Nicholas de Vere Von Drakenberg
Sovereign Grand Master
His Royal Highness
Dragon Prince of the House of Vere

Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg, Summer 2012
"Be as Wise as Serpents,
"If one knows beyond any doubt that one is of the Dragon Blood, then the doors to the infinite can be opened wide. The planet needs its Elves and Fairies back, so the saying goes. It needs the people for whom order and empathy come instinctively and whose love of the natural world comes before all else and arises spontaneously from the depths of their eternal souls. Above all the planet needs its Firstborn Dragons to know who they are themselves." -- Nicholas de Vere
In Memoriam
Our Beloved Sovereign
His talents and dispositions are greatest. His sorrow and sadness is greatest. His despair and melancholia is greatest. His love and devotion to the bloodline and its peoples is greatest.
He may go anywhere in the world openly and live, but he lives the life of the dead, for he has never been loved. But by his knowledge and wisdom and talents he can be many people, yet always true to himself. For he remembers all aspects of lives past and needs no education or credential to be able to work and live.
He is the sacrificer of his own happiness for that of others of the bloodline.
His appearance is that of a man out of time, as is his disposition, for he is capturing the time previous to his present life, for that is his instinct. And as he is of all time, this be how he shows his true nature." -- The Book of the Holy Grail (Contributed by Ian von Rosenbach)
Who was Nicholas de Vere?

Nic with Lila's son, Fall 2012, Wales
A Short Biography
In the first few years of his life, Nicholas
de Vere was raised in the Hertfordshire countryside. At the age of
seven, Nicholas' family moved to the remote outskirts of the Kittenish
village of Kemsing, and then later to isolated rural settings in Devon
and Sussex.
Nicholas' parents sought to protect Nicholas from the mediocrity and banality of most of society by retreating with him to the sanctuary of the English countryside. Nicholas' father was a skilled backwoodsman and during these formative years Nicholas was instilled with country knowledge, as well as a deep respect for the natural world and its delicate ecosystems .
Nicholas' parents sought to protect Nicholas from the mediocrity and banality of most of society by retreating with him to the sanctuary of the English countryside. Nicholas' father was a skilled backwoodsman and during these formative years Nicholas was instilled with country knowledge, as well as a deep respect for the natural world and its delicate ecosystems .
As he was growing up, Nicholas' father taught
him of the family's royal Scottish origins and of its involvement with
royal witchcraft within the dragon tradition, which had been passed down
to Nicholas' father by his own parents. Nicholas' father was gifted
with the "king's touch." His paternal grandmother - a Scottish
Gael - was a skilled seer, and his maternal grandmother had spent years
as a student of mediumship.
Both of Nicholas' parents were deeply
committed to his broader education, and fostered in him at an early age a
love of Homer, the Sagas, classical history and mythology. Nicholas'
father was an ardent admirer of the work of Omar Khayyam.
"Earth could not answer; nor the Seas that mourn"
-- Omar Khayyam
Consequently Nicholas grew and developed in
isolation, detached from the vacuity of human culture, enveloped in a
world of intellectualism, magic, mysticism and imagination.

Illustration, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Nicholas was raised by his father to highly
honor the female and, as a result of his father's teaching, he
discovered that the greatest spiritual expression of human relationship
is seraphic in nature: the union of the divinity within the male and
At the age of twelve, Nicholas was magically
dedicated to the dragon tradition formally, and at the age of thirteen
he first enacted the rite known as "Starfire". Following this
period his mother obtained for him works by Aliester Crowley, and he
studied the principals of the Black Arts in earnest, gaining a
considerable degree of competence in ritual magic.
At the age of fifteen Nicholas underwent the ancient rite of kingship which, in accordance with archaic Gaelic tradition, bestows the mantle of sovereignty arising from the very Earth itself.
At the age of fifteen Nicholas underwent the ancient rite of kingship which, in accordance with archaic Gaelic tradition, bestows the mantle of sovereignty arising from the very Earth itself.
By the 1980's, Nicholas had become intimately
conversant with a broad spectrum of magical traditions, and political
perspectives. During this period he met and rejected numerous proponents
of the Wiccan and New Age movements, considering them to be uninformed,
self-deluding and magically incompetent.
On Midsummer's night, 1985 Nicholas' skill in
and knowledge of magic was acknowledged. His family's hereditary
involvement in royal witchcraft and the Dragon tradition was recognized
by the Black Country Covenant of the Baphometic Order of the Cubic
He was bestowed with the highest accolade of
the covenant: that of Magister Templi. The Order traced its origins back
to the Knights Templars and Nicholas was able to use his investiture as
an invocational key in the pursuit of deeper, unwritten knowledge. In
1991 Nicholas was invested as a gartered and anointed knight of the
Plantagenet Clan Donnachaid by Lord Lir of Orkney, the head of a cousin
branch of the House of Vere.
During the 1990's, Nicholas developed a
series of associations with university lecturers and post-graduate
scholars. Following the academic exchanges which ensued, Nicholas was
encouraged by them to construct the basis for what is now known as The
Dragon Legacy.
This was further influenced significantly by his experience of seraphism and hierogamy during this period, and by years of commitment to the elven, Dragon tradition - a tradition within which he is recognized as a royal Dragon prince by the House of Vere, and is acknowledged as such by the British Government.
This was further influenced significantly by his experience of seraphism and hierogamy during this period, and by years of commitment to the elven, Dragon tradition - a tradition within which he is recognized as a royal Dragon prince by the House of Vere, and is acknowledged as such by the British Government.
Nicholas de Vere has been the sovereign of
the Dragon Court of the Royal House of Vere. As a proponent and scholar
of magic he is unrivaled. He is the original magical prince; the
rightful king of witches by familial inheritance whose ancient, royal
elven blood lineage is unquestionable.
Nicholas had lived reclusively for the most
part as a bachelor until the last year or so of his life.
He lived with his fiancée Lila and her young son in a quiet village in the Walsh countryside, and aside from his magical pursuits, he had a broad range of secular interests including an eclectic taste in music. He was a renaissance man, a polymath.
He lived with his fiancée Lila and her young son in a quiet village in the Walsh countryside, and aside from his magical pursuits, he had a broad range of secular interests including an eclectic taste in music. He was a renaissance man, a polymath.
Nicholas was deeply concerned about
environmental issues and animal welfare, concerns shared by his
immediate family and by the House of Vere in general, whose number
include skilled and experienced ecologists.
Nicholas had contempt for the blind pursuit of
money and power, and valued above all things simplicity and
transcendence, which he believed are key to the continued existence of
life on Earth in the future.

Ancestry of Merovingian Prince HRH Nicholas De Vere
The Royal House of Vere - the Senior Angevin
House of the original 'Princes and Counts of Anjou' - are latterly of
Breton and Flemish extraction and the former senior, Hope-Vere of
Blackwood, Scottish Branch traditionally observed the Flemish law of
Noblesse Uterine, as well as matrilinear and family inheritance, in
accordance with noble Scottish family law, which contemporarily and
historically supports blood descent.
The Titles of Princeps Draconis and Prince de
Vere, currently held by Nicholas de Vere, are acknowledged as foreign
titles in confidential files held by the British Government's Department
of Internal Affairs: 'The Home Office' and are registered with them as
'Official Observations'.
These titles are recognized by the most senior
branches of the House of Vere. The right of Fons honorum held by
Nicholas de Vere is also acknowledged by Her Majesty's government.
HRH Nicholas de Vere, though accepting the
existence of both with some considerable qualification; does not claim
to be either a member of the contemporary British royal household or of
its peerage in any sense, and does not claim any status or rank
suggestive of such or appertaining thereunto.
The Vere princedoms are not modern, socially derived titles; either assumed or bestowed, for or by, political expediency.
The Vere princedoms are not modern, socially derived titles; either assumed or bestowed, for or by, political expediency.
The princedoms of Vere are ancient cultural
manifestations of genetic qualities carried in the historical Elven
Blood Royal. Established in Angiers in 740 A.D. as a Royal House arising
from far older sacral-regal, Pictish, Scythian Vere origins rooted in
antiquity, the House of Vere is recorded in a single name and in an
unbroken line for over one thousand three hundred years, and
consequently is one of the oldest surviving royal dynasties in Europe.
The relationship between the Prince Mhaior - The Archduke
of Argentina - who, by Normanised descent, is the Head of the Irish
House of Vere and Nicholas de Vere; who - by Gaelic blood descent - is
also Chief of the Tyrone Kildress Branch is that of 4th and 14th
cousins. Both share various identical genes.Found in only 3% and 6% of the clinical samples tested in Britain, Nicholas de Vere and the Head of the House in Eire share two sets of rare genes each. The Prince Mhaior is of Royal Collison extraction and Nicholas de Vere has an extra set of these genes from the matrilinear descent which also supports the Royal Collison descent from Norfolk in his own lineage and echoes the selective and exclusive royal and noble marital alliances which have continued throughout the history of the House of Vere.
The House of Weir and Vere commissioned genetic tests to be undertaken to confirm the precise degree of relationship between their respective lines and in order to clarify any anomalies in genealogy that inevitably creep into the records as the mists of time occlude the past.
This was achieved successfully and some records were amended to reflect genetic findings both in Nicholas' lineage and that of another of his Vere cousins in Ireland, confirming that Nicholas' descent is one of the senior bloodlines of the House of Vere.
However, the genetic makeup of the House of Vere manifesting generation after generation proved to be so unusual that, beyond the remit of the original commission by the family, the Department of Haemogenetics at London University took the Veres' on as a special study case.
At this particular stage of the research a Conference Presentation Document has been submitted prior to the delivery of a Medical Paper at a forthcoming Genetics Symposium in the United States, by an eminent professor in the department who is an internationally recognized pioneer in genetics. Further racial and mitochondrial studies on the Vere family are planned by the department.
On his Passport, Nicholas is also known as
H.H. Nicholas The Prince,
Furst De Vere Von Drakenberg (H.E. Nicholas De Vere KGC., KCD.):

The 'von Drakenberg' title printed on back page

De Vere Legacy

House of Vere Crest
"The princedoms of Vere are ancient cultural manifestations of genetic qualities carried in the historical Elven Blood Royal. Established in Angiers in 740 A.D. as a Royal House arising from far older sacral-regal, Pictish, Scythian Vere origins rooted in antiquity, the House of Vere is recorded in a single name and in an unbroken line for over one thousand three hundred years, and consequently is one of the oldest surviving royal dynasties in Europe." -- Dragon Cede, Nicholas de Vere
"Vere-de-Vere stalked into the English vernacular as a playful term meaning the grandest, proudest, most historic, indisputably aristocratic and absolutely creme de la creme of Anglo-'Norman' antiquity. In fiction the expression is used for characters of, or assuming, unquestionable ancient lineage - and with good cause.
In the Middle Ages, owing to plagues and battlefield mortality, the average noble dynasty in England lasted not more than three generations. The de Veres, however, managed to maintain a line of twenty earls of Oxford over 561 years*. (*Our note: The senior descents in the male line today reach back One Thousand Three Hundred Years). " -- Verily Anderson, quoted in Dragon Cede, Nicholas de Vere
"House of Vere fielded over twenty prominent earls in an unbroken line over 561 years of British history. The House of Vere was credited with being the senior bloodline of England, both by its contemporaries and by later historians, and the Veres acted for centuries as Great Chamberlains to the various royal dynasties that came and went over time.
As Great Chamberlains, they were the closest advisors to the monarchs and were therefore the major influence or power behind the British throne. In all this time the family never considered it expedient to stoop to pick up the Crown."-- Dragon Cede, Nicholas de Vere

