Monday, May 14, 2012


Un film diferit de cele pline de profunzime pe care Ingmar Bergman, marele regizor suedez le-a facut-o comedie simpla, plina de tilc ce, cu siguranta, ne va face saptamina mai frumoasa. TRADUS, AICI

Va invit la PInk Mondays, asa ca share THE PINK:

A sweet, light and pink comedy from the master Ingmar Bergman himself, full HERE

In the lat 19th-century, a slightly-aging and totally amoral actress invites to her country-house party two married men---a lawyer and a count---who have both been her lovers in the past. She also asks them to bring along their wives. She has plans on taking one of them away from his present wife, but also ensure that all her guests leave paired up. The math doesn't work out until an uninvited guest also shows up.

Written by Les Adams

(karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0


Ethos, Pandhora, Carmen, sa stiti ca am comentat pe blogurile voastre, dar nus tiu ce se intimpla cu pc ul meu ca mie nu imi para comentariile mele..scuze

yeah i hope to keep it this way all week..pup..oricum si tu mi-ai facut viata pink cu beirutul

Eu ma lupt de o saptamana cu administrarea Blogului .

- Gata sefa , caut filmul ! >:D<
Multumesc !

*draga robert am apreciat bunatatile roz de pe blogul tau, dar din pacate din nou nu am putut sa las un comment e ceva la mine stiu dar nu descopar ce

*mihaela f frumos film

m-ai convins..urmeaza sa-l caut ! :)

o sa vad si eu despre ce e vorba :)

însfârsit am descoperit si eu postarea de luni... Uf, da greu a mai fost! dar... totul e bine, când se termina... pink! :)) Super dulce e Pinkolina :))

mi-am schimbat browserul folosesc safari acum sper sa apara postarile la voi pe blog va pup pe toti

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