Saturday, June 25, 2011

MATANGI - Marea putere cosmică a artelor


-Sâmbătă, 25 iunie/Duminică, 26 iunie, între orele 1.00-9.00 - Exemplificare spirituală extraordinară care va fi consacrată Marii Puteri Cosmice MATANGI.

de profesor YOGA Dan Bozaru

Tradiţia tantrică hindusă menţionează că cea de-a noua Mare Putere Cosmică este MATANGI, Divina Mamă care adeseori este înfăţişată în culoarea verde închis, precum cea a smaraldului; totodată, ea este reprezentată acordând graţia şi binecuvântările ei din preafericita şi profunda stare de extaz divin pe care ea o trăieşte în mod continuu.

Te inspiră să creezi capodopere

Din punct de vedere etimologic, MATA înseamnă „un gând” sau „o opinie”. Prin urmare, MATANGI este Marea Putere Cosmică ce pătrunde în gând sau în minte. De fapt, o redare mai nuanţată a principalului aspect pe care ea îl reprezintă se referă la „cuvânt”, care nu reprezintă altceva decât un fel de „întrupare” sau obiectivare a gândului.

Deoarece în mod evident guvernează actul vorbirii, MATANGI mai este corelată atât cu organul de de simţ care este urechea, cât şi cu abilitatea noastră de a asculta, aspect care constituie, de fapt, originea procesului de înţelegere şi învăţare, care la rândul lui naşte gânduri puternice şi profunde.

Astfel, Marea Putere Cosmică MATANGI acordă acelora care o adoră cu sinceritate, care sunt pregătiţi şi suficient de maturi din punct de vedere spiritual şi care în plus fac dovada unui anumit rafinament estetic, puterea cunoaşterii profunde a simbolurilor şi arhetipurilor, le conferă mari talente artistice şi îi ajută să obţină perfecţiunea în realizarea unor astfel de opere.

Aşadar, ea este însăşi Marea Zeiţă a „cuvântului rostit” şi a oricărui alt tip de manifestare exterioară a cunoaşterii interioare, incluzând aici toate formele de artă, muzica şi dansul. Din această perspectivă, MATANGI este una dintre cele trei Mari Puteri Cosmice care sunt corelate cu Logosul Divin, celelalte două fiind TARA şi TRIPURA BHAIRAVI.

Ca şi TARA, MATANGI este şi ea o Mare Putere Cosmică ce exprimă puterea de învăţare şi elocvenţa în dezbateri şi discuţii. Totuşi, în timp ce TARA se referă la Logosul Divin Superior (PASHYANTI), care conţine totul într-o formă implicită, MATANGI reprezintă Logosul Divin Inferior (VAIKHARI), aşa-numitul „cuvânt rostit”.

Ne referim la acel nivel al Logosului Divin în care acesta ajunge până la nivelul cel mai de jos al diferenţierii sale, care este nivelul obiectivat al vorbirii (rostirii) efective a cuvintelor. Prin raport la TARA şi MATANGI şi privind lucrurile din aceeaşi perspectivă (adică aceea a exprimării Logosului Divin), TRIPURA BHARAVI reprezintă Marea Putere Cosmică a Logosului Divin Transcendent şi Nemanifestat (PARAVAK).

Totuşi, MATANGI reprezintă şi nivelul intermediar, de mijloc (MADHYAMA) al Logosului Divin, nivel care guvernează ideile ce devin mai apoi cuvintele pe care noi le exprimăm, adică altfel spus care guvernează însuşi procesul gândirii.

La nivelul cel mai elevat, MATANGI este PARA-VAIKHARI, adică Logosul Suprem care se manifestă prin intermediul vorbirii efective (audibile).