House of Anjou

Vere Princedom
Who exactly were the Merovingians, you may
ask, and what is so special about them? They were the first kings of
what is now France, the first to unify the kingdom, and the first to
preside over the prototype of the Holy Roman Empire.
They were granted the title of New Constantine in perpetuity by the Pope, some believe, because the Vatican recognized the descent of the Merovingian bloodline from that of Jesus Christ, who, according to this theory, was the husband of Mary Magdalen, and sired a child through her. Mary and her child later fled to France, were their descendants married into the local Visigoth nobility.
They were granted the title of New Constantine in perpetuity by the Pope, some believe, because the Vatican recognized the descent of the Merovingian bloodline from that of Jesus Christ, who, according to this theory, was the husband of Mary Magdalen, and sired a child through her. Mary and her child later fled to France, were their descendants married into the local Visigoth nobility.
This would explain why the Vatican granted
the Merovingians the title New Constantine, in recognition of the
descent from the King of Kings himself. It also explains why the Knights
Templar wished to take control of Jerusalem – because they considered
it their rightful inheritance.
Christ, as the biological son of Joseph, was a descendant of King David, and therefore the rightful king of Jerusalem, so his descendants would have been as well. It would also explain why the Templars were called the "Guardians of the Grail", and as many have pointed out, "Holy Grail" comes from the French word "Sangreal", which could just as easily be translated as "royal blood", meaning the bloodline of Christ.
Christ, as the biological son of Joseph, was a descendant of King David, and therefore the rightful king of Jerusalem, so his descendants would have been as well. It would also explain why the Templars were called the "Guardians of the Grail", and as many have pointed out, "Holy Grail" comes from the French word "Sangreal", which could just as easily be translated as "royal blood", meaning the bloodline of Christ.
But why, many have asked, if he was not the
son of God, and did not die on the cross for our sins, should his
bloodline be so important. If the people who ascribe to this theory do
not believe in his divinity, why should they care about his descendants?
This is something that has never been adequately explained in past genre literature, but we believe that we have the answer, which we will describe in full in our upcoming book. Fact is, Jesus was the Son of God, but not he pseudo-mystical force that supposedly impregnated Mary's virgin womb.
This is something that has never been adequately explained in past genre literature, but we believe that we have the answer, which we will describe in full in our upcoming book. Fact is, Jesus was the Son of God, but not he pseudo-mystical force that supposedly impregnated Mary's virgin womb.
It goes back to King David, and further than
that, to ancient Sumer, Atlantis, and the very beginnings of human
history. For the kings of the ancient world were the gods whose rule is
now recorded in the mythologies of every past and present culture across
the globe, and their descendants are the human kings who have reigned
since the Flood, when the gods left the Earth.
The bloodline of Christ and King David, and of almost all royal houses throughout history can be traced back to these "gods" or Pre-diluvian kings. That is where the concept of kingship came from, and that is where all of our ancient traditions, religious principles, and all of the basic arts and sciences of civilization came from. And the secret hermetic doctrine of occultism, which is popular in the underground today, can be traced there as well.
The bloodline of Christ and King David, and of almost all royal houses throughout history can be traced back to these "gods" or Pre-diluvian kings. That is where the concept of kingship came from, and that is where all of our ancient traditions, religious principles, and all of the basic arts and sciences of civilization came from. And the secret hermetic doctrine of occultism, which is popular in the underground today, can be traced there as well.
Although Merovingian culture was both
temperate and surprisingly modern, the monarchs who presided over it
were another matter. They (The Sorcerer Kings) were not typical even of
rulers of their own age, for the atmosphere of mystery legend, magic and
the supernatural, surrounded them, even during their lifetimes. If the
customs and economy of the Merovingian world did not differ markedly
from others of the period, the aura about the throne and royal
bloodline was quite unique.
Sons of the Merovingian blood were not
'created' kings. On the contrary they were automatically regarded as
such on the advent of their twelfth birthday. There was no public
ceremony of anointment, no coronation of any sort. Power was simply
assumed, as by sacred right.
But while the king was supreme authority in
the realm, he was not obliged - or even expected - to sully his hands
with the mundane business of governing. He was essentially a ritualized
figure, a priest-king, and his role was not necessarily to do anything,
simply to be. The king ruled in short, but did not govern.
Even after their conversion to Christianity
the Merovingian rulers, like the Patriarchs of the Old Testament, were
polygamous. On occasion they enjoyed harems of oriental proportions.
Even when the aristocracy, under pressure from the Church, became
rigorously monogamous, the monarchy remained exempt.
And the Church, curiously enough, seems to have accepted this prerogative without any inordinate protest. According to one modern commentator: Why was it [polygamy] tacitly approved by the Franks themselves?
We may here be in the presence of ancient usage of polygamy
in a royal family - a family of such rank that its blood could not be
ennobled by any match, however advantageous, nor degraded by the blood
of slaves. It was a matter of indifference whether a queen were taken
from a royal dynasty or from among courtesans. The fortune of the
dynasty rested in its blood and was shared by all who were of that
blood. And again, And the Church, curiously enough, seems to have accepted this prerogative without any inordinate protest. According to one modern commentator: Why was it [polygamy] tacitly approved by the Franks themselves?
"It is Just possible that, in the Merovingians, we may have a dynasty of Germanic Heerkonige derived from an ancient kingly family of the migration period". -- The Long Haired Kings, J. M. Wallace-Hadrill, Fellow of Merton College Oxford.
See Below for more on the Merovingian Bloodline
Le Serpent Rouge
"Prince Maelus or Milo de Vere, duke of Angers became the second prince-Comte of Anjou after his father, and from him the ancient royal Dragon blood, the mystical lineage of Vere of the first royal house of Anjou, continued to descend for another one thousand three hundred years to the present day, in an unbroken, single named, senior dynastic line of royal Dragon princesses and princes, of whom in the 19th century Baron Thomas Macauley wrote that they were the most ancient, the most noble and the most prestigious family in Britain, and indeed in Europe as a whole." -- Dragon Legacy, Nicholas de Vere
"The Duchy of Angeirs and the Royal House Vere Sir Bernard Burke, Ulster King of Arms, when speaking of the Vere called them singularly and in plural: 'The Princely Noble, the Race of Vere' " - Vicissitudes of Families, pg 424, 426
"I am the senior heir of the House of Anjou, and the senior heir of the House of Vere, descending in an unbroken single dynasty and name for 1300 years (Anjou) and 2400 years (Vere) respectively. It is academically and historically documented and I have the genes to prove it. "-- Dragon Legacy, Nicholas de Vere

HRH Prince Nicholas De Vere Von Drakenberg's Royal Bloodline Family Crests
The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court is the ancient Household Court and Order of the senior Angevin descendants of the Imperial and Royal House of Vere of Caledonia, Anjou and Lorraine, and the physical embodiment of the Sovereign Princedom of Drakenberg; which is recognized under European Law as a sovereign ethnic racial group; the principle nation state of the Draconian peoples.
The Lady of the Ring
In Jewelled Torrents fell the
Midyear's light as playfully
into the eagerly awaiting mere, it
Swirled below the mountain ridge.Dark then the waters lay
in that shaded forest pool,
Which concealed forever the mournful
Mystery, lying beneath its bridge.To the Northern Star; the
Yearning currents cascaded forth, to
Wed the crystal leaded tumult
Of the Druid Healer's Flow.Embracing, these Undines wandered the
Summer's Lands, below the bridge
Of the Ford's High Cross,
Behind the Boar's wide brow.The Dragon's Power; the ancient
Sovereignty of an Ancient Fairy
King laid there, hatefully torn
From his heart; ere Broken.A Maiden Fair and Fey,
The Dragon Queen must be,
Who astride Rhiannon rides in
Quest for Love's Last Token.
De Vere and the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court"My Kingdom is not of this World"
"Beliefs regarding God and spirituality create religions, and religions create division and fear, within the individual and consequently within society as a whole. Religion is a crutch for the power hungry, the lazy, the weak minded and the unregenerate. Religions happen when people don't get the point of the message and blindly worship the message and the messenger, instead of grasping the gnosis inherent within the words that the message conveys." -- Dragon Cede, Nicholas de Vere

Imperial and Royal Dragon Court Cross
"The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court appears repeatedly throughout the history of my family. It is the physical, cultural manifestation of the Dragon spirit inherent within the Vere Dragon blood, reaching back long before the time of Christ.
Briefly, to give a few examples, in more recent times it was the Royal Court of the Dragon Princess Milouziana from whom we are descended in numerous lines, and later it was the fairy Court of Alberic de Vere, the legendary Oberon.
Immediately following Alberic it was the Court of his son, Robert de Vere, earl of Huntingdon, who was the historical Robin Hood; the elven, sacral priest-king of the witches. Later the Dragon Court was manifest in the "Thirteen Covens of Mid-Lothian", and in the cabal of Lady Somerville, the witch-mother of Thomas of Edinburgh. Thomas was the grandson of Sir William Vere of Stonebyres and the Elvin, Dragon priest-king of the Thirteen Covens.
Sir William was the son of James, 7th Baron Blackwood. Lady Jane Somerville's heraldic family badge is recorded as the fiery dragon surmounting the pentacle, denoting Dragon blood in the House of the Somerville earls.
Notably in our family the Dragon Court is also derived from the Court of the Pendragon Kings whose lineage we inherit through numerous marital alliances with our close cousins, the Dukes of Hamilton, whose estates bordered our own in Lancashire. The Hamilton's were the heirs presumptive to the throne of Scotland.
Lateral inheritance from the extinct cadet cousin branch of the Vere earls of Oxford brings to the contemporary Court, via the 11th earl, Richard de Vere, the degree of Societas Draconis - latterly misnamed "Sarkany Rend" - a membership bestowed upon him, it is believed academically, during his investiture into the Prince's Degree of the Order of the Garter, along with the Emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg, at St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle.
The heraldry of the family prior to Richard's investiture into Societas Draconis already included the ancient Dragon motifs on both the paternal and maternal sides of the family, denoting pure Dragon blood in both descents, and reflecting the continuing presence of the Dragon Court in the family since the time of Princess Milouziana of the Scythians.
The contemporary Dragon Court is furthermore a combination of what Aliester Crowley would term several 'currents', of which the major external one to the family proper was bestowed via the Black Country Covenant of the Baphometic Order of the Cubic Stone, who trace their origins back to the Knights Templars.
This was given in recognition of my family's hereditary involvement in Royal Witchcraft and the historical Dragon tradition. Other external currents derive from the Knighthood of the Plantagenet Clan Donnachaid, Dragon cousins to the House of Vere, and laterally from Dr. John Dee's "School of Night", of which Edward de Vere, the seventeenth earl of Oxford, was a prominent member.
Edward also performed the rites of Dragon kingship in the family, specifically the rite of the kingship of the Calle Daouine."-- Dragon Cede, Nicholas de Vere

The Red Cross of the reconstituted The Imperial Royal Dragon Court
"He refers to himself as the Sovereign Prince of an entity called Drakenberg, as well as the Sovereign Head of an organization called The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court. The court is made of people who claim descent from a collection of royal bloodlines related to De Vere's family. They all have titles recognized by the Court as having standing in the sovereign kingdom of Drakenberg.
Here, we focus on this concept of Drakenberg, as a 'freedom technology', somewhat like the sovereignty movement in the US, Canada and Britain. In that movement, people who choose to 'go sovereign' file paperwork with the government announcing their freedom from the government's rule, thus proclaiming that their own individual sovereignty is supreme.
This is the true tradition upon which sovereignty has historically been based — royal blood that denotes inherited rights to titles and land and a 'divine' mandate— to rest your own claim of sovereignty upon in the modern world. This is like talking to the elite on terms that they can understand, saying:
'Don't mess with me, because I'm a prince, not just another slave.'
Drakenberg is inherently ethereal in nature. Most states are merely corporations — imaginary entities brought to life by legal proclamation." -- Tracy Twyman
"The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court is the ancient Household Court and Order of the senior Angevin descendants of the Imperial and Royal House of Vere of Caledonia, Anjou and Lorraine, and the physical embodiment of the sovereign Princedom of Drakenberg, which is recognized under European Law as a sovereign ethnic racial group; the principal nation states of the Draconian peoples'.
Furthermore, the royal and ambassadorial nature of the title of the Prince of Drakenberg (Princeps Draconis) is recognized under the 'Official Observations' of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Government of its state of origin within the European Union.
Drakenberg is trans-corporeal, paradoxically both alive and dead, apparent and hidden, real and surreal, at the same time. Because of this, it represents real power that cannot be overthrown since it resides in our collective spirit. This is the "trans-corporeal / transnational" idea behind it. It is an essentially metaphysical nation-state.
Yet it absolutely "exists" in corporeal form wherever Dragons live out their ultra-terrestrial lives, including the depth dimensions of life. We embody everything that that is the sovereign dragon nation. " -- Tracy Twyman

Royal Dragon Bloodline Crests throughout the ages
The red and gold tinctures and metals on the field of their
heraldic escutcheon, [traditionally symbolizing the plumage of the
Phoenix] superimposed by the White Star – literally the falling star of
Lucifer – are the Arms of the Vere and reflect their ancient line of
descent from Sathaniel or the Devil. The escutcheon, supported by two dynastic, hermetic Dragons becomes, historically, the Ancient Alchemical Seal of the House. The Phoenix of the Scythians was the Raven. The Raven itself, or rather the double-headed Raven found in Transylvania, devolved down to the Hittites and from them it was eventually adopted and modified as the double-headed black Eagle of the Holy Roman Empire.
The word 'Cathar' encompasses several realities and as many imaginative worlds. Historically, it refers to the men and women who believed in, or were connected with, a medieval Christian religion that sprang up in Europe around the middle of the 10th century and disappeared finally 400 years later.
Catharism was not some minor event, confined in time and place but rather it was a major occurrence in European religious history, revealing it self as a genuine response to the fundamental issues confronting the men and women of the Middle Ages. Historians have found manuscripts containing traces of the Cathar religion in Bulgaria and Asia Minor and from Greece to Northern Italy, from Catalonia to the Rhineland, as well as in Burgundy, Flanders, Aquitaine and Bosnia.
The content of these documents converge towards a clear image of both overt and clandestine communities comprising a established network of Cathar bishoprics.

