The coming Year of the Water Dragon brings both positive and negative manifestations of extreme luck. All astrological indications predict a year of transformation with plenty of political and economic changes that will alter the balance of power and influence in the world.
This is a year that finds the heavenly lucky number 6 star in the center of the chart...confirming that Heaven energies will rule this year and you must know how to enlist the help of extremely powerful cosmic forces in order to emerge happier, healthier, richer and stronger this year.
But how? One way to do this is to wear protective powerful mantras and syllables on your body... learn specific subduing rituals and have the correct powerful symbols of protection and enhancement in your home and office to ward off bad luck vibes.
Three important stars influence the energy of the year - The Star of the Aggressive Sword, The External Flower of Romance (no one is immune!) and The Star of Powerful Mentors! Knowing how to subdue the Aggressive Sword Star and External Flower of Romance is vital along with how to maximize the benefits of the Star of Powerful Mentors.
And yes, there's plenty of wealth luck but best to know your lucky months and undertake your wealth-enhancing activities, new investments and projects during those specific months.
A word of warning - not all months are so lucky. In troubled months you should refrain from making big decisions or embarking on any important journeys - make sure your remedies are in place so any setbacks like illness or money loss are just minor ones.
You can find both your "lucky" and "unlucky" months in the month-by month analysis update in your 2012 Fortune and Feng Shui horoscope books on sale now!
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Now let's see what's in store for the Rat and the Ox in 2012! In my upcoming ezines I'll continue to feature two animal signs each week so don't worry if your sign is different than what I am writing about this week. In fact, you may know a rat or an ox who will find this information helpful.
The Luck of the Rat in 2012
If you are a RAT you have the hidden support this year from the Dragon, your Zodiac ally, which will help protect you from the conflicts ahead as the energies this year are not so kind to you. It's a transformational year for you with lasting effects into the future.
You must still take care to protect yourself from the influence of the Star of Aggressive Sword, especially if you live in an area of recent or current political upheaval, and remember that no one is immune from the External Star of Romance!
Your Life Force Luck and Chi essence are weak compounded by the number 2-illness star that flies into your astrological home direction of North. Use the proper cures to suppress this affliction and try not to sleep in a room located in the North or enter or leave your house or office via a North facing or North located door. Take it easy this year and avoid physical exhaustion...bring Dragon energy into your home for support.
You'll find exciting opportunities coming your way in the month of April and also again in January 2013. These are the times to engage in prosperity enhancing activities! And be sure to learn about the two powerful amulets perfectly suited to those of the Rat sign in our newest chapter on Spiritual Feng Shui.
You'll find dozens of important suggestions for the Rat born in the Fortune and Feng Shui horoscope book for 2012 - like why you need to carry a small brass mirror at all times, why the Talisman of the Tortoise with Water Element is particularly suitable for you and what very special deity you should invite into your home this year.
Overall the Rat should take it easy in 2012. Protective cures and enhancers are a must. Welcome the image of the Dragon into your home before the year officially begins and borrow from the strength of your astrological ally. Timing is everything- get it right and you'll be in sync with the Dragon year!
You are a RAT if you were born in 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 and 2008.
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The Luck of the Ox in 2012
If you are an OX, it's a year to build on past achievements and take advantage of the completion star of prosperity- the number "9" star that has flown into your home direction. Success continues to smile on the Ox bringing auspicious luck as you start the year - but be sure to enhance the fire element energy in the NE and keep this area well-lit.
Follow your instincts but be aware that your inner chi levels might not meet the physical demands of your external ambitions. The unfriendly Star of Yearly Conflict has flown into NE1 hitting you squarely and you face the Star of Yearly Killing directly so be ready for some nasty confrontations that may arise...but always remember we have particular feng shui remedies to help dissolve these bad stars.
As an OX you'll find great personal enjoyment in 2012 and may experience a happiness occasion like a new baby or marriage in the family, which is a very good sign indeed.