Descoperă misterul sacru al artei iniţiatice

Un aspect interesant pe care trebuie să-l menţionăm este acela că Marea Putere Cosmică MATANGI este strâns corelată în tradiţia spirituală a Indiei cu SARASVATI, care după cum ştim este însăşi zeiţa înţelepciunii şi totodată consoarta marelui zeu BRAHMA (Creatorul Macrocosmosului din trinitatea (TRIMURTI) hindusă (care se referă la zeii BRAHMA, VISHNU şi SHIVA (RUDRA)). '

Ca şi SARASVATI, MATANGI este înfăţişată cântând la instrumentul sacru hindus (care este VINA), ceea ce are ca principală semnificaţie faptul că ea îşi extinde sfera de influenţă şi guvernează asupra domeniului muzicii şi al sunetului audibil, în general, şi nu doar asupra domeniului reprezentat de cuvântul rostit. De aceea, MATANGI este adeseori redată ca fiind însăşi forma manifestată a cântecului sau melodiei.

Ea este simbolizată (întocmai precum SARASVATI) de norii de furtună şi de fulgerele acesteia, cât şi de râurile care se varsă în mare sau în ocean. Totodată, MATANGI reprezintă chiar rezonanţa vibratorie sau NADA a sunetului subtil, care se manifestă pe diferite niveluri de subtilitate în întreaga structură subtilă de NADI-uri a fiinţei noastre.

Cu toate acestea, între cele două mari zeiţe (MATANGI şi SARASVATI) există şi deosebiri. Astfel, MATANGI reprezintă mai ales acea formă a lui SARASVATI care implică cunoaşterea interioară, lăuntrică. Cu alte cuvinte, ea este forma mistică, ocultată şi totuşi extatică a lui SARASVATI şi acest aspect ne apare cu atât mai evident, cu cât SARASVATI este cunoscută în special ca zeiţa cunoaşterii obişnuite, a artei şi a culturii.

Prin antiteză, Marea Putere Cosmică MATANGI guvernează asupra domeniului tainic extraordinar al cunoaşterii divine, care prin însuşi specificul lui ne conduce dincolo de limitele convenţionalului. Urmărind să evidenţiem comparativ acest aspect, putem afirma că MATANGI reprezintă, de fapt, acea faţetă a lui SARASVATI care este corelată cu energia transformatoare a Marii Puteri Cosmice KALI.

Îi susţine pe cei care răspândesc adevărata cunoaştere

Un alt aspect evident în legătură cu MATANGI este acela că ea se exprimă în cele mai elevate forme ale sale prin intermediul Ghidului spiritual care îşi oferă învăţătura aspiranţilor, mai ales prin intermediul cuvântului rostit.

Prin urmare, putem afirma că MATANGI reprezintă învăţăturile Ghidului spiritual şi tradiţia spirituală pe care acesta o îmbrăţişează. La un nivel mai general, MATANGI reprezintă chiar continuitatea tradiţiilor spirituale în lume, tradiţii care sunt marcate de linealogiile marilor maeştri spirituali care le-au însufleţit şi le-au făcut să fie cunoscute de-a lungul timpului.

De aceea, adorarea lui MATANGI constituie într-o anumită măsură chiar adorarea Ghidului spiritual. Cei care urmăresc să-i înveţe pe alţii şi mai ales cei care doresc să propage învăţăturile spirituale unor mari mulţimi de oameni sunt în mod special binecuvântaţi şi ajutaţi de graţia divină a lui MATANGI, dacă bineînţeles ei acţionează în mod just şi sunt integraţi divin în acele conjucturi.

Te ajută să obţii succesul în orice acţiune benefică

Dintr-o altă perspectivă etimologică, MATA mai înseamnă şi „sălbatic” sau „pasional”. Prin urmare, MATANGI este cea care este ageră şi pasională în mişcările trupului. În limba sanscrită, MATANGI înseamnă, de asemenea, şi o femelă elefant.

Pe de altă parte, în mitologia hindusă elefantul este simbolul principal al zeului GANESHA, care este primul născut al zeiţei PARVATI din iubirea sa cu marele SHIVA. Aşa după cum se ştie, GANESHA mai este cunoscut ca zeul cu cap de elefant. Printre alte atribute ale lui GANESHA este şi cel prin care acesta reprezintă Stăpânul Cuvântului Rostit şi pe cel al Cunoaşterii, asigurând asfel victoria şi succesul în dezbateri sau în orice alte acţiuni care vizează planul material.

