"Run To The Water"
oh desert speak to my heart
oh woman of the earth
maker of children who weep for love
maker of this birth
'til your deepest secrets are known to me
I will not be moved
I will not be moved
desertule, vorbeste-mi despre iubire
femeie a pamintului,
creatoare a copiilor ce plinge de iubire
cea care a creeat nasterea
pina cind nu voi cunoaste secretele tale cele mai ascunse
nu ma voi misca de aici
"don't try to find the answer
when there ain't no question here
brother let your heart be wounded
and give no mercy to your fear"
"nu incerca sa gasesti raspunsul
cind aici nu exista nici o intrebare
frate lasa-ti inima sa fie ranita
si nu avea mila de frica ta"
adam and eve live down the street from me
babylon is every town
it's as crazy as it's ever been
love's a stranger all around
adam si eva traiesc mai jos, pe strada mea
babylon este numele fiecarui oras
este la fel de nebun ca acum mii de ani
iubirea este straina peste tot
in a moment we lost our minds here
and lay our spirit down
today we lived a thousand years
all we have is now
intr-un moment ne-am pierdut mintile aici
si sufletul ni s-a scufundat
astazi am trait o mie de ani
tot ce avem este acum
run to the water
and find me there
burnt to the core but not broken
we'll cut through the madness
of these streets below the moon
these streets below the moon
fugi catre apa
si gaseste-ma acolo
ars pina la esenta
dar nu frint
vom scapa din nebunia asta
nebunia strazilor de sub luna
and I will never leave you
'til we can say, "this world was just a dream
we were sleepin' now we are awake"
'til we can say
si nu te voi parasi niciodata
pina cind vom putea spune
"lumea asta a fost doar un vis"
pina cind vom putea spune
"dormeam, dar acum ne-am trezit"
in a moment we lost our minds here
and dreamt the world was round
a million mile fall from grace
thank god we missed the ground
intr-un moment ne-am pierdut mintile
si am visat ca lumea era rotunda
ca era la milioane de kilometri departare de gratia divina
slava Domnului ca nu am aterizat
run to the water
and find me there
burnt to the core but not broken
we'll cut through the madness
of these streets below the moon
with a nuclear fire of love in our hearts
yeah, I can see it now lord
out beyond all the breakin' of waves
and the tribulation
it's a place and the home of ascended souls
who swam out there in love!
da, pot vedea acum Doamne
mai departe de toate valurile ce se sparg
mai departe de incercari si durere
exista un loc ce este casa sufletelor inaltate
care au inotat acolo in iubire!
run to the water
and find me there
burnt to the core but not broken
we'll cut through the madness
of these streets below the moon
with a nuclear fire of love in our hearts
rest easy baby, rest easy
and recognize it all as light and rainbows
smashed to smithereens and be happy
run to the water (and find me there)
run to the water
fugi catre apa
si gaseste-ma acolo
ars pina la maduva oaselor
dar nu zdrobit
o sa reusim sa iesim din nebunie
aceasta nebunie a strazilor de sub luna
cu focul nuclear al iubirii in inimile noastre
odihneste iubire, odihneste-te
si recunoaste totul ca fiind alcatuit din lumina si curcubee
zdrobit in mii de bucati dar fericit
Picuri de lumină - Reflexii in oglindă S51/2024
4 hours ago
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