Your life force is strong enough to see you safely through the year despite hidden dangers and a turbulent world out there but it's a good idea to take good care of your health...especially you Ox who are a little older. Since your chi or spirit essence is low, we recommend that you wear anything inscribed with mantras or sutras this year.
Your allies are the SNAKE and the ROOSTER...but it's the ROOSTER you will benefit most from - so work closely with the strong and powerful Roosters in your life. Since the SNAKE is hit with the 5-Yellow it's best to keep your distance especially since your own chi essence is low.
In our 2012 books you'll find out why the Golden Wealth Wheel increases your store of prosperity luck, how to activate even more wealth luck and success by enhancing the Earth element and auspicious symbols and talismans just for the OX.
You are an OX if you were born in 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 and 2009.
Click Here to order your 2012 Fortune & Feng Shui Horoscope Book
Want to learn more about your own animal sign?
Here's How!
We've written an entire book for each animal sign. This series of Fortune & Feng Shui Books for the 12 animal signs of the Lunar Zodiac is written based on studies made into the Paht Chee and feng shui charts for the year...combined with Flying Star feng shui, the 24 Mountains Compass Stars cycle and the Tibetan Wheel of Elements. It is through this careful analysis that we are able to provide you accurate feng shui and astrological recommendations for the coming year!
In these little books you'll get monthly updates, learning about compatibility with your mate and other horoscope signs, discover how to correct bad energy and enhance the good fortune chi and use "transcendental feng shui" to benefit your specific animal sign! Our philosophy of practice is that bad luck should always be effectively averted and good luck must always be strongly activated to manifest!
Click Here to order your 2012 Fortune & Feng Shui Horoscope Book
In these books you can also check for specific warnings like these every month!
For the Rat - July 2012
"Those born in the Year of the Rat need to be extra careful in this sixth month (July 07 - August 07, 2012). The five yellow appears in your chart bringing obstacles into your life once more. Be careful when it comes to personal safety - this may not be the best month to travel. Misfortune can strike in unexpected ways and it's best to deal with this feng shui affliction using metal energy to exhaust the earthly 5 yellow!"
For the Ox in May 2012
"The fourth month - May 06 - June 05, 2012 is definitely a month to be very careful as the misfortune star pays a visit making this a frustrating month for you. Avoid embarking on new ventures this month and reschedule important events like weddings and launch openings for a better time. Your luck is on the downswing so go on a holiday or take a break now."
Click Here to order your 2012 Fortune & Feng Shui Horoscope Book
And to learn even more about what's in store for you I highly recommend attending my annual Feng Shui extravaganza (check below for times and locations) or attend an annual update held by one of my certified World of Feng Shui business partners in a city near you! Marc and Johann in Belgium January 20-22, 2011! You can get more info online at or call them at +32.2.569.69.89! Their conference is in 3 languages...Dutch, French and English so be sure to check our their ad below.
The Stars of the 24 Mountains in 2012
One set of data that we use when compiling our annual Fortune & Feng Shui Horoscope Books are the compass fortune stars of the 24 mountains, which change each year. These stars influence the luck profile of each animal sign differently depending on their nature and location...and with this knowledge we can either recommend action to subdue their negative influences or enhance the positive ones. It's an excellent added way to improve your fortune for the year!
Different lucky and unlucky stars fly into each of the 24 mountains every year bringing specific energies that affect the animal sign in that particular compass location. Now there are actually 108 different fortune stars but only a handful actually fly into the 24 compass directions in a given year. Each of the 24 "mountains" is actually a compass direction occupying 15 degrees of the compass.
Lots of Conflict Ahead in 2012
In the coming year we are hit with a large number of conflict stars, which suggests that many of the animal signs affected are in conflict with the it's important that those animal signs that are adversely affected strive to use either amulet or gem therapy to counter the potential conflict ahead.
The 24 Mountains Chart of 2012![]() |
Wishing you good health and happiness in 2012!
All the best
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