Din această perspectivă, el este adorat ca Cel care îndepărtează obstacolelor din calea acţiunilor pe care le întreprindem. În India, de exemplu, adorarea lui GANESHA este aproape obligatorie înaintea oricărui proces de predare a unor cunoştinţe (mai ales de natură spirituală), cât şi înaintea unor activităţi mondene mai importante, cum ar fi căsătoria, călătoriile sau întâlnirile de afaceri.

Datorită acestor tipuri de rezonanţe între MATANGI şi GANESHA, Marea Zeiţă este adorată chiar ca fiind consoarta lui GANESHA (la un anumit nivel). La modul general vorbind, cele două consoarte ale lui GANESHA sunt BUDDHI (inteligenţa sclipitoare) şi SIDDHI (succesul şi împlinirea efectivă a dorinţelor).

Aceleaşi puteri sunt însă asimilabile şi lui MATANGI şi de aceea ea este adeseori invocată atât pentru îndepărtarea obstacolelor din calea unei anumite acţiuni şi de a-i conferi acesteia succesul deplin, cât şi pentru a dobândi o cunoaştere profundă a adevărurilor esenţiale ale Creaţiei.

Descoperă ce se ascunde dincolo de cuvinte

Un alt aspect în ceea ce priveşte Marea Putere Cosmică MATANGI este acela că ea este uneori descrisă ca fiind „impură”. La un anumit nivel, această particularitate se explică prin însăşi natura cuvântului rostit, care este inerent limitat în ceea ce poate el să exprime.

Numai dacă vom reuşi să percepem adevărata putere şi influenţă subtilă a lui MATANGI, care se află dincolo de „zidul” cuvintelor care sunt rostite, vom putea să eliminăm acest gen de impuritate.

La nivelul maximei obiectivări, cuvântul rostit face lucrurile să devină oarecum profane, deoarece însuşi denumirea unui obiect, de pildă determină o înţelegere relativ greşită a acelui obiect, şi prin aceasta, un fel de „devalorizare” a lui.

Tocmai de aceea, numerele, descrierile, explicaţiile etc. devin practic adevărate „bariere” în calea percepţiilor noastre elevate asupra naturii reale a lucrurilor care ne înconjoară. MATANGI reprezintă însă Marea Putere Cosmică ce guvernează acest nivel al manifestării, oferindu-ne posibilitatea să-l folosim în mod corect şi să trecem dincolo de semnificaţiile lui gregare.

Îţi revelează cea mai înaltă cunoaştere din această lume

Există un nivel care poate fi corelat cu aşa-zisa „impuritate” care este atribuită în mod simbolic lui MATANGI. Sinele Suprem (ATMAN), în calitate de natură divină esenţială a fiinţei noastre, transcende toate legile Naturii, aflându-se în eternitate dincolo de bine şi de rău.

Atâta timp cât rămânem într-un fel sau altul „ataşaţi” de impurităţile (MALA) lumii manifestate, noi ne vom confrunta cu aceste „reziduuri” ale dualităţii, fără să putem accede la transcendenţa divină imaculată şi perfect non-duală. Din această perspectivă, Marea Putere Cosmică MATANGI ne poate oferi un ajutor preţios, deoarece ea reprezintă, printre altele, atributul Cunoaşterii care ne poate conduce la Adevăr.

Astfel, prin graţia ei, adoratorul sincer şi devotat este ajutat să transceandă limitările şi convenţiile „impure” ale lumii manifestate. Acesta reprezintă deci un alt aspect esenţial al lui MATANGI, care se referă la revelarea extatică, în chiar lumea manifestată (care, prin raport la nemanifestare (transcendenţă divină) este considerată „impură”), a celei mai înalte cunoaşteri metafizice.

Am putea spune chiar că MATANGI reprezintă prima dintre Marile Puteri Cosmice (precum şi dintre celelalte zeităţi) care permite cunoaşterea marilor ei puteri şi perfecţiuni prin revelarea lor directă aspiranţilor care sunt sinceri şi devotaţi în căutarea spirituală.

Dacă ne vom raporta acum la doctrina upanishadică, esenţa exprimării umane este vobirea sau, cu alte cuvinte, ceea ce rostim prin viu grai. Marii înţelepţi care au scris textele upanishadelor afirmă, deci, că ceea ce noi exprimăm prin vorbire nu reprezintă altceva decât „produsul” final a tot ceea ce noi preluăm, la nivel de concepţie şi experienţă, în viaţa noastră.