Current Status of the IRDC - 2012:
Represented as a Government in Exile by:
The International Council of Princes (Wallachia and Transylvania 1465), The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court (Anjou 760 & Hungary 1397), The Council of Seneschals of The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court herein given, The Honorable Companions of the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court herein given, Le Prieuré de Sion (Priory of Zion of France and Abbey of Zion of Jerusalem), The Order of The Poor Knights of Christ and The Temple of Jerusalem under the First Hierarchical Rule: St. Anthony of Egypt and Scotland, and The Rose Croix of Saint Mark of Constantinople, and The Free and Accepted Freemasonry of Saint Mary Magdalene: Spiritual, Ceremonial and Almoner抯Rite. The Knights Templars Military Directorate for Intelligence and Security: Third Continental Army. The Convivienca of Toledo 790, The Bishopric and Guardianship in the Epharc of Britain and Hibernia of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church Of Europe and The Liberal Celtic Rite of The Old Catholic Church of James The Great, First Bishop of Jerusalem and brother of Jesus Christ, of and for HI&RH Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg Prince of Lusignan, Count of Anjou and the House de Vere therein incorporated.
In Tribute
Special Acknowledgment from Desposyni
Dragon KIN
Amarushka and Douglas

& Douglas of Santa Fe, New Mexico December 2012
"The shock waves from Nicholas's passing from this world were felt so deeply in our hearts
and all over this world. We were personally and completely taken by the intense suffering
and pain and agony we felt thousands of miles away from Wales that Sunday he left us...
While the realms may rejoice in his return home to his sovereign abode
we feel a great loss of a great soul who held the depths of reality in his heart
and embraced us as
his eternal dragon blooded family.
May our deepest sympathies be with you and may you as well as all of us
find that inner place of peace while here alive upon our Mother earth.
His Royal Highness Prince Nicholas De Vere Von Drakenberg
and his Desposyni legacy shall never be forgotten."
-- Amarushka and Douglas March
Thanks to Nicholas for connecting the dots!

Tribute to Our Dragon KIN Commonwealth
May your spirit roar like a lion
May your heart soar like a young eagle in the vast blue sky
May the fog of residual illusion dawn as the warm sunshine
of pure wisdom awareness and deathless joy
May your loving kindness and skillful means
turn the Poison Planet into a Medicine Mandala Paradise
May your faith, intent, voice, and heroic actions
revive, awaken, and empower all beings!
Works by Nicholas de Vere

"I am indebted to Nicholas de Vere for the quoted and unquoted material included on this web page that have been drawn from his two following books!" -- Amarushka

Dragon Legacy (CLICK for Amazon)

Dragon Cede (CLICK for Amazon)

My Kingdom is not of This World:
The Secret History of an Ancient Bloodline (CLICK for PDF)

Tracy Twyman Interviews The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court Part 1:
Tracy Twyman Interviews The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court Part 2:


More Quotes
"Because the Donation [of Constantine] was a fraud and because no subsequent priest of any Catholic denomination ever had the right to crown kings, Britain has had no legally reigning monarch for 900 years. As a consequence of this, all the laws passed by these monarchs were and are illegal and worthless, and all the governmental agencies set up by or derived from these monarchs or their laws are also illegal and worthless up to the present day." — Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg; The Thousand-Year Elven Holocaust (quoted by Michael Tsarion)
"The fraudulent imperial power of the Vatican to create kings by "coronation" - derived from this faked 8th Century Donation of Constantine - was later adopted by the Archbishops of the Church of England with the complicity of the Tudors, who were Catholics themselves he split with Rome, Henry VIII still retained and later ratified and re-established in the Anglo-Catholic Church of England the fraudulent right of the Church's clergy to create by coronation a succession of British monarchs. This is an illegal act." — Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg; The Thousand-Year Elven Holocaust (quoted by Michael Tsarion
"No monarch ruling today and no government under the monarch or instituted in their name would enjoy their position if the Church, empowered by the Donation of Constantine, had not given them permission to rule in the first place…the Donation of Constantine is a complete and utter fraud. The Church was never given any temporal powers at all, let alone the right to found dynasties, crown kings or institute governments. The Donation of Constantine was a lie from beginning to end and has been known to be a fake since Lorenzo Valla applied the methods of historical criticism during the Renaissance." — Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg; The Thousand-Year Elven Holocaust (quoted by Michael Tsarion)
"It (the "Donation of Constantine") purported to recognize the Roman Popes as Christ's representatives on Earth and to donate to Pope Sylvester and the Roman Church all those Imperial powers formerly invested in the Throne of Byzantium. The Donation, the Church claimed,was written in the 4th Century at the insistence of the Emperor Constantine The Church claimed Constantine was so grateful for having been cured of leprosy by Pope Sylvester that he gave to the Church the entire power and wealth of the unified Roman Empire, including the right to crown and dethrone kings.
Supposedly written before 337 AD, the year of Constantine's death, the Donation of Constantine didn't make an appearance on the stage of European history until four-hundred years later. So far-reaching are the powers bestowed upon the Church by this document, one would have thought that it would have been made public at the time of its bestowal, not centuries later". — Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg; The Thousand-Year Elven Holocaust (quoted by Michael Tsarion
"Anciently Dragon blood, the blood of the gods, is the true source of divine right kingship. To say that Dragons are the rightful rulers of the world's governments today might raise some contention. Perhaps it would be more realistic to suggest that they may well be the rightful rulers of the world's governments in the future." -- HRH Nicholas de Vere
"By definition Stalin was a "monarch", as were all the presidents of the United States. By such a definition I cannot be said to be a monarchist per se. I am only a royalist with the greatest of qualifications, because not all who contemporarily claim to be royal or those who have occupied the positions of royalty in history have actually been of royal blood." -- HRH Nicholas de Vere
"The Dragon" is a term I use generally to mean the dragon archetype resting within the Dragon blood and passed on through the genes. It is the conduit through which flow the memories of the wisdom and experience of the Dragons who have gone before. The word "dragon" is derived from the Greek "edrakon", which is an aorist of the word "derkesthai", which means "to see clearly". "The Dragon" therefore is the inherited Dragon archetype and that archetype is the conduit of clear sight through which racial knowledge flows. Clear sight also and principally refers to transcendent consciousness. " -- HRH Nicholas de Vere
"Sumerian records claim that government on Earth was first installed by the gods, specifically a divine royal family headed by Anu, King of the Gods. His symbols were the tiara, the scepter, and the shepherd's staff, representing divinity, power, and righteous leadership, respectively. The Sumerians said that the gods created us, taught us all the basics of civilization, and shortly after the Deluge, they decided it was time for us to govern ourselves. They directed mankind in building the first city, Kish, and they crowned the first human king as an intermediary between mankind and his creators. "Kingship descended from heaven," the texts read. The legitimacy of the king's authority was derived directly from Anu. In fact, their word for kingship was Anutu (literally, Anu-ship). From that point on, kingdoms have come and gone, but the concept of king as deific appointee has made its way into all cultures". -- HRH Nicholas de Vere

Sumerian depiction of Anu our Anunnaki Creator GOD
"In our Judeo-Christian culture, the idea of divinely-ordained monarchy is backed up by scripture. After an unsuccessful attempt to rule His chosen people directly through a council of judges, Yahweh finally gave in to popular demand and appointed King Saul. Of course, Saul had a problem with obedience, and soon God had to choose another, young David, a descendant of the patriarch Judah. Having promised Judah 10 generations previous that he would father a great nation and that "the scepter shall not depart from Judah … until Shiloh come" (Genesis 49:10), it seemed like a natural choice. Through his prophet Nathan he told David
"I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever." (Samuel 7:12).
So in 1048 BC, David was crowned king of both Judah and Israel, with Jerusalem as his capitol, which until then had been a Canaanite village known as Jebus. The two nations split a couple of generations later, with Israel maintaining a separate succession and Samaria as the capitol, but the kingdom of Judah remained loyal until its inhabitants were carried off into Babylonian captivity, where Zedekiah, the last historically acknowledged King of Judah was blinded just prior to the murder of his sons. However, the royal bloodline was kept intact and a line of Judaic kings de jure proliferated, culminating 21 generations later in Jesus the Nazarene. Thus the title: King of the Jews" which was placed above his head at the crucifixion was actually an accurate description. In fact, there are some who say that Jesus and/or his brother James spawned heirs to the throne of Jerusalem, who fled to France and Ireland after his death and continued the Davidic dynasty, intermarrying with local royalty.
This claim was made by a number of powerful European dynasties, including the Merovingians, the Carolingians, the Stuarts, the Plantagenets, the Habsburgs, and even Emperor Constantine, who have all traced their ancestry back to the House of David. It was this claim upon which they based the legitimacy of their rule, and usurpers who were not already of the Blood of Sion, as it's called made a point of marrying into the usurped family before their coronation and anointment ceremony in order to make it legitimate. Indeed, it is generally acknowledged by scholars that the ritual of anointing kings, first employed by the Vatican when helping Pepin III depose Childeric II as King of the Franks, was, in the words of author Michael Baigent:
". . .a deliberate attempt to suggest that the Frankish monarchy was a replica, if not actually a continuation, of the Judaic monarchy of the Old Testament." -- Michael Baigent
This was significant, for the Church was now assuming the god-like power of creating kings, whereas up until that point kings had been born, not made, and were regarded as such upon coming of age.
Since the death of Absolutism, monarchy all over the world has given way to all sorts of supposedly "populist" governments: Democracy, Republicanism, Communism, Fascism, Socialism, and all points in-between, all under the banners of "Freedom," "Liberty," "Equality," and the like. Here in the west, the few countries that still maintain a monarchy do it purely for show.
Their sovereigns have been almost completely stripped of their authority and function merely as tourist attractions and topics of conversation, while parliaments and congresses of elected officials who supposedly represent the people have taken over the role of leadership. But do they really represent us? Rarely. If anyone, they represent the campaign contributors who actually put them there. Once in office, they are under no obligation to keep the promises they made to the public, and they only respond to public sentiment when they are about to be voted out of office. They have no sense of responsibility to the people they govern, and no loyalty to their oaths of office.
Here in America, the Constitution is regularly pissed upon by those who find the First Amendment inconvenient and the Second Amendment dangerous. Unlawful searches and seizures occur daily in the midst of this ridiculous Drug War, and people under the age of 18 are considered less than human, without freedom of speech or movement. And the voters, an ignorant, apathetic bunch, gladly allow their rights to be trampled on in the belief that the Crime Bill will stop crime or that the Tobacco Bill will prevent lung cancer.
They actually believe that Big Daddy Government is going to take care of them, often arguing that we should be more like "the rest of the civilized world," meaning Europe, where guns are illegal, taxes of all kinds are exorbitant and personal freedoms are more like privileges. They are willing to look the other way as elected officials commit heinous crimes and sell our futures off to foreign interests simply because of a seemingly healthy economy, when in fact international banking families and the non-elected Directors of the Federal Reserve Board have more influence over the economy than any politician. In effect, what we have in America is neither a Republic nor a Democracy, but an oligarchy operating under the guise of mob rule.
In such a system, who will stand up for the rights of the individual citizen while Republicans and Democrats quibble about which Constitutional infringement to pass next? Who will provide consistent leadership and uphold the principles of our founding fathers despite the ever-changing agendas of passing administrations? Who will be immune to the influence of vested interests and party politics? Who will be a unifying symbol to re-instill pride and patriotism in the jaded masses, whose blase attitude has allowed this decay of American freedom?
The answer is simple. Within the confines of a well-established, well-respected, God-ordained royal family, a monarch can be born and bred expressly for the purpose of operating as a constitutional protector, and can exercise his or her authority without having to pander to corporations, politicians or angry voters who want their immediate needs met with no thought of the consequences. He would indeed answer to no one but God, duty-bound to watch over the nation as a shepherd keeps his flock. (And if he were descended from the Royal House of David, he could gain the respect of Muslims, Jews and Christians alike, both here and abroad.)
The founding fathers knew this. In fact they initially wanted to crown George Washington "King of the Americans," and then later offered the post to the exiled Charles Stuart III of Scotland, who declined only for lack of a male heir. They knew that without a strong head the body politic would be unable to function properly. The dogged defensiveness of some of Clinton's supporters for "the honor and dignity of the office of Presidency," their ardent loyalty to him despite everything he's done just because he's "the President" – is proof of this. It shows that many people still have an unconscious desire for a king, a father figure whose rule is absolute and whose leadership is unquestioned. The strong emotional reactions that many have had to his betrayal reveal that as well, a desire to have someone you can actually look up to as opposed to someone just doing a job for self-serving reasons. They too see the office of Presidency with the awe and reverence usually reserved for a monarch, and they don't like to see that image disgraced. This demonstrates that the "democracy" which we currently enjoy – meaning the popular election of partisan puppets who waste the country's time and money for 4-8 years, then get discarded like an old toothbrush – is not sufficiently meeting our need for leadership. We need someone who will defend our constitutional guarantees and who will defend our national sovereignty from foreign invasion, both military and monetary, someone who's authority to watch over the affairs of this nation is respected by all, because he does so by divine right." -- HRH Nicholas de Vere
"The following section is a more in-depth explanation of the De Vere Merovingian Bloodline Legacy throughout history. It is now time to turn the page on His-story and begin speaking openly about Her-story. The breaking away from the GODSPELL of the last epoch!" -- Amarushka
See Below for More on the Merovingians
Dragon Sovereignty
"To See Clearly"
The ring as a symbol of kingship originated
with Samael or Satan, as the church would have us call him. Samael was
the earlier name for Prometheus, whom Zeus vowed would remain chained to
the White Mountain forever. After some time Zeus regretted his vow and
wished to release Prometheus but was bound by his word not to. At last a
compromise was reached and Zeus tore the chains which bound Prometheus
and from one link of Adamantine he forged a ring and set upon it a stone
cut from the mountain. In this way he was able to keep his word, that
his old adversary would forever be bound to the mountain, but afforded
at the same time his release. The mythical conflict between the Grecian Zeus and Prometheus originated in Scythia. There the two gods were named Enki (Samael) and Enlil (Jehovah). The war between them arose firstly as a dispute over seniority. Sons of one father,Anu; Enki was the younger son of Anu's senior wife, Antu, whereas Enlil was the elder of the two sons but was born to Anu's second or junior wife, Ki. In Anunnaki culture the female was the source of sovereignty and by rights Enki or Samael Anu, king of the Anunnaki or gods. Enlil disputed this claim and furthermore resented Enki's patronage and assistance of mankind, whom Enlil (Jehovah-Zeus) hated and wished constantly to destroy. (Satan) was therefore the rightful heir to his father's status and throne.
This story is repeated in the Greek tale of Zeus' hatred of mankind and the war for supremacy and control of man waged between the elder gods, the Titans, led by Prometheus; and the younger gods, the Olympians, led by Zeus.
It is repeated again in the tale of the war between Satan and Jehovah. In all these stories, it is the son of the elder queen who is the rightful heir, and this is Enki-Samael-Prometheus-Satan, the friend, Saviour and supporter of mankind.
Enlil or Zeus-Jehovah further objected to the idea of investing in man the right to kingship and self rule, this was by tradition the sole prerequisite of the Anunnaki the Dragon Council and it was decided that an Anunnaki queen would incubate a human ovum fertilized by Enki or Samael-Satan. The resulting child would be the first king or queen of the second race of men, being mostly Anunnaki. Several attempts were made at producing a suitable child by adopting varying permutations of the Anunnaki - human interaction. Samael inseminated a Bijo woman, resulting in the birth of Adam, the first prototype of mortal kingship.

