Pe 1 februarie lumea veche sarbatorea IMBOLC, sarbatoarea focului sacru patronat de Brighid. Ea este de fapt Hestia, Vesta sau Dokia, protectoarea Romaniei/Dakiei).Brighid patroneaza si puritatea apelor(ha)
Mai mult despre Regina excelentei(in arta, razboi, vindecare, etc) si a tuturor locurilor si frecventelor inalte in articolul excelent scris de mai jos.
as the Goddess of healers, poets, smiths, childbirth and inspiration,
fire and hearth, Brighid is the classic Celtic Triple Goddess.
Brighid is the Daughter of the Dagda and one of the Tuatha D� Danann, Brighid one of the more universal deities of the pagan Gaelic world.
Brighid is possibly one of the most important goddess in British and Irish history but like most deities much of her history has been lost since most of the information about her was passed on through oral tradition.
Any written documentation was written after she was transformed by the Church into St. Brigid (aprox 453 C.E.), which make almost impossible to discern where the goddess starts and the saint begins, An t-Athair Sean O’Quinn a renowned Irish Celtic scholar is quoted saying �It is an exercise in futility to try and separate the historical Christian Brighid from the Goddess since clearly the two are so interwoven.�
There is a possibility that St. Brighid may have been a priestess of Brighid and through a blending of pagan Christian beliefs that the cult of Brighid was absorbed into the Christian faith and the role of priestess became the role of a nun.
Brighid is the Goddess of healing, craft (predominantly smith crafts) and poetry, and wisdom. She is the Goddess of fire, the hearth and energy. She is the Goddess of fertility and is said to lean over every cradle. She is associated with sovereignty and protection of her isles and the sea.
Brighid is the goddess of all things perceived to be of relatively high dimensions such as high-rising flames, highlands, hill-forts and upland areas; and of activities and states conceived as psychologically lofty and elevated, such as wisdom, excellence, perfection, high intelligence, poetic eloquence, craftsmanship (especially blacksmithing), healing ability, druidic knowledge and skill in warfare. In the living traditions, whether seen as goddess or saint, she is largely associated with the home and hearth and is a favourite of both Pagans and Christians.
Brighid is a Fire Goddess and as Brighid’s Cross is in the form of a solar wheel she may also be a Sun Goddess. Legend says that when Brighid was born, a tower of flame reaching from the top of her head to the heavens. Her birth, which took place at sunrise, is rumoured to have given the family house the appearance of being on fire. It is believed that nineteen priestesses tended the eternal flame of Brighid at the place now known as Kildare.
The Priestesses of Brighid kept her flame eternally lit. 19 Priestesses kept vigil and made sure the flame was never extinguished. When Christianity spread throughout Ireland, the Goddess was so engrained in the Irish people that they couldn’t eradicate her, therefore she became a Saint. In the 6th century, a monastery was built on the same sight where the Priestesses kept vigil at the Fire Temple. The original monastery no longer exists but a new Cathedral was built on the site during the 13th century.
This Cathedral still stands and the sisters of St. Brigid (nuns) continued the work begun by her Priestesses. They too kept her flame ignited until the time of the Reformation in the 16th century. It was at this time that King Henry XIII destroyed many of the monasteries.
The flame was extinguished but never forgotten. On February 1, 1807 Daniel Delany, Bishop of Kildare, began the restoration of the Sisterhood of St. Brigid. Their mission was to restore the ancient order and bring back the legacy and spirit of this amazing figure. In 1993, Brighid�s perpetual flame was finally re-kindled in Kildare�s Market Square by Mary Teresa Cullen, who at that time was the leader of the Brigidine Sisters.
The sacred flame was kept by the Brigidine Sisters in their home and on February 1, 2006, the flame was brought back to the centre of the Market Square where it has been permanently housed in a large glass enclosed vessel.
Brighid is such a popular goddess and is also known as-
Br�ghde/Br�de (Scotland)
Fraid (Wales) Because of Welsh pronunciation mutations, her name changes to ‘Ffraid’ when following an [s] sound, such as in the name ‘Llansanffraid’ = ‘Saint Bride’s Village’ and Llansantffraid-ym-Mechain
Breo Saighead (“the fiery arrow” � a folk etymology found in Sanas Cormaic, but considered very unlikely by etymologists)
Brigandu (Gaul)
Brigantia (Great Britain)
Brigantia (former Gallaecia, modern Betanzos)
Braga (former Gallaecia, modern Northern Portugal)
Bragan�a (former Gallaecia, modern Northern Portugal)
Brigantis (Great Britain)
Brigindo (Switzerland)
cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Mai mult despre Regina excelentei(in arta, razboi, vindecare, etc) si a tuturor locurilor si frecventelor inalte in articolul excelent scris de mai jos.