Acest „reziduu” final şi totodată reprezentare a ceea ce suntem noi prin intermediul vorbirii este, de fapt, manifestarea Marii Puteri Cosmice MATANGI.

Totuşi, aici trebuie să specificăm faptul că această ultimă „sinteză” a fiinţei noastre nu este vorbirea obişnuită, ci mai curând ea constituie expresia cea mai profundă a inimii noastre lăuntrice, adică a sufletului nostru.

La nivel universal, Logosul Divin manifestă o serie de atribute esenţiale, cum ar fi putere, sentiment şi pasiune, care sunt identificate cu însăşi Beatitudinea Divină Nesfârşită (ANANDA) şi nu doar cu emoţiile relativ limitate în gama lor de expresie.

Prin urmare, Logosul Divin nu este doar o afirmaţie sau un aspect teoretic şi practic, ci în egală măsură el este şi o exprimare vie şi efervescentă de energie şi fericire extatică. Această beatitudine (ANANDA) reprezintă, de asemenea, un alt aspect al lui MATANGI, care ne apare ca fiind foarte activă, pasională şi pe deplin fericită în acest joc divin al manifestării.

Îţi dezvăluie frumuseţea orbitoare a Creaţiei

În aspectul ei de Logos divin creator care se manifestă plenar în întregul Macrocosmos, MATANGI întruchipează marile puteri ale naturii. Astfel, ea personifică frumuseţea sălbatică, atracţia şi totodată misterul şi puterea ascunsă a junglei tropicale, în care ea este vizualizată sub forma unui elefant foarte puternic şi activ, reflectând astfel ritmurile originare ale Naturii.

Din această perspectivă, remarcăm faptul că formele de expresie ale lui MATANGI sunt asemănătoare cu cele ale lui TRIPURA SUNDARI. Asemănarea constă în faptul că ea reprezină, de asemenea, frumuseţea orbitoare a Creaţiei ca expresie a Sinelui esenţă, însă în timp ce la TRIPURA SUNDARI această frumuseţe se manifestă în mod special ca experienţă lăuntrică la nivel de conştiinţă, în ceea ce o priveşte pe MATANGI expresia predominantă este aceea a manifestării obiective, exterioare.

În panteonul tantric, MATANGI este asociată oarecum locului de „prim-ministru” printre celelalte zeităţi, ea fiind „consilierul” Marii Puteri Cosmice TRIPURA SUNDARI, considerată Regina Supremă a întregii Creaţii.
În această ipostază, MATANGI este numită MANTRINI, având astfel puterea şi supremaţia desăvârşită asupra tuturor MANTRA-elor care există, mai ales când acestea sunt exprimate prin viu grai. Astfel, ea este cea care ne conferă abilitatea de a „comunica” cu toate celelalte zeităţi prin intermediul MANTRA-elor.

De fapt, putem spune că ea guvernează asupra tuturor formelor de cunoaştere, fiind deci un nepreţuit sfătuitor şi totodată învăţător pe această cale. Prin urmare, mai ales acele fiinţe umane care urmăresc să se impună în acest domeniu al vieţii, vor trebui să o adore cu fervoare pe MATANGI, pentru a se bucura astfel de succes deplin în activitatea lor.

Te inspiră într-un mod divin

Tradiţia tantrică afirmă că sălaşul subtil al lui MATANGI (la nivelul microcosmosului fiinţei umane) se află plasat la nivelul lui VISHUDDHA CHAKRA, care după cum se ştie reprezintă „plexul” subtil al vorbirii.

De asemenea, ea mai rezidă şi la nivelul vârfului limbii (adică acolo unde ia naştere vorbirea articulată şi unde, de asemenea, noi suntem capabili să percepem gesturile esenţiale – mai mult sau mai puţin rafinate – ale diferitelor alimente).

Există chiar un canal energetic subtil în structura aurică a fiinţei umare, care pleacă de la nivelul celui de-al treilea ochi (AJNA CHAKRA) şi merge până la vârful limbii.