Enki and 'Eve'
The second experiment was between Enki - Samael and Eve,
his daughter. The child they produced was called Cain, who was mated
to Lilith Luluwa, the pure bred Anunnaki daughter (Rh Negative blood)
of Lilith the Beautiful and Samael. To Lilith Luluwaand Cain and their
Sacred offspring was given, via Nm Kursag, the Tiara of Dragon (not
mortal) Kingship from the hand of their father Enki - Samael the rightly
overlord of the Gods, whilst Adam and his children were still
considered by Enlil to be serfs. However, upon them the usurping Enlil
conveyed his own kingship without the authority of the Council of the
Dragon Gods, the Anunnaki. This he did in an attempt to gain support
from humanity, for his illegitimate claim to leadership of the Council.In the later rendering of the story of the origin of kingship, which accompanies the story of the war between the rightful gods, the Titans, and their younger rivals, it is said that rings became the symbol of kingship and were worn in memory of Prometheus, from whom all true kings were descended. These rings of alchemical or magical priest-kingship are specifically Dragon Rings, which are symbolized by the alchemical Oroborous, the Serpent or Dragon eating its own tail, the 0 or Zero.
Prometheus the Titan is the "elder god", he is Enki, later called Satan, and so the two stories, originating from a common source, attest to idea that the holy, Draconian, otherworldly origin of the blood of kings ultimately derives from Satan or Samael-Enki, and Lilith; and not from their rival, the usurper Jehovah-Zeus or Enlil and the race of Adam, from whom is derived the origin of the later Tinker Kings, the false monarchies that are based, not on service and transcendent wisdom, but on worldly greed, tyranny, trade and usury.
The bloodline of Lilith and Samael, the pure royal blood of true kingship, descended therefore, from Transylvania and Mesopotamia, through the Sobekh queens of Egypt who, after the Anunnaki, established the first Royal Dragon Courts; and from thence it devolved down to the Tuatha de Danaan of Eire and their descendants, the Pictish, Dragon, fairy princesses of the Holy Grail, whose families colonized Caledonia and Anjou.
Such was the strength and purity of this ancient bloodline, that it was never forcefully assimilated, interbred or conquered. Through the Tuatha de Danaan and their daughters and sons, the Pictish Dragon queens and kings, the elven ladies and lords of the British Isles, the royal Dragon blood devolved to the ancient Vere-Bruidhe, the priest-kings of the Calle Daouine in 400 BC. This lineage descended through the centuries to the arch-druidic, Pictish priestess-queen Bruidhina who married King Gille Sidhean of Albany, an eighth century descendant of the druidic, sacral house of the Ulidian of the Ver BoIg.
Taking her elven entourage - her Royal Dragon Court - with her; their daughter, the fairy Princess Maelasanu de Scythesor Sidhe, the second niece-granddaughter of Morgan La Fey, moved from Scotland to France and there she married another Vere, the Frankish prince of Gallic Pictavia, Raymond de Forez, through whom she continued, in the early eighth century, the first royal house of Vere of Anjou or Anschau, meaning "mystical revelation".

Concept of Sovereignty
Complied by Professor Alfred Freddy Krupa de Tarnawa (M.F.A.)
". . .the concept of sovereignty formally implies a power that is absolute, perpetual, indivisible, IMPRESCRIPTIBLE and inalienable." -- Nationalism and Particularity, Andrew Vincent
"Sovereignty is one and indivisible, it cannot be delegated, SOVEREIGNTY IS IRREVOCABLE, SOVEREIGNTY IS PERPETUAL, sovereignty is a supreme power, these are the main points of characterization that made Bodin's sovereignty in the seventeenth century an essential element of State." -- Political Sciences, Dr. Paulo Bonavides
"Neither the elapsed time, even for centuries, or non-use of the acts of sovereignty exercised by the Prince Pretender, Head of Name and Arms of his house, may be derogated, prescribed or canceled. He/She retains these rights until the end of times ' ad perpetuam rei tenendam ' which are inserted in the person of the Prince Pretender. " -- Treaty of Heraldry and Nobility Law, Professor Dr W. Baroni Santos, Doctor D'état
". . .it's simply ridiculous, from a legal point of view, the distinction intended to be done about Dynasties that have reigned until recently or those who ruled in the distant past. It's not understandable how you can launch at the foot numerous pages of history, only to give luster to this or that family, who, aided by good luck, have managed to remain on the throne, after the year 1815. A Dynasty either reigned or not it did not reign. If it reigned, even in very remote time, it deserves the historical and legal treatment as a Dynasty and all its effects." -- former president, Italian Supreme Court of Cassation, Professor Doctor Renato de Francesco
"A 'Chief of Name and Arms', a title attributed to a Claimant, being by juris sanguinis (law of blood) 'heir apparent' of a defunct throne, as long as he or she has not formalized a voluntary act of resignation and acquiescence [formalized, not assumed or presumed] to the new political order of the state, according to the classic expression 'subito la debellatio', retains, in all their fullness, the sovereign prerogatives of Fons Honorum (Fountain of Honors) and Jus Majestatis (right to majestic dignity). It is a fortiori, the source of nobility and honor, and may, without restrictions, create nobles and arm knights." -- Treaty of Heraldry / Nobility, Professor Doctor W. Baroni Santos, Doctor D'état

Dragon kind and the Merovingians
Dragon Dynasties' Tree of Life

Dragon Dynasties
(CLICK for bigger version)
" 'The Dragon' is a term I use generally to mean the dragon archetype resting within the Dragon blood and passed on through the genes. It is the conduit through which flow the memories of the wisdom and experience of the Dragons who have gone before. The word 'dragon' is derived from the Greek 'edrakon', which is an aorist of the word 'derkesthai', which means 'to see clearly'. 'The Dragon' therefore is the inherited Dragon archetype and that archetype is the conduit of clear sight through which racial knowledge flows. Clear sight also and principally refers to transcendent consciousness.
In brief, the recorded Dragon lineage starts with the Anunnaki and descends through the proto-Scythians, the Sumerians in one branch and the early Egyptians in another; the Phoenicians, the Mittani, back to the Scythians again through marital alliance, along to the 'Tuatha de Danaan' and the Fir Bolg; down through their Arch-druidic, Priest-Princely families, to the Royal Picts of Scotland and the high kings of the Horse Lords of Dal Riada; through to the Elven dynasty of Pendragon and Avallon del Acqs, and down to a few pure bred families today.
Dragon tradition related to all the current genetic and historical evidence says yes they were. Both relatively recent and ancient accounts of Dragons or Elves going back to the Anunnaki speak of them as having clearly distinct physical attributes, and these attributes are inherited from a species that scientists now assert preceded the human genetic bottleneck by about thirty thousand years. These attributes are not human in the accepted sense. Whether this ancient race was hybridized with another before history is any body's guess, but their later hybridization to produce the Elven God-Kings and Ring Lords (the King Tribe), is clearly recorded in the Cylinder Rolls. " -- HRH Nicholas De Vere
Sumerian Relief depicting the Anunnaki and their Tree of Life
"The Nephilim and the Watchers are of the Dragon race. as were the gods of ancient cultures of Greece, India, Sumeria. These pantheons are derived from one another. The Platonic Atlantis theory is preceded by a much older tradition relating to the 'Ogdoad.' The Ogdoad, sacred to Jesus himself, were the eight great Gods who raked the Sacred Mountain - 'Atlantis' - after the original Flood.
This Flood occurred in the Black Sea and the Sacred Mountain, so inundated, was believed to be the Pontus Euxine. Apparently the Ogdoad failed in their attempt to bring fertility back to the Holy Place and abandoned it for a life wandering the planet. This is probably why the legend of the Flood spread and can be found in most cultures.
The Ogdoad turn up in Chinese myth, in early Egyptian religious texts, and even in much later Viking legend, where the gods of the Aesir were said to have abandoned the Sacred Mountain after the Flood. From the Ogdoad, who were the first Dragon god-kings of ancient proto-Scythia, we obtain the gods of the Anunnaki, and those later pantheons that derived from them.
It is not to be doubted that after the Flood the children of the Anunnaki had established incredible civilizations in their time, so I suppose you could say that the cultures of the Sumerians (whose language, termed 'proto-Sumerian', originated in Transylvania), the Egyptians and even the early settlers in northern Europe stemmed from and reflect an antediluvian prototype, a much older pre-Flood 'Golden Age' presided over by the ancient Dragon god-kings and goddess-queens.
The mistake would be to put the Atlantean period too far back in time and to locate Atlantis where Plato did. Scientists have proved the Biblical Flood to be in the Black Sea and this region is where most of the Titanic and Olympian sagas, associated with the Dawn of the Gods, unfold." -- HRH Nicholas De Vere
Merovingian culture was both temperate and surprisingly modern, the monarchs who presided over it were another matter. They (The Sorcerer Kings) were not typical even of rulers of their own age, for the atmosphere of mystery legend, magic and the supernatural, surrounded them, even during their lifetimes. If the customs and economy of the Merovingian world did not differ markedly from others of the period, the aura about the throne and royal bloodline was quite unique.
Sons of the Merovingian blood were not 'created' kings. On the contrary they were automatically regarded as such on the advent of their twelfth birthday. There was no public ceremony of anointment, no coronation of any sort. Power was simply assumed, as by sacred right.
But while the king was supreme authority in the realm, he was not obliged - or even expected - to sully his hands with the mundane business of governing. He was essentially a ritualized figure, a priest-king, and his role was not necessarily to do anything, simply to be. The king ruled in short, but did not govern.
Even after their conversion to Christianity the Merovingian rulers, like the Patriarchs of the Old Testament, were polygamous. On occasion they enjoyed harems of oriental proportions. Even when the aristocracy, under pressure from the Church, became rigorously monogamous, the monarchy remained exempt. And the Church, curiously enough, seems to have accepted this prerogative without any inordinate protest. According to one modern commentator: Why was it [polygamy] tacitly approved by the Franks themselves?
We may here be in the presence of ancient usage of polygamy in a royal family - a family of such rank that its blood could not be ennobled by any match, however advantageous, nor degraded by the blood of slaves. It was a matter of indifference whether a queen were taken from a royal dynasty or from among courtesans.
The fortune of the dynasty rested in its blood and was shared by all who were of that bloodline.

Desposyni is a Greek word meaning "Of the
Lord". The Desposyni are said to be those in direct descent from Jesus
the Christ and Mary Magdalene
The Desposyni went Underground in 325 AD to
Protect the Secret Spiritual Wisdom and Techniques of
Jesus the Christ. The Desposyni Church was formed in 30 AD by Jesus and
family members. St John, a Desposyni, wrote the "Book of Revelation".
Our family records go back to Enoch in 2750 BC. The Old French
expression for the Holy Grail, San Graal, actually is a play on Sang
réal, which literally means "royal blood" in Old French.
The Grail relics consist of the documents that testify to the bloodline, as well as the actual bones of Mary Magdalene. The Grail relics of Mary Magdalene were hidden by the Priory of Sion in a secret crypt, perhaps beneath Roslyn Chapel.
The Grail relics consist of the documents that testify to the bloodline, as well as the actual bones of Mary Magdalene. The Grail relics of Mary Magdalene were hidden by the Priory of Sion in a secret crypt, perhaps beneath Roslyn Chapel.

