I ad all beings pass from samsara, may we be born there without taking samsaric rebirth. May we have the blessings of meeting Amitabha face to face.

By the power and blessings of the buddhas and bodhisattvas of the ten directions. May we attain this aspiration without hindrance.


Buddha Amitabha
The Buddha of Boundless Light

The regular practice of Buddha Amitabha


I prostrate to Buddha Amitabha, the embodiment of all the Buddhas.

Namo! I take refuge in all objects of refuge, the Three Jewels and the Three Roots. In order to establish all sentient being in the state of Buddhahood. I cultivate the mind to achieve enlightenment.

Recite Three Times
AH! All Dharma’s are unborn, pervaded by the appearance-emptiness. Great compassion and awareness-emptiness are uncontrived. From within the manifestation of all pervading awareness appears a moon disc on a lotus, the symbol of freedom from attachment. Upon the lotus and moon disc seat, I appear in the form of the Great Compassionate One, white with one face and four hands. The first two hands are joined at the heart and hold the wish-fulfilling gem; the second right hand holds a crystal mala, and the left, a lotus. I am adorned with all the ornaments of a Sambhogakaya Buddha and am seated in the vajra asana posture. I meditate on this appearance without substantial existence.

Above and in front of me is a lotus throne supported by peacocks upon which rests a muti-colored, thousand-petaled lotus. Upon the lotus are sun and moon discs that dispel the suffering of heat and cold. In the center of the moon disc is the red seed syllable HRI, the primary cause. Light radiates out and returns to the HRI which transforms into Buddha Amitabha, the embodiment of all the Buddhas. He radiates ruby-red light, has one face and two hands in the mudra of equipoise. He holds a bow filled with wisdom nectar. He wears the three Dharma robes and is seated in the vajra asana posture. Fully adored with the major and minor marks, he is radiant, glorious, noble and exalted.

To the right of Buddha Amitabha is white Chenrezig, and to the left is blue Vajrapani, standing upon moon disks that rest on lotuses. These three are surrounded by a vast assembly of Buddhas, bodhisattvas and svaraka arhats. From the three syllables in the three centers light radiates to the realm of Dewachen, inviting Buddha Amitabha and his retinue.

HUNG HRI/ From the realm of Dewachen in the west, O Lord Buddha Amitabha, please be seated on this stainless throne of lotus sun and moon discs. I prostrate to you with my body, speech and mind for the benefit of myself and all sentient beings. I make offerings of all constituent phenomena free from the separation of awareness and emptiness. I purify all non-virtuous deeds.


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