Acest canal energetic subtil (NADI) poartă numele de SARASVATI şi el se află într-o strânsă corelaţie cu manifestarea energetică a Marii Puteri Cosmice MATANGI. Practic vorbind, SARASVATI NADI este acel NADI subtil care favorizează manifestarea inspiraţiei divine la nivelul minţii prin intermediul vorbirii. MATANGI reprezintă fluxul de energie subtilă beatifică ce pătrunde pe acest NADI subtil (SARASVATI), făcându-ne să devenim astfel deosebit de inspiraţi în arta poeziei metafizice şi în cea a exprimării verbale a adevărurilor divine.

În ceea ce priveşte forma de meditaţie în care este concepută Marea Putere Cosmică MATANGI, aşa după cum am specificat, aceasta este redată într-o culoare verde-închis, precum culoarea unui smarald pur şi preţios, culoare ce semnifică profunda cunoaştere a semnificaţiilor lucrurilor în Creaţie, fiind totodată un simbol specific pentru energia esenţială a vieţii.

De altfel, aşa după cum se ştie, verdele reprezintă şi culoarea planetei Mercur, care în ezoterismul occidental este planeta ce guvernează puterea inteligenţei. MATANGI trebuie să fie vizualizată cântând la RUDRA-VINA, ceea ce semnifică puterea şi inspiraţia pe care ea o poate conferi adoratorului sincer şi devotat în ceea ce priveşte muzica, precum şi asupra tuturor manifestărilor de natură vibratorie a energiei.

Meditează asupra cuvintelor pline de înţelepciune ale Ghidului spiritual

MATANGI este o zeiţă a cărei frumuseţe este orbitoare şi ea poartă multe obiecte misterioase, cu care îi fascinează şi îi atrage în mod magnetic pe adoratorii ei sinceri. Din acest punct de vedere, ea poartă aceleaşi ornamente şi obiecte ca în reprezentările iconografice ale lui TRIPURA SUNDARI.

De asemenea, adeseori ea este reprezentată ţinând un papagal multicolor în mâini, care este simbolul puterii exprimării prin viu grai în Natură. Atunci când medităm, MATANGI trebuie vizualizată şezând pe un tron minunat din pietre preţioase.

Una dintre formele cele mai răspândite de adorare a Marii Puteri Cosmice MATANGI (mai ales pe teritoriul Indiei) este aceea a intonării exacte a fonemelor alfabetului sanscrit. Acestea reprezintă sunetul subtil nemanifestat, spre deosebire de cuvintele rostite, care semnifică manifestarea diferenţiată în Creaţie a acestor energii divine esenţiale.

Intonarea corectă a fonemelor alfabetului sanscrit poate fi de asemenea corelată cu petalele (sau „spiţele”) energetice ale centrilor subtili de forţă pricipali (CHAKRA) ai fiinţei, ajutând astfel la purificarea, dinamizarea şi activarea lor plenară.

Un alt mod de adorare eficientă a lui MATANGI este acela de a reflecta asupra înţelesului profund al textelor sacre ale spiritualităţii, dar mai ales asupra cuvintelor pline de înţelepciune care sunt rostite de Ghidul spiritual.

Cu timpul, această practică eficientă se va transforma într-un veritabil proces de meditaţie şi chiar de contemplare asupra învăţăturilor expuse de ghidul spiritual şi asupra modului în care ele se corelează cu propria noastră experienţă de viaţă.

Te călăuzeşte, prin artă, către Adevărul Suprem

Muzica reprezintă, de asemenea, o modalitate extraordinar de eficientă de adorare a lui MATANGI. De altfel, Marea Putere Cosmică MATANGI este venerată ca zeiţa principală a muzicii şi, prin urmare, a muzicienilor.

Practica zilnică a meditaţiei profunde cu BIJA-MANTRA ce corespunde sferei de forţă şi conştiinţă a lui MATANGI conferă toate puterile şi inspiraţie genială în numeroasele forme de expresie artistică şi mai ales în muzică.

Cu toate acestea, privind lucrurile de la cel mai înalt nivel, trebuie să recunoaştem, de fapt, în MATANGI tainicul înţeles al liniştii şi tăcerii perfecte a Sinelui Suprem (ATMAN), care reprezintă în realitate adevărata esenţă şi putere din spatele tuturor gândurilor şi cuvintelor noastre.