Medieval Royalty - Grail Families
"The bloodline of Lilith and Samael, the pure royal blood of true kingship descended from Transylvania to Mesopotamia, through the Sobekh queens of Egypt, to the Tuatha de Danaa, the Pictish Dragon Fairy Princesses of the Holy Grail in Anjou and Caledonia.
The First Crusade (A.D. 1098) could then conceivably have been an attempt to restore an heir of the Davidic bloodline to the throne of Jerusalem in the person of Godfroi of Bouillon (also known as Godfroi of Lorraine), who was, according to legend, of Merovingian lineage... This secret cabal called the Priory of Sion, was reputed to have been formed by Godfroi of Lorraine to protect the interests of the bloodline." -- Templar Revelation
The Church has suppressed the truth about Mary Magdalene and the Jesus bloodline for 2000 years. This is principally because they fear the power of the sacred feminine and RIGHT to RULE.Mary Magdalene was of royal descent (through the Jewish House of Benjamin) and was the wife of Jesus, of the House of David. That she was a prostitute was slander invented by the Church to obscure their true relationship. At the time of the Crucifixion, she was pregnant. After the Crucifixion, she fled to Gaul, where she was sheltered by the Jews of Marseilles. She gave birth to a daughter, named Sarah. The bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene became the Merovingian dynasty of France.

Portrait of Mary Magdalene holding the Grail Cup
The existence of the bloodline was the secret that was
contained in the documents discovered by the Crusaders after they
conquered Jerusalem in 1099 (see Kingdom of Jerusalem). The Priory of
Sion and the Knights Templar were organized to keep the secret and
eventually establish the New JerUSAlem in the Americas in time."The term Desposyni (from the Greek δεσπόσυνοι, plural of δεσπόσυνος, meaning "of or belonging to the master or lord" refers to blood relatives of Jesus. The term was coined by Sextus Julius Africanus, a writer of the early 3rd century. Scholars argue that Jesus' relatives held positions of special honor in the Early Christian Church. Christians of the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox traditions, as well as most Anglicans and some followers of Lutheranism, reject the idea that Jesus had blood siblings, as their churches hold the doctrine of the Virgin Mary's Perpetual Virginity." -- Wikipedia
The secrets of the Grail are connected, according to the fictional novel, to Leonardo Da Vinci's work as follows:"Leonardo was a member of the Priory of Sion and knew the secret of the Grail. The secret is in fact revealed in The Last Supper, in which no actual chalice is present at the table. The figure seated next to Christ is not a man, but a woman, his wife Mary Magdalene. Most reproductions of the work are from a later alteration that obscured her obvious female characteristics.
The androgyny of the Mona Lisa reflects the sacred union of male and female which is implied in the holy union of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Such parity between the cosmic forces of masculine and feminine has long been a deep threat to the established power of the Church. The name Mona Lisa is actually an anagram for 'Amon L'Isa', referring to the father and mother gods of Ancient Egypt (namely Amun and Isis).
The closely related word (despotes) meaning lord, master, or ship owner is commonly used of God, human slave-masters, and of Jesus in the reading Luke 13:25 found in Papyrus 75, in Jude 1:4, and possibly in 2nd Peter 2:1.
In Ebionite belief, the Desposyni included his mother Mary, his father Joseph, his unnamed sisters, and his brothers James the Just, Joses, Simon and Jude; in modern mainstream Christian belief, Mary is counted as a blood relative, Joseph only as a foster father and the rest as half brothers or cousins.
If Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, a controversial belief which was held by the Gnostic sects, and which is indirectly corroborated by the apocryphal Gospel of Philip, their child or children would have been the most revered among the Desposyni.
According to author Malachi Martin, every early community of Judean followers of Jesus, whether it was Nazarene or Ebionite, was governed by a Desposyni as a patriarch, and each of them carried one of the names traditional in Jesus' family but no one was ever named after him.
As some asserted their descent from both king David and the high priest Aaron, all male Desposyni could have laid claim to both the throne and the office of high priest of Jerusalem.
However, the Roman occupation of Palestine, with the collaboration of the Judean establishment, made any attempt by a Desposyni to rise to or seize political and religious power impossible or limited in scope." -- The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown
Desposyni and the Pope
The controversial Irish priest Malachi Martin noted in The Decline and Fall of the Roman Church that:
"A meeting between Sylvester (Pope Silvester I) and the Jewish Christian leaders took place in 318. The vital interview was not, as far as we know, recorded, but the issues were very well known, and it is probable the Joses, the oldest of the Christian Jews, spoke on behalf of the Desposyni and the rest.
That most hallowed name, Desposyni, had been respected by all believers in the first century and a half of Christian history. The word literally meant, in Greek, "belonging to the Lord." It was reserved uniquely for Jesus' blood relatives. Every part of the ancient Jewish Christian church had always been governed by a Desposyni, and each of them carried one of the names traditional in Jesus' family---Zachary, Joseph, John, James, Joses, Simeon, Matthias, and so on. But no one was ever called Jesus.
Neither Sylvester nor any of the thirty-two popes before him, nor those succeeding him, ever emphasized that there were at least three well-known and authentic lines of legitimate blood descent from Jesus' own family.
The Desposyni demanded that Sylvester, who now had Roman patronage, revoke his confirmation of the authority of the Greek Christian bishops at Jerusalem, in Antioch, in Ephesus, and in Alexandria, and to name Desposyni bishops to take their place. They asked that the practice of sending cash to Jerusalem as the mother church be resumed.
These blood relatives of Christ demanded the reintroduction of the Law, which included the Sabbath and the Holy Day system of Feasts and New Moons of the Bible. Sylvester dismissed their claims and said that, from now on, the mother church was in Rome and he insisted they accept the Greek bishops to lead them."
This was the last known dialogue with the Sabbath-keeping church in the east led by the disciples who were descended from blood relatives of Jesus the Messiah." -- The Decline and Fall of the Roman Church, Malachi Martin

"One Blood, One Life, One Law"
The Shining Ones - Elohim; Resting In Truth & Clarity
But, notably this is because it is for the 'one mind' concept, and the UFO concept.
To the Merovingians, the bee was a most hallowed creature and, having been a sacred emblem of Egyptian royalty, it became a symbol of wisdom.
Some 300 small golden bees were found stitched to the cloak of Childeric I (the son of Meroveus) when his grave was unearthed in 1653. Napoleon had these attached to his own coronation robe in 1804. He claimed his right by virtue of his descent from James de Rohan-Stuardo, the natural son (legitimated 1677) of Charles II Stuart of Britain by Marguerite, Duchesse de Rohan.
The Stuarts were in turn entitled to this distinction because they, and their related Counts of Brittany, were descended from Clodion's brother Fredemundus–thus (akin to the Merovingians) they were equally in descent from the Fisher Kings through Faramuind. The Merovingian bee was adopted by the exiled Stuarts in Europe, and engraved bees are still to be be seen in some Jacobite glassware.
To the Merovingians, the bee was a most hallowed creature and, having been a sacred emblem of Egyptian royalty, it became a symbol of wisdom. Some 300 small golden bees were found stitched to the cloak of Childeric I (the son of Meroveus) when his grave was unearthed in 1653. Napoleon had these attached to his own coronation robe in 1804. He claimed his right by virtue of his descent from James de Rohan-Stuardo, the natural son (legitimated 1677) of Charles II Stuart of Britain by Marguerite, Duchesse de Rohan.
The Stuarts were in turn entitled to this distinction because they, and their related Counts of Brittany, were descended from Clodion's brother Fredemundus–thus (akin to the Merovingians) they were equally in descent from the Fisher Kings through Faramuind. The Merovingian bee was adopted by the exiled Stuarts in Europe, and engraved bees are still to be be seen in some Jacobite glassware.
Seems they where also related to the Danaans of Arie or Ireland fame. The Water of Life is actually explained as the Kundalini Serpent Power. And the Fisher King is shown in symbols that demonstrate the union of the three parts of the Kundalini at the third eye. So a symbol of Gnosis. Interesting enough, ENKI or Lucifer is the first "Fisher King" and transmitted of the knowledge of the "Waters of Life."
The bee represents the buzzing or humming vibration coming from the OUTER ONES, and their vehicles. The OUTER ONES are also the QLIPPOTH or the ANCIENT ONES of the Lovecraftian lore.

The IRDC Children of Merovenus

Bee transformed into Fleur de leis symbol of the Merovingian Dragon Bloodline
"For it ascends from Earth to Heaven, and descends again new born to Earth,
having acquired the powers of the Above and the Below.
The power of the 'Telesma* is not complete if it is not converted into earth." -- -Emerald Tablet

Our Dragon Genes Serve the Memes
Dragon Charter
Dragon Alliance
How can we be Dragon?
How can we recruit our finest?
How can we enhance our Foresight?
How can we facilitate Gender Reunion?
How can we reclaim our Collective Voice?
How can we best navigate our Ship of State?
How can we transmute Gnosis into an Action Plan?
How can we transform Chaos into Emergent Creativity?
How can we prepare effectively for our Collective Future?
How can we translate Symbolic Perception into Innovation?
How can we develop our Mediation Skills for reducing conflict?
How can we optimally deploy our practical Ancestral Memories?
How can we articulate Best Practices for contemporary Dragon Culture?
How can we embody our Nobility and release our Extraordinary Potential?
How can we implement and coordinate our powerful Holographic Network?
How can we organize, mobilize and steward ourselves, others and the world?
How can we bridge the gap between 'divine intervention' & 'catabolic collapse'?
How can we transform our theories into experiential knowledge for Best Practice?
How can we activate our Mimetic (cultural) and Genetic (psychobiological) Blueprint?
"Four symbols are used in the Bible concerning the Danites – a serpent, an eagle, a lion, and the bees. In the story of Samons, we find the famous riddle of the bees who made honey in the carcass of a lion which had been killed by Samson. the symbolic nature of the bees could represent the concept that the descendants of the tribe of Dan would one day try to bring about the destruction of the tribe of Judah, whose symbol was the lion, and from the carcass of the lion the tribe of Dan would attempt to produce the golden age of a world empire, symbolized by the honey.
The Merovingian claim of coming from the tribe of Judah (through Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ) is not true. The lie may have been advanced because the symbol of Judah was the lion. However, I believe the Merovingians were from the tribe of Dan." -- Tribe of Dan & the serpent seed Guardians of the Grail pg 109

Mormon Hive of Dragon KIN
Mormon Church with Beehive
representing the Desposyni Bloodline
Thanks to Joseph Smith, the Mormons use the beehive in
their symbolism, as do others with the knowledge of the ancient
bloodline. The beehive represents the Mother Goddess, and is part of
the Holy Trinity, all conspiring to take back control of planet
earth. from the false powers of the fallen hierarchies that have
enslaved the righteous. This imagery can be traced back to the Egyptian mythology, and the Eye of Horus. It also appears in Buddhism, Hinduism as the Lord Shiva, and in many other religious contexts. I believe it was introduced by the fallen angels to represent Satan. This symbol can be found on many ancient buildings in ancient Chaldea, in ancient Greece, and also in ancient Egypt.
The MI-seeing eye represents Osiris. It is said that when the Priory of Sion, protector of the Merovingian thrones, lowers the sun-rayed capstone of the pyramid in place, the world government will be complete.
"A veritable secret society of 121 dignitaries, the Prieuré de Sion, founded by Godfroi de Bouillon in Jerusalem in 1099, has numbered among its Grand Masters Leonardo da Vinci, Victor Hugo and Jean Cocteau. This Order convened its Convent at Blois on 17 January 1981... As a result of this recent Convent at Blois, Pierre Plantard de Saint-Claire was elected grand master of the Order...
This choice of grand master marks a decisive step in the evolution of the Order's conception and spirit in relation to the world; for the 121 dignitaries of the Prieuré de Sion are all éminences grises of high finance and of international political or philosophical societies; and Pierre Plantard is the direct descendant, through Dagobert II, of the Merovingian kings. His descent has been proved legally by the parchments of Queen Blanche of Castile, discovered by the Abbe Sauniére in the church at Rennes-le-Château (Aude) in 1891.
These documents were sold by the priest's niece in 1965 to Captain Roland Stanmore and Sir Thomas Frazer, and were deposited in a safe-deposit box of Lloyd's Bank Europe Limited of London." -- Author Unknown

Lord of the Ring
"Let the truth be our wisdom. The proclamation of Truth is fearless."
-- Lovers of Truth, Relationship & Eternal Vere-ities

Enduring Verities
It is the Ring of Truth that binds us all.
The ring as a symbol of sovereignty & veracity originated with Enki.
From ancient times certain truths shaped mankind with Wisdom and Understanding.
Such a philosophy is not ephemeral; it is eternal.
'Natural aristocracy' is based on values that great cultures must possess to thrive.
Truth, Freedom & Virtue are companions.

