Mi Sheberach – Avotenu
Mikor habracha – l’imotenu
(May He who blessed our mothers and fathers)
Help us find our strength in prayer,
And lead us from despair,
With comfort and healing on this day
Fie ca Cel ce ne-a binecuvintat mamele si tatii
Sa ne ajute sa gasim puterea in rugaciune
Si sa ne conduca departe de disperare
Catre alinare si vindecare, astazi!
Mi Sheberach – Imotenu
Mikor habracha – l’avotenu
O God of our mothers, daughters,
Fathers and their sons.
Deliver refuah sh’lema (complete healing)
O Doamne al mamelor si fiicelor noastre
Al tatilor si fiilor nostri
Dariueste-ne refuah sh'lema(vindecare completa)
Raise us from our darkest gloom and heal our wounds,
Send comfort to all for whom
We pray
Ridica-ne din cea mai intunecata disperare
Si vindeca-ne ranile,
Trimite alinare tuturor celor
Pentru care ne rugam(numele)!
Repair us from shattered pride, and hurt inside
Shechina, (God) our trusted guide
We pray (Chorus)
Repara-ne de mindria zdrobita
Si durerea dinauntru
Shechina(Splendoare dumnezeiasca)
Ghidul nostru in care avem incredere
Te rugam
Send healing to soothe our soul, Regain control
Restore us and make us whole
We Pray
Trimite-ne vindecarea ce tamaduieste sufletul
Ne ajuta sa ne recapatam controlul
Ne repara si ne facem intregi
Te rugam!
Help us to reflect your Light, Affirm your might
Heal us and Restore our sight
We pray
Ajuta-ne sa reflectam Lumina Ta divina
Sa-ti cintam puterea
Vindeca-ne si reda-ne vederea
te rugam!
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