Sunday, August 16, 2009


The Banks Steal Money While The Government Covers For Them

outlaws1In the News (from The Washington Post):U.S. Weighs Single Agency to Regulate Banking Industry” Senior administration officials are considering the creation of a single agency to regulate the banking industry… Under the current system, banks can choose their regulator.

In stirile de la Washington Post se scrie ca Statele Unite se gindesc sa infiinteze o singura agentie care sa regularizeze industria sistemul actual bancile isi aleg singure autoritatile care sa le regularizeze functionarea.

Because the OCC, OTS and FDIC are funded by fees from the banks, the regulators have an incentive to compete for business by offering more lenient oversight. The system also divides supervision of the largest financial conglomerates among multiple agencies, each with responsibility for certain subsidiaries, creating gaps in coverage that companies have exploited.

Din cauza ca aceste organizatii sint fondate prin intermediul fondurilor donate de banci, organismele ce regularizeaza functionalitatea bancilor primesc bonusuri pentru a fi competitivi in afacere, adica daca ca sint mai ingaduitori. Sistemul actual de asemenea divide supervizarea celor mai mari conglomerate financiare in multiple agentii, fiecare cu alte responsabilitati, creeind gauri ascunzind ce au pierdut companiile.

My Comment: There is no other solution but to create an international coalition of financial bodies. However, the petty human ego will not allow people to realistically accept this alternative as the way out of the crisis.

Comentariul lui Rav: Nu exista o alta solutie decit creearea unei coalitii internationale a corpurilor financiare. Totusi, din cauza egoului uman, oamenii nu vor accepta in mod realist aceasta alternativa ca o iesire din criza.


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