Lost Book of ENKI, Zacharia Sitchin
(CLICK for Amazon)
"Vero, Nihil Verius" — Nothing truer than Truth, Truth nothing but the truth-- Scottish Weir Motto

De VERE Coat of Arms
The Scottish Weir motto remains the same as the English de
VERE motto: "Vero nihil verius" also written as "Vero nil Verius." This
can be translated as "Nothing truer than truth" or alternately "Truth
nothing but the truth." The Weir crest is based on the de VERE coat,
with the blue boar, which may date all the way back to Rainfroi de VERE.

Ancient Wisdom: Primordial Consciousness of Truth
With a postmodern twist, 'Nothing' is truer than Truth
could imply the Ground-state of self-arising Primordial Awareness, the
fundamental emptiness of the Void, Naked Awareness reflected in vacuum
fluctuation, the unmoving Truth underlying physical manifestation and
consciousness -- the True Self. Indestructible Truth is echoed in the
sacred emptiness of the Heart Sutra: the Void Does Not Differ
From Form. Form is Void and Void is Form.The one true thing is not a thing at all but the non-dual Truth of Absolute Spirit, unbroken Wholeness. There is, indeed, nothing but the Truth, Absolute Truth. Primordial Awareness is the wellspring of Spontaneous Creativity.

We are EL "The Watchers" of Zion

Sketches of the two EL (Elohim) 'Watchers of Zion' , the Giants,
Half breed of the Anunnaki found in a Southern Utah cavern
Through unbiased watching of the reflexive process of
nature – through observation of the true nature of phenomena as-it-is
devoid of conceptualization processes. This is ISIS -- what IS-IS. Only the eye of contemplation is capable of disclosing absolute truth; then the true nature of our own mind is simultaneously revealed – one revealing the other instantaneously as primordial awareness and clarity free from the limitations of the three times of past, future, or existential time and existential space. Prior to this commitment mind manifests metaphorically like "the reflection of the moon on water."
That is to say, like a luminous sphere coalescent with emptiness. Prior to self-reflection and a commitment to the truth of the perceived, primordial awareness reveals the sphere cannot be grasped.
Dharmakaya is a Sanskrit term which in Tibetan is chös-sku meaning "the body of reality" or "truth body".

The Divine Marriage, an ancient Alchemical symbol for the Dragon Bloodline
"The Royal Marriage is the Mystery of Truth & Love" -- Rigpa, Ain Soph Aur
"Somewhere there was once a Flower, a Stone, a Crystal, a Queen, a King, a Lover and his Beloved, and this was long ago, on an Island somewhere in the Ocean 5000 years ago. Such is Love, the Mystic Flower of the Soul. This is the Center, the Self." -- C.G. Jung
"As for being able to pop a pill to become a Dragon, this kind of stupid New Age attitude stems from the ridiculous, totally indefensible greed-driven free-market assertion that anyone can become anything they choose, and the totally unfounded PC notion that everyone is equal. " -- HRH Nicolas de Vere
Unveiling the Goddess Isis
The Sefer ha-Zohar ("Book of Splendor") places great emphasis on the Shekinah or divine feminine, and it brought sexual polarity very much to the forefront of Qabalah at the time of its publication in 1290, and the subsequent publication of the Sefer ha-Bahir ("Book of Brilliance") in 1310, when the Hermetic and Neoplatonic texts were also being translated, resulted in both traditions feeding into alchemy, the Grimoires and other magickal traditions of the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
Significantly this also predated the main period of the witch trials, and the conflation of prejudice against Jews, heretics and witches.
"From Her do they receive their nourishment, and from Her do they receive blessing; and She is called the Mother of them all." -- Qabalah
The word Shekinah is from the root Shakhan meaning 'to dwell', and refers to her presence within all humanity. In the ninth century the German branch of Qabalists described the Shekinah as the circle of fire around God, their union causing the throne, angels and human souls to come into being.[2] The Shekinah has been seen as manifesting in two ways.As the Lesser or Exiled Shekinah she is perceived as being the world soul, somewhat akin to the concept of Gaia as postulated by James Lovelock. However as the source of souls, Shekinah is also present in every person, as the spark that seeks to reunite with the Greater Shekinah, the great goddess.
"Her ways are of pleasantness, and her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her; and happy is every one that retaineth her." -- Qabalah

Qabalah Ladder of Light
The Kabbalistic Shekinah, the Gnostic Sophia and the
classical goddesses all enjoyed notable attention through the
Renaissance, and it could convincingly be argued that the deities of
Wicca are expressions of an inevitable resurgence of the divine powers
seeking an outlet, as they have done for the last fifteen hundred years.This idea of a universal goddess or great mother goddess was to continue through the Renaissance, as can be seen in writings by authors such as the German humanist Konrad Mutian (1471-1526). In correspondence he observed, in a manner which would have been seen as sacrilegious by the Church at the time:
There is but one God and one Goddess,
But many are their powers and names:
Jupiter, Sol, Apollo, Moses, Christus,
Luna, Ceres, Proserpina, Tellus, Maria.
But have a care in speaking these things.
They should be hidden in silence as
are the Eleusinian Mysteries;
Sacred things must be wrapped
in fable and enigma
-- Konrad Mutian (1471-1526)

Mermen half dolphin half man holding up the first Adamic woman

Mysteries of Mary Magdalene

Leonardo Di Vinci's Last Supper
Many believe the above mural depicts Merovingian Blooded Mary Magdalene sitting to the right of
Jesus the Nazarene.It was Mary Magdalene that carried the Hybrid Blood line Mitochondria of the Anunnaki referred to as the Adamic Seed creation - Gen ISIS about 5,000 to 10,000 years ago in what we now know as Sumer one of the several Gardens of Eden . In times of old the blood and the power were always passed down through the Mother's Chondirana.
The red hair green eyed dragon bloodline known as the Tribe of Cain that is also knowns as the Tribe of Dan, which is a hybrid bloodline. Jesus's bloodline combined with that of his twin flame consort Merovingian Mary Magdalene and created the Desposyni beginning with their off spring of which much of the world are still in religious denial over this living fact.

Lady of the SUN Dragon Rider, Robert Pope
In the book of Revelation, chapter 12, the apostle John describes his vision of a heavenly woman:"Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth. And she bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her Child was caught up to God and to His throne." -- Revelations. 5, 12:1-2

Unified Field Theory of Dagobert's Revenge
By Tracy R. Twyman
Dagobert's Revenge Magazine is based on a theory of history, a concept of theology, and a body of literature that exploded onto the public consciousness in the early 1980s with the publication of the best-selling Holy Blood, Holy Grail, by Michael Baigent, Henry Lincoln, and Richard Leigh. This book presented a radical new theory: that Jesus Christ did not die on the cross, but lived on to father children with his wife, Mary Magdalen, whose descendants intermarried with what became the Royal House of France. And it all started with Henry Lincoln's investigation in the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau.It was in this tiny village in the south of France that a poor parish priest named Berenger Sauniere discovered four parchments that were to change his life, and the surrounding village, forever. Two of these parchments were genealogies of this magazine's mascot, Dagobert II, the last of the Frankish dynasty of priest-kings known as the Merovingians.

Merovingian Ming Dagobert
After finding these parchments, this once-poor parish
priest became suddenly and inexplicably wealthy, perhaps because of
having found some buried treasure. He began hanging out with members of
the Parisian upper-crust occult set, such as composer Claude Debussy and
opera singer Emma Calve.He began redecorating his church and surrounding property in a most bizarre fashion, leaving behind strange clues in an effort to communicate to future generations the secret that he had learned from the parchments. These clues, many involving the use of occult, Kabbalistic, alchemical, Masonic, and Templar-oriented symbolism, seem to indicate the involvement of a secret society known as the Priory of Sion.
The Prieuré de Sion (Priory of Zion) was a chivalrous fraternity created in medieval France with the purpose of preserving the Merovingian bloodline and returning them to the throne of France. They were officially founded as the Order de Sion by Godfroi de Bouillon, in either 1090 or 1099. This was just prior the First Crusade, which was also headed by de Bouillon.
Their official headquarters was the Abbey of Notre Dame du Mont de Sion in Jerusalem. In March 1117 they had Baldwin I, King of Jerusalem (who, it is said, owed his throne to them due to their efforts on his behalf) negotiate the constitution of the Order of the Temple, A.K.A. the Knights Templar, as the military and administrative arm of the Order de Sion.
The Templar order, which had already been around more than a decade, was headed by Hughes de Payens, who was also a founding member of the Order de Sion. They are not mentioned again in history until 1152, when King Louis VII of France brought them 95 new members and gave them the priory of Saint-Samson at Orleans.
The Templars, according to tradition, were created for the purpose of safeguarding pilgrims on the road to the Holy Land, and they are most famous for their brave fighting on behalf of Christendom for the capture of Jerusalem. However, evidence indicates that this was not at all an orthodox Christian organization, but that their secret rituals and doctrine were much more mystical, hermetic, and occult-oriented, and derived not from the Church, but from Christ himself.
Now the Knights Templar had quite a career after the Crusades. They basically took over Europe financially, dominating all the major industries, especially that of money lending. They invented the modern checking system, and within a few years had all of Europe's kings indebted to them.
This is why, even though they were disbanded by the Pope and the Grand Master burnt at the stake for heresy, some people believe that the Templars still exist today, continuing to manipulate the affairs of Europe behind the scenes. The Swiss nation, especially, is believed to be controlled by them. The same can be said for the Priory of Sion, which continues to this day, according to the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail.
Who exactly were the Merovingians, you may ask, and what is so special about them? They were the first kings of what is now France, the first to unify the kingdom, and the first to preside over the prototype of the Holy Roman Empire.
They were granted the title of New Constantine in perpetuity by the Pope, some believe, because the Vatican recognized the descent of the Merovingian bloodline from that of Jesus Christ, who, according to this theory, was the husband of Mary Magdalen, and sired a child through her. Mary and her child later fled to France, were their descendants married into the local Visigoth nobility.
This would explain why the Vatican granted the Merovingians the title New Constantine, in recognition of the descent from the King of Kings himself. It also explains why the Knights Templar wished to take control of Jerusalem – because they considered it their rightful inheritance.
Christ, as the biological son of Joseph, was a descendant of King David, and therefore the rightful king of Jerusalem, so his descendants would have been as well. It would also explain why the Templars were called the "Guardians of the Grail", and as many have pointed out, "Holy Grail" comes from the French word "Sangreal", which could just as easily be translated as "royal blood", meaning the bloodline of Christ.

Jesus of Nazarene the rightful King of the Jews heir to the throne of Isra-EL
But why, many have asked, if he was not the son of God,
and did not die on the cross for our sins, should his bloodline be so
important. If the people who ascribe to this theory do not believe in
his divinity, why should they care about his descendants?This is something that has never been adequately explained in past genre literature, but we believe that we have the answer, which we will describe in full in our upcoming book. Fact is, Jesus was the Son of God, but not he pseudo-mystical force that supposedly impregnated Mary's virgin womb.
It goes back to King David, and further than that, to ancient Sumer, Atlantis, and the very beginnings of human history. For the kings of the ancient world were the gods whose rule is now recorded in the mythologies of every past and present culture across the globe, and their descendants are the human kings who have reigned since the Flood, when the gods left the Earth.
The bloodline of Christ and King David, and of almost all royal houses throughout history can be traced back to these "gods" or Pre-diluvian kings. That is where the concept of kingship came from, and that is where all of our ancient traditions, religious principles, and all of the basic arts and sciences of civilization came from. And the secret hermetic doctrine of occultism, which is popular in the underground today, can be traced there as well.

Jesus the Christ as he appeared to the artist Nannette Crist of Virginia Beach, VA
The theory synthesizes a number of facts and theories
regarding history, folklore, secret societies, and occultism that have
so far remained disparate, creating a "unified field theory" of the
Grail mystery, where all interpretations of the Holy Grail – as a cup, a
stone, a tablet, a secret doctrine, a spiritual experience, or a royal
bloodline – are reconciled with one another. We are not saying that every part of our theory is absolutely correct, but with what we've learned we certainly can't be all wrong. And if even a fraction of our theory is correct, then human history will have to be rewritten.
For this they were consigned to the "Abyss" or the underworld, which is why these gods were known as the lords of both.