Brighid is the Daughter of the Dagda and one of the Tuatha D� Danann, Brighid one of the more universal deities of the pagan Gaelic world.
Brighid is possibly one of the most important goddess in British and Irish history but like most deities much of her history has been lost since most of the information about her was passed on through oral tradition.
Any written documentation was written after she was transformed by the Church into St. Brigid (aprox 453 C.E.), which make almost impossible to discern where the goddess starts and the saint begins, An t-Athair Sean O’Quinn a renowned Irish Celtic scholar is quoted saying �It is an exercise in futility to try and separate the historical Christian Brighid from the Goddess since clearly the two are so interwoven.�
There is a possibility that St. Brighid may have been a priestess of Brighid and through a blending of pagan Christian beliefs that the cult of Brighid was absorbed into the Christian faith and the role of priestess became the role of a nun.
Brighid is the Goddess of healing, craft (predominantly smith crafts) and poetry, and wisdom. She is the Goddess of fire, the hearth and energy. She is the Goddess of fertility and is said to lean over every cradle. She is associated with sovereignty and protection of her isles and the sea.
Brighid is the goddess of all things perceived to be of relatively high dimensions such as high-rising flames, highlands, hill-forts and upland areas; and of activities and states conceived as psychologically lofty and elevated, such as wisdom, excellence, perfection, high intelligence, poetic eloquence, craftsmanship (especially blacksmithing), healing ability, druidic knowledge and skill in warfare. In the living traditions, whether seen as goddess or saint, she is largely associated with the home and hearth and is a favourite of both Pagans and Christians.
Brighid is a Fire Goddess and as Brighid’s Cross is in the form of a solar wheel she may also be a Sun Goddess. Legend says that when Brighid was born, a tower of flame reaching from the top of her head to the heavens. Her birth, which took place at sunrise, is rumoured to have given the family house the appearance of being on fire. It is believed that nineteen priestesses tended the eternal flame of Brighid at the place now known as Kildare.
The Priestesses of Brighid kept her flame eternally lit. 19 Priestesses kept vigil and made sure the flame was never extinguished. When Christianity spread throughout Ireland, the Goddess was so engrained in the Irish people that they couldn’t eradicate her, therefore she became a Saint. In the 6th century, a monastery was built on the same sight where the Priestesses kept vigil at the Fire Temple. The original monastery no longer exists but a new Cathedral was built on the site during the 13th century.
This Cathedral still stands and the sisters of St. Brigid (nuns) continued the work begun by her Priestesses. They too kept her flame ignited until the time of the Reformation in the 16th century. It was at this time that King Henry XIII destroyed many of the monasteries.
The flame was extinguished but never forgotten. On February 1, 1807 Daniel Delany, Bishop of Kildare, began the restoration of the Sisterhood of St. Brigid. Their mission was to restore the ancient order and bring back the legacy and spirit of this amazing figure. In 1993, Brighid�s perpetual flame was finally re-kindled in Kildare�s Market Square by Mary Teresa Cullen, who at that time was the leader of the Brigidine Sisters.
The sacred flame was kept by the Brigidine Sisters in their home and on February 1, 2006, the flame was brought back to the centre of the Market Square where it has been permanently housed in a large glass enclosed vessel.
Brighid is such a popular goddess and is also known as-
Br�ghde/Br�de (Scotland)
Fraid (Wales) Because of Welsh pronunciation mutations, her name changes to ‘Ffraid’ when following an [s] sound, such as in the name ‘Llansanffraid’ = ‘Saint Bride’s Village’ and Llansantffraid-ym-Mechain
Breo Saighead (“the fiery arrow” � a folk etymology found in Sanas Cormaic, but considered very unlikely by etymologists)
Brigandu (Gaul)
Brigantia (Great Britain)
Brigantia (former Gallaecia, modern Betanzos)
Braga (former Gallaecia, modern Northern Portugal)
Bragan�a (former Gallaecia, modern Northern Portugal)
Brigantis (Great Britain)
Brigindo (Switzerland)
cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
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