Cu alte cuvinte, trebuie să ajungem să înţelegem în mod gradat că Marea Putere Cosmică MATANGI, manifestându-se în special prin intermediul vorbirii şi al artei, călăuzeşte, de fapt, în mod divin integrat lumea obiectivă, vizibilă, (SAMSARA) către domeniul sfânt şi pur al transcendenţei divine.

Citiţi şi:
Dumnezeu se reflectă în 10 oglinzi
Etapele căii Maha Vidya Yoga


cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0



This is one of my fav spiritual movies- just in case u didnt' see it until now, a must see for the spiritual seeker!


Am pus acum vreun un an torentele de la filmul acesta, dar acum cineva l-a pus online (rusii)si baietii nostri l-au tradus.

Asta e unul dintre filmele care m-au marcat, si asa cum am spus in postul anterior filmul meu preferat de N Shyamalan, si unul dintre my fav of all times.

Filmul se petrece pe 3 nivele-cel mundan-in care povestea politista este intrerupta de momente amuzante, sau de episoade terifiante, cel mental in care geniile incearca sa descifreze misterul si reusesc sau nu, si cel ezoteric, in care realitatea noastra consensuala se impleteste cu realitatea lumii fiintelor celeste.

Asa cum stim din budism, exista 6 tarimuri ale fiintelor simtitoare si toate se intrepatrund, iar daca avem ochi sa vedem, minte sa descifram semnele si inima sa le discernem, atunci putem coexista in pace cu totii...acest film este despre puterea de sacrificiu, iubire si ce se intimpla cind lumile se intrepatrund..A MUST SEE FOR THE SPIRITUAL SEEKER!


And the Trailer:

cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0



The first movie of Night Shyamalan, WIDE AWAKE talks about the personal relationship we have with the spiritual world.
The story is told through the eyes of ten-years-old Joshua Beal (Joseph Cross) who during the course of his year in the fifth grade, begins his personal search mission to find answers about truths, about life and death, a journey triggered by the death of his beloved grandfather


Cind bunicul mult iubit moare, micutul Joshua incepe sa-si puna intrebari despre DUMNEZEU si viata dupa moarte. Asistat de o calugarita, se va redescoperi pe sine si va primi raspunsuri la intrebarile ce il framinta.
Acesta este primul film al lui Night Shyamalan, regizorul lui '6th sense' , si 'Lady in the water', ca sa le scriu doar pe favoritele mele.

ONLINE AICI NETITRAT sau descarcati-l aici si subtitrarile de aici

Foarte frumos.

cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

Meditation Flash Mob (Trafalgar Square, London) 2nd June 2011

cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0



Kanye West’s “Power” is a short, almost stationary video that manages to tell a profound story in symbolic language. By decoding the occult meaning of the symbols present in this moving tableau, the viewer discovers who really holds the “power” in the world and understands the story of Kanye West’s initiation. We will look at the meaning of those symbols as they appear in the video.

Rapper and producer Kanye West has always found a way to stand out from the crowd. His video Power is no exception. It differs from the MTV norm in many regards, whether you look at the content or the form.

The duration of the video, the filming style and the subject matter are quite distinct from today’s typical rap videos as it is short (1:43), filmed in a single shot (compared to the one-shot-per-second standard of music videos) and is very rich in archetypal symbolism.

Director Marco Brambilla sought to depict the concept of power in the form of a “video tableau”, a moving painting that slowly reveals itself to the viewer with a continuous camera movement. The director seem to have perfected this technique in his previous creation, Civilization, a video mural created for the new Standard Hotel in New-York city. The symbolism present there is simply overwhelming. Here it is:

For Power, Brambilla went for a neo-classic aesthetic, but still created a piece full of symbolic and cultural references. As it was the case for paintings of the neo-classic era, each object, each symbol and each detail in the video conveys an important meaning, a meaning that is needed to understand the entire story.