Family Tree of Jesus Christ ( CLICK for bigger image )
"...There still survived of the kindred of the Lord the grandsons of Judas, who according to the flesh was called his brother. These were informed against, as belonging to the family of David, and Evocatus brought them before Domitian Caesar: for that emperor dreaded the advent of Christ, as Herod had done." -- Eusebius in Historia Ecclesiae, 3.20
That the Merovingian bloodline came from elsewhere is clear because of the legend that surrounds their founder, King Meroveus, who is said to have been the spawn of a 'Quinotaur' (a sea monster), who raped his mother when she went out to swim in the ocean.Now it becomes obvious why he is called 'Meroveus', because in French, the word 'mer' means sea. And in some traditions, Atlantis was called Meru, or Maru. For these gods, navigation above all was important to them, for it was their sea power that maintained their military might and their successful mercantile trade.
The Atlanteans were associated with the sea and were often depicted as mermen, or sea monsters, with scales, fins, and horns. They were variously associated with a number of important animals, whose symbolism they held sacred: horses, bulls, goats, rams, lions, fish, serpents, dragons, even cats and dogs. All of these things relate back to the sea imagery with which these gods were associated.
Now lets go back to the Quinotaur, which some have named as being synonymous with Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea and, according to Plato, one of the famous kings of Atlantis. Others have seen it as being emblematic of the fish symbol that Christ is associated with, thus indicating that he was in fact the origin of the Merovingian bloodline. However, the roots of this Quinotaur myth are far more ancient. The word itself can be broken down etymologically to reveal its meaning.
The last syllable, "taur", means "bull." The first syllable "Quin", or "Kin", comes from the same root as "king", as well as the Biblical name of Cain, whom many have named as the primordial father of the Grail family.(4)The idea of the "King of the World" taking the form of a sea-bull was a recurring them in many ancient cultures, most notably in ancient Mesopotamia. In fact it originated with that dynasty of kings who reigned over the antediluvian world and who were all associated with the sea, as well as this divine animal imagery.
These kings included Sargon, Menes, and Narmar. Their historical reality morphed into the legends we have in many cultures of gods said to have come out of the sea at various times and to teach mankind the basic arts of civilization. They were known by various names, such as Enki, Dagon, Oannes, or Marduk (Merodach).
They were depicted as half-man and half-fish, half-goat and half-fish, or half-bull and half-fish, but as I have said, in many of these depictions it is clear that this affect was achieved merely by the wearing of costumes, and that these god-kings were using this archetypal imagery to deify themselves in the minds of their subjects.
Dagon was depicted with a fish on his head, the lips protruding upward, making what were referred to as "horns."
This may be the origin for the custom (common in the ancient world) of affixing horns to the crown of a king. It has also been historically acknowledged as the origin of the miter worn by the Catholic Pope.(5) The Christian Church has always been associated with fish. Christ himself took on that imagery, as did John the Baptist, and the early Christians used the fish sign of the "Ichthys" to designate themselves.
From the name "Oannes" we get the words "Uranus" and "Ouranos", but also supposedly "Jonah", "Janus", and "John." Perhaps we finally now understand why the Grand Masters of the Priory of Sion assume the symbolic name of "John" upon taking office.
The syllable "dag" merely means "fish", which makes it interesting to note that the Dogon tribe of Africa, who have long baffled astronomers with their advanced knowledge of the faraway star-system from which they say their gods came, claim that these gods were "fish-men." We may wonder if the words "dag" and "dog" are not etymologically related, especially since the star from whence these fish-men supposedly came is named Sirius, "the Dog Star."
From Dagon comes our word "dragon", as well as the biblical figure of Leviathan, "the Lord of the Deep", a title also applied to Dagon. In fact, many of these Atlantean god-kings received the titles "the Lord of the Waters", "The Lord of the Deep", or "the Lord of the Abyss", which appear to have been passed down from father to son, along with the throne of the global kingdom. These kings were specifically associated with the Flood of Noah, which, as I have mentioned, destroyed their global kingdom, and was somehow linked to their disastrous breeding experiment with the human race that lead to the "Grail bloodline."
"I have uncovered mountains of evidence which indicates that the origins of the Merovingian race, and the mystery that surrounds them, lies ultimately with a race of beings, 'Nephilim' or fallen angels, who created mankind as we know it today. It also originated with a civilization, far more ancient than recorded history, from which came all of the major arts and sciences that are basic to civilizations everywhere. As I intend to show, all of the myths and symbolism that are associated with this dynasty can, in fact, be traced back to this earlier civilization. It is known, in some cultures, as Atlantis, although there are many names for it, and it is the birthplace of agriculture, astronomy, mathematics, metallurgy, navigation, architecture, language, writing, and religion. It was also the source of the first government on Earth - monarchy. And the first kings on Earth were the gods." -- Tracy Twyman

Fischer Kings and Queens are the Keepers of the Holy Grail Merovingian Bloodline
"The reason for Dagobert's canonization remains unclear. According to one source it was because his relics were believed to have preserved the vicinity of Stenay against Viking raids - though this explanation begs the question, for it is not clear why the relics should have possessed such powers is the first place. Ecclesiastical authorities seem embarrassingly ignorant on the matter. They admit that Dagobert, for some reason, became the object of a fully fledged cult. But they seem utterly at a loss as to why he should have been so exalted. It is possible, of course that the Church felt guilty about its role in the king's death.
Guilty, or afraid? For surely they knew that this 'Priest-King of the House of Dagon', with his divine lineage, so beloved by his people that they worship him like a god 200 years later, would of course be avenged for his treacherous murder. Surely they knew, as most Dagobert's Revenge readers know, that the Merovingian bloodline didn't die out, surviving through his son Sigisbert, and continues to jockey for the throne of France to this very day through the actions of various royal bloodlines throughout Europe. Surely they knew that this kingdom would rise again, and that the lost king would return someday. The seeds of his return have already been planted.
France is united into the political mass that Dagobert had envisioned it to be when he united Austrasia, and the "Holy Roman Empire", which the Merovingian kings were clearly attempting to form with the help of the Vatican, has now become a reality in the form of the European Union. During WWII and immediately afterwards, the Priory of Sion, that secret order dedicated to the Merovingian agenda, openly campaigned for a United States of Europe.
They even proposed a flag, consisting of stars in a circle, which is identical to the flag used by the European Union today. Furthermore, the world empire of the Atlantean kings who spawned the Merovingians is more complete now than it has ever been since the gods left the earth during the Deluge. The United Nations, a feeble example, will surely give way at some point to a united world government strong enough and glorious enough to be called an empire. The fallen kingdom of the gods is clearly returning, and the new Golden Age is upon us. If this author's hunch is correct, this is, indeed, a glorious time to be alive. Dagobert's Revenge." -- Michael Baigent

Blue Apples painted by Poussin
"To Dagobert II, King, and to Sion belong this treasure and he is there dead. Shepherdess – No temptation that Poussin and Teniers hold the key; Peace 681 By the cross and this horse of God I destroy this demon of the guardian at noon blue apples." -- Author Unknown

Messianic Legacy
A book was first published in 1982 by Jonathan Cape in
London, as a follow-up to a BBC TV documentary on the series Chronicle. A
sequel to the book, called The Messianic Legacy, was published in 1987.
The original work was reissued in an illustrated hardcover version in
2005. One of the books, according to the authors, which influenced the
project was L'Or de Rennes (later re-published as Le Trésor Maudit), a
1967 book by Gérard de Sède. In summary, the authors argue that there is evidence that Jesus married Mary Magdalene, had one or more children, and that those children or their descendants emigrated to what is now southern France. Once there, they intermarried with the noble families that would eventually become the Merovingian dynasty, which is championed today by a secret society called the Priory of Sion.

Mary Magdalene with child and Jesus the Christ at
Kilmore Church in Dervaig, Scotland.
The book Holy Blood, Holy Grail details the authors'
investigation (starting in the 1960s) of the alleged mysteries of the
village of Rennes-le-Château in southern France. In the late 1800s, a
pastor of the village had became mysteriously wealthy, and the authors
sought to determine why.After over a decade of research and speculation, Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln came to the following conclusions:
1. There is a secret society known as Priory of Sion that has a long and illustrious history dating back to the First Crusade. The order is led by a Grand Master or Nautonnier.
2. The Priory of Sion created the Knights Templar as its military and financial front.
3. The Priory is devoted to returning the Merovingian dynasty, that ruled the Frankish kingdom from 447 to 751 AD, to the thrones of Europe and Jerusalem.
4. The order protects these royal claimants because they may be the literal descendants of Jesus and his wife, Mary Magdalene, or, at the very least, of King David and High Priest Aaron.
5. The Roman Catholic Church tried to kill off all remnants of this dynasty and their guardians, the Cathars and the Templars, during the Inquisition, in order to maintain power through the apostolic succession of Peter, instead of the hereditary succession of Mary Magdalene.
These authors further asserted that the ultimate goals of the Priory of Sion are:6. The founding of a 'Holy European Empire' that would become the next superpower and usher in a new world order of peace and prosperity;
7. The establishment of a messianic mystery state religion by revealing the Holy Grail, which would prove Ebionite views and Desposyni claims; and the grooming and installing of a 'REX DEUS' pretender on the throne of a Greater Israel

End of the Merovingian Era
Dagobert's assassination effectively marked the end of the
Merovingian era. After the death of Dagobert, the Merovingian dynasty
fell into decline, although they managed to hang onto much of their
status for nearly a hundred more years. However, many of the monarchs
were too young to be effective, and were unable to defend themselves
against the relentless ambitions of the Mayors of the Palace. Childeric
III died childless in 754 and that was the clearest sign that the
dynasty's flame had expired.What became of his son Sigisbert? No-one knows. According to some, he died before his father. Others say it was at the same time or after.
Still others have him slipping through the clutches
The betrayal of Clovis by the assassination of Dagobert II has been the greatest source of anguish for the Priory of Sion and the Merovingian descendants. However, there seems to have been an attempt to mitigate the insult.
Thus the Carolingian royal family (the family of Emperor Charlemagne) married Merovingian princesses in order to legitimize themselves. Dagobert's son, Sigisbert, was the ancestor of Guillem de Gellone, ruler of the Jewish kingdom of Septimania in southern France and later of Godfroi de Bouillon, who captured Jerusalem during the Crusades. Thereby the bloodline of Jesus Christ, the Davidic line, was restored back to the throne that had been rightfully its own since the time of the Old Testament.

