Saturday, December 4, 2010

By Changing Yourself, You Change Reality-SCHIMBINDU-TE ITI SCHIMBI REALITATEA


The point in the heart, which has no form or direction, is similar to my spiritual “stem” cell, from which I can freely build myself up. It is the end of the rope thrown to me from the final state that I must reach. Grounded in it, I can now build everything else around it by exercising my free will.
Punctul din inima , care nu are forma sau directie este similar cu celula mea stem spirituala, din care pot sa ma construiesc asa cum doresc. Inradacinat in ea, pot acum sa creez totul in jurul sau, exercitindu-mi liberul arbitru.

All reality is divided into me and the external world. And if I know how to use the external reality correctly, I can change myself, thereby realizing my free will. Freedom lies solely in the ability to change oneself and not the world! The world is just the imprint of my properties.

Toata realitatea este divizata in 'eu' si' lumea exterioara'.Si daca stiu cum sa folosesc realitatea externa in mod corect, ma pot schimba pe mine, astfel realizindu-mi liberul arbitru. Libertatea consta exclusiv in abilitatea persoanei de a se schimba pe ea, si nu lumea din afara! Lumea este doar matricea,tiparul proprietatilor mele.

I only need to know how to correct my properties, how to change the combination of these initial, natural qualities in me. To do this, I am given a “Kli” (an instrument), a lever, a “crane” that I can use to turn myself upside down and lift myself up! Then, the entire reality will change. I see that everything is different now, as if I were born into a new world.

Eu doar am nevoie sa stiu cum sa-mi corectez proprietatile, cum sa schimb combinatia acestor calitati naturale initiale in mine. Pentru a face asta, imi este daruit un 'kli', un instrument, un levier, o macara pe care o pot folosi ca sa ma intorc cu susul in jos si sa ma ridic. Apoi, intreaga realitate se va schimba.Eu vad totul diferit acum, ca si cum as fi nascut intr-o lume noua.

So, do I replace my view of reality or the reality itself? I change the reality! After all, reality is what resides within my perceptions.

Deci, voi inlocui punctul meu de vedere al realitatii sau realitatea insasi? Eu schimb realitatea! La o adica, realitatea este ceea ce salasluieste in perceptiile mele.
rav laitman


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