As we will see later, many symbols in the video have a deep occult meaning and many of them point to Freemasonry and Mystery schools. By doing so, the director clearly states what type of power is being presented in the video. We will therefore look at the meaning of the symbols displayed in the video as they appear in the shot. If you haven’t seen it, here it is:

Symbols of the Video

The video starts off with a close-up of Kanye West with glow-in-the-dark eyes, as if he was “illuminated” from within. He stands between an infinite row of Ionic columns, which represent “wisdom” in Masonic symbolism.

Kanye with illuminated eyes between rows of twin pillars

Two Pillars

As regular readers of this site already know, the occult meaning of the twin pillars is ancient, profound and present in the symbolism of almost all mystery schools of History. There are many layers of interpretation attributed to the two columns, but one constant is always present: The pillars represent the entrance – the gateway – to the world of the initiate. Behind the columns can be found the key to the Mysteries and, consequently, the source of true power. This concept has been used for in many cultures and schools of thought.

The two columns called the “Pillars of Hercules” in Ancient Greece stood at the gateway to the sphere of the enlightened

“The city of the philosophic elect rises from the highest mountain peak of the earth, and here the gods of the wise dwell together in everlasting felicity. In the foreground are the symbolic pillars of Hercules which appear on the title page of Bacon’s Novum Organum, and between them runs the path which leads upward from the uncertainties of earth to that perfect order which is established in the sphere of the enlightened. “
- Manly P. Hall

Pillars of Hercules in Francis Bacon’s “New Atlantis” as a gateway to the New World
Two pillars leading to Jacob’s Ladder in this Masonic tracing board
Masonic initiate standing between the twin pillars as the third pillar, in the same fashion as Kanye West in the video.

In Power, Kanye is standing at the mouth of the gateway to the “sphere of the enlightened,” right at the border of the corrupt and decadent material world. So, right from the start of the video, the director reveals the true nature of power in this world: It is not your democratically elected officials, but those who consider themselves to be behind those pillars. One of the most significant lines of the song is

“In this white man’s world, we the ones chosen”

Does Kanye’s “white man’s world” refer to the hidden rulers, the Illuminati, who are hidden behind those pillars? Did they choose Kanye West and give him Power by permitting him to become an influential figure in the entertainment industry? Was he chosen to become one of them? The next symbol might shed some light into this.


Horus pendant on Kanye’s chain

The next thing that catches the viewer’s eye is most probably that gigantic chain with Horus’ head as a pendant. Horus is an ancient Egyptian deity that has an extreme importance in occult mysteries. Considered to be the Sky god, he is more often represented with the symbol of a single eye. The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection and royal power from deities, in this case from Horus or Ra


“Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis, was called “Horus who rules with two eyes.” His right eye was white representing the sun while his left eye was black representing the moon. According to Egyptian legend Horus lost his left eye during a fight with his murderous uncle, Seth, to revenged his father’s death.

Seth tore out his nephew’s eye but lost the fight because the assembly of the gods declared Horus the victor. The eye was reassembled by the magic of Thoth. Then Horus gave the eye to Osiris who experienced rebirth in the underworld.”
- Jordan Michael, Encyclopedia of Gods

Horus, god of the sky

The importance of the “one-eye” in occult symbolism has been highlighted in many articles on The Vigilant Citizen. The All-Seeing Eye found on the Great Seal of the United States and many other occult symbols originate from the Eye of Horus.

The Eye of Horus as depicted by the Golden Dawn Mystery School

The symbolism of Horus is especially of great importance in Freemasonry, as the path of an initiate through the Masonic degrees is described as the process by which the Eye of Horus is opened.

So Kanye stands at the gateway between the corrupt world of the profane and the exclusive world of the illuminated, wearing a Horus pendant, an unmistakable symbol of the Mysteries. One might say: “Well maybe Kanye just likes Egyptian things.” Maybe so, but in the context of this video, where all details are important and extremely meaningful, Horus becomes another piece of this symbolic puzzle.

Horned Girls

The entrance of the gateway of pillars is guarded by two horned albino girls holding a staff. Their features are very reminiscent of depictions of Isis and Hathor, goddesses of ancient Egypt. Another allusion to Egyptian magic.

Kanye standing between two horned female figures
Isis and Hathor crowning Queen Nefertari. Both goddesses were depicted with bovine horns on their heads.

