Saturday, January 7, 2012

SHOCKING ANNOUNCEMENT About 2012 Princess of Japan

cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0


Shocking ? Nu prea. Ba chiar de asteptat.
Nu este shocking nici faptul ca nu face parte din casa dinastica japoneza. De fapt, nu exista nici o dovada ca este cine spune ca este. Cel mai bun comentariu :"OBSIDIAN: She is not a member the Japanese Imperial Family (see link). Japan has the world's oldest dynasty with very strict rules about titles. A Japanese royal princess loses her title and status upon marriage to a commoner. Koaru Nakamara married an actor - if, and I don't have time to dig, Japan allows honorifics for more distant branches of the Imperial Family as some countries do,(think Princess Michael of Kent of the U.K.) K. Nakamaru use of the title "Princess" would still seem to be a violation of the country's conventions.

All the conspiracy sites seem to repeat the same bio - which all state she's decended from Emperor Meiji. Find her in his lineage.

So, her identity is suspect, I didn't dig harder for cross-corrobation on her illustrious career - it may be true I don't know. All that's readily available is as you say, stuff on the 'conspiracy sites' She seems to be sincere, but to find out who she really is would take some sleuthing
Source(s): "

Mi se pare cea mai buna caracterizare.

De aici :

clipul il am de la cineva din casa regala britanica ce o cunoaste..este genuine..desigur putem sau nu fi de acord cu ce spune

Ce spune, chiar nu se discuta. Se accepta sau nu.
Se accepta de frica, sau se accepta din cunoastere. Iar nu e important. Si este optiunea fiecaruia.
Ce ma "distreaza" este frica si panica din jur.
Lipsita de ratiune si cu atat mai violenta.

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