Ce blestem apasa pamintul asta, de oamenii lui trec prin viata ca niste stafii? Orice li se intimpla romanii dau din umeri, pling, scuipa, injura, bleastama sau se duc la tiganci sa le rezolve prin magie neagra problemele.
Aproape nimeni nu isi mai asuma responsabilitatea propriilor fapte, spunind ca si ceilalti au facut la fel. Aproape nimeni nu se mai uita la cei cazuti pe jos pe strada, gindind ca sint beti morti.
Daca vecinul are mai mult decit tine, furi, dai din coate ca tu sa ai si mai mult, mai NOU, mai BUN,ca sa-i iei fata.
De ce? Ce complexe ascunse si subconstiente stau la baza atacurilor la adresa femeilor-numai anul trecut 800.000 de femei au fost batute sau violate in Rromania. Si acestea sint cifrele oficiale!!!!
De ce femeia romanca crede ea ca trebuie sa suporte abuzurile sotilor? Pentru ca daca nu sint maritate vecinii le vorbesc. Si cine sint vecinii? Alte femei batute sau abuzate de sotii care le inseala. Sau sotii acestora care vor sa le-o traga celor singure.
De ce romanii nu mai citesc si prefera sa se drogheze-la propriu-cu televizoarele, intrind in stari alfa-demonstrat stiintific-in care li se poate induce orice sugestie, atunci cind privesc bovin la teveu?
De ce copilele de 14 ani se imbraca cu fuste scurte si tite pe afara, aratind ca niste prostituate minore, crezind in felul asta ca le plac cit mai mult baieti? Oare valoarea lor de fata-adolescenta-femeie in devenire-sta doar in pizda?
Si nici macar pe aia nu stiu sa si-o folsoeasca, bagind in ele de la 15 ani cit mai multe fibre, ale cit mai multor barbati, devenind imbatrinite inainte de timp, dar cu un palmares bogat de povestit prietenelor. Ele sint cool cind fac sex anal si sint moderne, nestiind ca isi distrug complet sistemul energetic prin aceste practici.
Oare au scuze? Femeile/fetele -ca nu au stiut, ca nu au vrut, ca nu si-au dat seama? Barbatii ca nu au stiut/ca nu au vrut/ca nu si/au dat seama?
Am o stire-furtuna de alaltaieri a venit pentru voi, si altele si mai puternice vor veni sa va distruga masinile, sa va distruga egoul si sa va aduca cuminti inapoi acasa. LA VOI INSIVA.
De ce alti romani citesc, asculta muzica culta, incearca sa isi adune de pe jos gunoaiele daca le cad din buzunar si se poarta civilizat?
Ah, sint cei ce au fost plecati in occident. Sint batrinii domni si doamne ai Bucurestilor vechi. Sint pustii ce au facut facultatea in Europa.Sint cei ce practica o disciplina spirituala.
Celor 25% din populatia Rromaniei ce se recunosc in cele de mai sus le dedic o melodie
I am looking for answers to questions never posed
I haven't god a clue, I'm living like a ghost
Can't seem to read the signs
I'm swimming in the sand, I'm searching
I hold on to my reasons, I'll hold on to my dreams
It's all good and bad advice 'cause you have choose
One friend says (to) go ahead, another one says don't
I'm searching
Whatever I try I can't find it
Wherever I roam it's all gone
No you can't find it, first you gotta to lose it
Looking for an angle to change my point of view
Waiting for somebody, someone to relate to
Hoping for forgiveness, living for love
I'm searching
Yearning for a teacher, to show me what to do
Learning from failure, is all that I can do
Working on solutions, a fiction of truth
iar celorlalti, fantomelor zombate ce se prefac ca traiesc, de la mine pentru voi, fara numar fara numar:
Crazy way to get your kicks,
shoot the silicone in your lips.
If your figure makes you sad,
they suck the fat right of your back.
Make up your mind about your tits girls,
they can puff em up so no bra will fit girls.
Theres only one thing they can't fix.
No I wont let you be mislead.
And that's the hole in your head
Can't do nothing about that.
Hail hail modern world.
Hail to all you boys and girls.
Hail hail the colour green.
Hail hail to what I've seen.
Hail hail hail this modern world.
You tell her that she's beautiful,
and put her on a pedestal.
But as you google tripple x,
imagination kicks in.
The more you think about sex boys,
with someone else the better it gets boys.
You have a purpose in your life,
Besides cheating on the wife.
For fucks sake show some sense. oh
Hail hail modern world.
Hail to all u boys and girls.
Hail hail the colour green.
Hail hail to what I've seen.
hail hail hail this modern world.
yeah yeah yeah yeahh 2x
Well these days adoption is a hot thing,
you can get a child for nearly nothing.
You take them home to a nanny,
buy off your guilt with toys and candy.
But all the money that you work for girls,
can't compare it to love boys.
There's only one thing they can't fix,
no I wont let you be mislead
and that's the hole in your head.
Can't do nothing about that.
Hai, Nicușor, salvează-ne încă o dată
8 hours ago
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