Enlightenment and Self Realization
through the Ancient Dragon Bloodline
"By genetic enlightenment I mean what it's like once you have broken the godspell (Jehovah Spell), the effect of the ancient, subservient master-slave attitude and mentality that is the deepest dye in the wool of both Eastern and Western culture, the result of having been created as slave-animals by the Anunnaki-Nefilim, the trans cultural gods (alien humanoids for the tenth planet, Nibiru, our solar system) known to the ancient civilizations.
This book - is about how we may live, how we will conceive of reality after we fully realize the fact that we are a genetically engineered species. How we will operate as our own GODS according to our own genetic credentials, play our own god-games according to our own transcendental choices, crafting our own confident realities. Its is about what it is like to be a member of a synthesized species which is going through a special case of evolution, a rapid metamorphosis, when the ramifications of that unthinkable thought are now about to bring about a turning point in our history. It is about the NEW CIVILIZATION we are about to create our of the NEW PLANETARY VISION.
But, let it be said, at the beginning, the new meta-paradigm is not a call for a return to a paradise lost, some golden age of our racial youth, finding, creation or in any way suggests a new religion. If that is your intention, please do not read this book, The GODSPELL. This is all about living beyond religion in any way we have conceived of that strange phenomenon before.
Do not read this book of you are looking for a justification for shrink-wrapping the universe on some sophomoric atheistic basic either. What is the 'GODSPELL' ? I use this word, previously part of the title of a Broadway play, as a precise way of characterizing the racial mind set we humans have been infected with for some three or more thousands of years.
The godspell is the obsequious, subservient attitude toward the "GODS" we were programmed and conditioned to when the Nephilim were here and which has evolved into the same slave mentality toward "GOD", Allah, Jehovah, the deity of our choice, which are all sublimation s of the ancient Anunnaki-Nefilim. The godspell mentality is, unquestionably in my mind, the most fundamental flaw in our planets' culture. It is the most pervasive, most fundamentally deep element at the root of war, conflict, division, and misunderstanding among humans. It is such, precisely, because it is essentially a complete falsehood and the use of spell in the word godspell is nearly literal.
It is an ideology based on millenniums of fear, deep conditioning, further and further separation from the physical reality of our inventors and the truth about our invention, and the sublimation s on top of sublimation s of the Nephilim into a Supreme being. It is an elaborate, false, hallow intellectual construction and an emotional trauma that still forms the skeletal framework of our planetary cultures. manifesting as religion and theology, and reinforced by strong emotional evocation.
It cannot be proven reasonable and , therefore, there is ' FAITH' the belief in that which cannot be seen, usually justified on the basis that that which is believed in is transcendental and or ineffable. The most charitable judgment on the phenomenon of the godspell mentality is that it was probably inevitable, given our original status, the Nephilim departing the planet, deprive us of the direction and teaching we had known under their domination, thereby forcing us to do for ourselves.
We have been explaining , arguing among ourselves, those who claim to know, killing each other over what the god(s) really want from us and what we are supposed to be doing as humans for some three thousand years or more now and the process has always been stultifying, very counter productive and horrible tragic in the vast number of humans who have host their lives in the name of one god or another. We have come through the stages from SLAVE TO SERF to SAVOIR and are not regaining some sense of SELF. We are long overdue for a liberated, truly human existence.
To point, the last three thousand years of our history maybe over the absolute version of reality, who represents and interprets the will of some GOD. we kill each other over claims as to what human nature really is and by what rules it should operate. We have treated the sociological event of our beginnings as a species as if we could never be sure if it ever really occurred. In a time when we are required to deal with the politics of non-overlapping alien realities, we are not able to resolve the separations caused by our overlapping intra-species realities, We are theologically insane, philosophically naive and scientifically cramped. But we will not be for long.
The planet is on hold: in a perverse ecology we recycle outmoded primitive paradigms. We shuffle our feathers and molasses confusions between hands, creating governments peopled largely by the cynically de-evolved, sincere, perhaps but myopic, in a time when sincerity is tragically inadequate. Domestically we are a dead poet's society paralyzed and waiting perennially for the future we have probably already terminated at the stake, in the courtroom, the boardroom, the lab, the deans' office, the classroom for violating a taboo.
We still matriculate our young, these amazing parallel processing, relativistic, quantum jumping, multi-dimensional consciousnesses, semi-illiterate and naive, for fear of them questioning our shambling senilities. In a time when we need to stretch our historical sense to allow for the visitation of off planet alien species from before our own origins, we teach them drum and trumpet mammalian history fleshed out with desiccated parochial political platitudes. And expect that they will somehow be ready to step into stellar society. Yet everybody knows that there is something grand about to happen. Everybody knows that we are becoming a new race: not just a somewhat improved one, but we are moving to a new plateau of racial existence.
There is a new Hu-Man emerging. Our children show all the signs: they are underwhelmed and overqualified. We fell it. And the signs are everywhere. There is the ongoing philosophical effort to provide the ideational context, the adequate maps and metaphors, the comprehensive unifying epistemology and clear picture of the way it might be if we had already reached a status beyond war, want, primitive competition, and the inevitability of death. But the solution offered, however sincere and correct, are partial pieces of the puzzle.
My point is extremely simple: unless we know who we are and how and where we came form we will remain at odds with each other over the definitions we give as to what we are - and therefore, what we are about. Until we can overcome those barrier and know who we are generically human, we will not attain the positive common planetary ground that is the essential context needed to support the great degree of individual freedom and complex variety of human activity, exploration and expansion.
All the political, economic, social, scientific, New Age, evolutionary variables are only symptomatic; the genetic level is where the profound realization, enlightenment, must blossom. In addition, because it restores our true history to us, the new paradigm brings a previously unattainable, unassailable integrity, individuality and as a race, which will be essential to entering into direct contact with alien species - either in the future or with one that is already here on the planet. For that appears quite clearly to be the event that will cause the turn to a new civilization if we do not do it for ourselves.
We have at hand the common understanding of our racial beginnings, or our bicameral nature, of our common history and expansion over the face of the planet, or our relationship to the Nephilim and to each other. The awareness and the comprehension of this fundamental, generic, racial self knowledge i have called genetic enlightenment. It is the basis for a profound UNIFICATION of all humanity. Not some superficial, social homogenization of peoples, cultures and philosophies but a UNIFICATION that frees us to be one race and explains and enhances our diversity of adaptations and cultures and contributions.
With the godspell broken, the Babel factor canceled, we can finally enter stellar society as a mature race which knows who and what it is, what is good for it and what is not, with whom or what it could interact, with whom and what it would be dangerous to make contact with, with the minimum of preconceptions as to how things should be. I invite you to participate in an exploration and mapping out of the post genetic enlightenment context of collective and individual existence in terms of the unique genius, sometimes disconcerting accelerations, and precocious proclivities of our bicameral genetic heritage. " -- Neal Freer, Santa Fe, New Mexico May 1st, 1998

The Cross of Lorraine
Emblem of the Royal Secret
"The Cross of Lorraine symbol is associated with the Grail bloodline, aside from the pentagram and the rose-cross. This cross was the heraldic device of both the Angevins and the Knights Templar. The symbol can be dated back to the early deified kings of Sumeria, where it had the title of "Kad", a term denoting both king and lord. " -- Author Unknown

Cross of Lorraine
"When various members of the House of Anjou plotted to topple the Valois dynasty of France, the symbol of the conspirators was the Cross of Lorraine, the heraldic emblem of René d'Anjou, said by Charles Peguy to represent the "arms of Christ", "the arms of Satan", and, strangely, the blood of both. René was the Angevin monarch who, at the time of the renaissance, single-handedly spearheaded a Hermetic revival in Europe.
It was he who personally convinced Cosimo de Medici to translate many ancient texts such as the Corpus Hermeticum into various European tongues for the first time ever. And when Corpus Hermeticum was first published in France, the dedication it bore was to Marie de Guise, wife of James Stuart V, mother of Mary Queen of Scots, and a descendant of René who also adopted the Cross of Lorraine as a personal symbol.
That the Cross of Lorraine is a symbol embodying the Hermetic ideal is fairly obvious. The Angevins were primarily advocates of the Regia, or Royal Art, of Hermeticism; a tradition which according to legend was passed down to man by a race of fallen angels. This isn't at all inconsistent with the perennially Luciferian overtones associated with the entire Angevin saga.
Interestingly, the Cross of Lorraine bears an uncanny resemblance to the sigil of Baphomet employed by British Magus Aliester Crowley, and the meaning of the two symbols would appear to be virtually synonymous. Baphomet is, after all, the penultimate hermetic symbol, whether depicted by Crowley in the form of a cross, or by Eliphas Levi as a goat-headed hermaphrodite.
And the sigil used by Crowley was also employed by ancient alchemists as a device whose meaning was literally "very poisonous." In fact, the symbol was commonly affixed to containers of toxic substances in Europe as recently as the mid-twentieth century. To the alchemists, of course, the symbol and its very meaning had far more esoteric connotations.
To them, poison represented an agent of transformation, a vehicle for the reconciliation of opposites. And there is an alchemical myth about a poison which for most men is extremely deadly, while for the elect it confers mastership and absolute power. Echoes of this idea recur as a motif in various aspects of the Grail lore.
It would seem that the alchemists accorded this symbol very much the same meaning attributed it by Crowley, which in turn echoes what the Cross of Lorraine embodied for Rene d'Anjou. It is little known, but the Cross of Lorraine was also the official emblem of the Knights Templar." - Grail Research & Esoteric Writings of Boyd Rice

Baphomet by Eliphas Levi
"Though they are more frequently associated with the symbol of the red equilateral cross, their true symbol first and foremost was the Cross of Lorraine, and many Templars awaiting death at the stake pursuant to the Friday the 13th persecutions drew the emblem on the walls of their cells. There is still a degree in certain rites of Freemasonry called the Knights Templar, whose symbol is the Cross of Lorraine. It is interesting to note that even the less esoteric-looking equilateral cross used by the Templars had essentially the same meaning: that of the union of opposites, the intersection of creative force and destructive force, or the union of male and female principles. It was a fundamental occult symbol, and it was in deference to the idea which it embodied that medieval occult rituals were often held at crossroads." -- Grail Research & Esoteric Writings of Boyd Rice

Cross of Lorraine
"The Cross of Lorraine is far more explicit in it's iconography: the bar above mirroring the bar below, both of which are symmetrically affixed to a central pillar that provides balance and equilibrium. As above, so below is, after all, a Hermetic maxim. And the three bars of which the cross is composed echo Eliphas Levi's concept of the true trinity. Levi posited that the world is governed by two primordial forces, one creative, the other destructive. The equilibrium between these two forces constitutes a third force, and the union of the three constitutes what some might refer to as... God.
The central role of the principle of equilibrium in various occult arts cannot be overstressed. For Master Mason Albert Pike, equilibrium represented the Royal Secret, the pivotal principle upon which the universe is ordered. And Pike's specific designation of equilibrium as a royal secret is of particular significance because, as previously mentioned, Hermeticism has traditionally been known as the Royal Art, and its central tenet is essentially that of equilibrium. And too, when Pike calls it a Royal secret, he isn't speaking figuratively, but strictly in literal terms.
Hermes, according to legend, was the sole receptacle of the secret doctrine of the antediluvian world, which he revived after the flood and passed down to the Kings. As you'll recall, this secret knowledge was thought to have been taught to man by a race of Gods or fallen angels. This knowledge was kept secret because it was probably recognized that for all but an elect few, such thought would no doubt bring about their ruin. This brings to mind the concept of the alchemical poison. Kings and aristocrats would understand how to wield and apply the secret doctrine because it was believed that they were in fact flesh and blood descendants of the Forgotten Race which had come down to take the wives of men.
References to this Forgotten Race occur repeatedly in numerous religions and mythologies throughout the world, and should most likely be known to readers of this magazine. Their doctrines have been enshrined in myth, legend, and many religious symbols, in which they are looked upon by many, and recognized by but a few. They are, and shall remain, the Royal Secret. The Cross of Lorraine is a sigil of that Royal Secret, the doctrine of the Forgotten Ones." -- Grail Research & Esoteric Writings of Boyd Rice

Cross of Lorraine by Josephine
The double-barred Cross of Lorraine, symbolizing this
duality, has come to be associated with the Merovingians. In a now
famous poem by Charles Peguy, is it stated:
The arms of Jesus are the Cross of Lorraine,
Both the blood in the artery and the blood in the vein,
Both the source of grace and the clear fountain;
The arms of Satan are the Cross of Lorraine,
And the same artery and the same vein,
And the same blood and the troubled fountain.
The reference to Satan and Jesus sharing the same blood is
very important. A tradition exists, one which finds support among The
Book of Enoch and many others, that Jesus and Satan are brothers, both
sons of the Most High God, and they both sat next to his throne in
Heaven, on the right and left sides, respectively, prior to Satan's
rebellion and the War in Heaven.This may be just another version of the persistent and primordial Cain and Abel story. It makes sense that Satan should be a direct son of God, since he is described as God's most beloved angel and"the brightest star in Heaven.
"Like the sapphire Schethiyâ, the Lapis Exilis, crown jewel of the Archangel Lucifer, fell from heaven. Michael, archangel of the sun and the Hidden God of Israel, at the head of the angelic hosts swooped down upon Lucifer and his legions of rebellious spirits. " -- The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Manly P. Hall
It is generally presumed the authors knew these claims to be, at best, unprovable. In fact, Richard Leigh has stated on television that they only set out to offer a plausible hypothesis, but "never believed it to be true." However, the wording in HBHG clearly stated that though some elements were only a hypothesis, that the existence of the Priory of Sion was a "proven fact."The novel is based on the controversial premise that there is a conspiracy within the Roman Catholic Church to cover up the true story of Jesus. According to this premise, the Vatican knows it is living a lie, but continues to do so to keep itself in power.
Dan Brown's novel was a smash hit in 2003, even rivaling the sales of the highly popular Harry Potter series. It spawned a number of offspring books and drew glowing reviews from the New York Times, People Magazine and the Washington Post . It also re-ignited interest in the history of the Roman Catholic Church.
As well as re-invigorating interest in the church, The Da Vinci Code has also spawned numerous "knockoffs" (as they are referred to by Publishers Weekly), or novels that have a striking resemblance to The Da Vinci Code, including Raymond Khoury's The Last Templar, and The Templar Legacy by Steve Berry.
It is a worldwide bestseller with more than 60.5 million copies in print (as of May 2006) and has been translated into 44 languages. It is thought to be the eighth best-selling book of all time. Combining the detective, thriller and conspiracy fiction genres, the book is the second book by Dan Brown to include the character Robert Langdon, the first being Brown's 2000 novel Angels and Demons. In November 2004, Random House published a "Special Illustrated Edition", with 160 illustrations interspersed with the text.
In 2006, a film adaptation, The Da Vinci Code, was released by Columbia Pictures.
This book concerns the attempts of Robert Langdon, Professor of Religious Symbology at Harvard University, to solve the murder of renowned curator Jacques Saunière (see Bérenger Saunière) of the Louvre Museum in Paris. The title of the novel refers, among other things, to the fact that Saunière's body is found in the Denon Wing of the Louvre naked and posed like Leonardo da Vinci's famous drawing, the Vitruvian Man, with a cryptic message written beside his body and a Pentagram drawn on his stomach in his own blood.
The interpretation of hidden messages inside Leonardo's famous works, (which relate to the concept of the Sacred feminine) including the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, figure prominently in the solution to the mystery.
As explained by Leigh Teabing to Sophie Neveu, the figure at the right hand of Jesus is supposedly not the apostle John, but Mary Magdalene.
According to the book Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus Christ and was in fact pregnant with his child when Jesus was crucified. The absence of a chalice in the painting supposedly indicates that Leonardo knew that Mary Magdalene was actually the Holy Grail (the bearer of Jesus' blood). This is said to be reinforced by the letter "V" that is created with the bodily positions of Jesus and Mary, as "V" is the symbol for the sacred feminine.
The apparent absence of the "Apostle John", under this interpretation, is explained by identifying John as "the Disciple Jesus loved", allegedly code for Mary Magdalene (see also Second Apocalypse of James). The book also notes that the color scheme of their garments are exactly inverted: Jesus wears a red blouse with royal blue cape; John/Mary wears a royal blue blouse with red cape — perhaps symbolizing two bonded halves of marriage.
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