Isis was the mother of Horus (discussed above) and was the goddess of motherhood, nature and magic. Hathor was also considered as a maternal deity while also being the goddess of music, dance and fertility. Both Isis and Hathor were known to welcome and protect the dead during their journey to the afterlife, a concept that is particularly interesting in the context of the video.

Hathor holding a sceptre with Pharaoh Ramses II

“The goddess (Hathor) [...] manifests two aspects of her divine power: first of all, she participates in the afterlife rite of passage, by means of which the deceased attains eternal life, and, second, she demonstrates her special connection to the Egyptian king. Hathor is rightly called a royal goddess, and in this role she is linked in various ways to the life of the pharaoh. Often the pharaoh would call himself the oldest son of Hathor.”
- Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism

Kanye, perhaps symbolizing the Pharaoh, is standing at the gateway to eternal wisdom, about to be executed/assassinated/sacrificed under the watchful eyes of Hathor, the “royal goddess.” Are the goddesses welcoming Kanye “behind the veil,” protecting him in this rite of passage to immortality?

In occult circles, new candidates must symbolically die and be reborn to complete their initiation process. Is Kanye being killed an allegory for his initiation?

Sword of Damocles

Sword hanging above Kanye West’s head

While doing some preliminary research on this video, I came across an article on titled Kanye West’s ‘Power’ Video: A Cultural Cheat Sheet. Here’s what it says about the sword hanging above his head:

“Dragonlance: An image of a sword descending into a crown hovers over Kanye’s head, bringing to mind Volume Two of Douglas Niles’ series “The Crown and the Sword: The Rise of Solamnia,” in which Sir Jaymes Markham commands the orders of the Rose, Sword and Crown.”
- Kanye West’s ‘Power’ Video: A Cultural Cheat Sheet,

Really? The director of this neo-classical themed video, was inspired by an obscure fantasy novel released in, like, 2006? Seriously? Good job, MTV, in keeping our youth clueless. The descending sword is more probably a reference to the Sword of Damocles, a pretty widely known legend.

Wenceslas Hollar’s depiction of the Sword of Damocles

“The Damocles of the anecdote was an obsequious courtier in the court of Dionysius II of Syracuse, a fourth century BC tyrant of Syracuse. Damocles exclaimed that, as a great man of power and authority, Dionysius was truly fortunate.

Dionysius offered to switch places with him for a day, so he could taste first hand that fortune. In the evening a banquet was held where Damocles very much enjoyed being waited upon like a king. Only at the end of the meal did he look up and notice a sharpened sword hanging directly above his head by a single horse-hair.

Immediately, he lost all taste for the fine foods and beautiful girls and asked leave of the tyrant, saying he no longer wanted to be so fortunate.

Dionysius had successfully conveyed a sense of the constant fear in which the great man lives. Cicero uses this story as the last in a series of contrasting examples for reaching the conclusion he had been moving towards in this fifth Disputation, in which the theme is that virtue is sufficient for living a happy life.

Cicero asks “Does not Dionysius seem to have made it sufficiently clear that there can be nothing happy for the person over whom some fear always looms?”

- Source

The tale of the Sword epitomizes the constant danger faced by those in positions of power. Kanye stands there, in a state of impending doom, knowing he can be executed at any time. Right after we see the sword of Damocles, a figure appears holding a dagger and attempting to stab him.

The assassination will not happen by dagger, however, as two other figures leap out of nowhere holding swords to accomplish the “Killing of the King.”

Killing of the King – The Initiation

Ritual initiation represented in a display of geometry and symmetry

At the ending of the video, the decadent women and the dagger-holding assassins all disappear as two swords are about to hit him. Are we sacrificing the King?

The concept of regicide is reflected in the single’s cover art. It depicts Kanye’s severed, crowned head with a sword firmly jammed into it. Apparently Kanye was king and he got killed. Is this a symbol for a Masonic ritual? Note the stone on which Kanye’s head is placed. Is it the “perfect ashlar” of the Masons that represents the state of a perfected initiate?

Covert art of Power portraying the killing of Kanye West as a king.
A perfect ashlar in a Masonic lodge. In Masonic symbolism, the candidates start their journeys as allegorical “rough ashlars” and, through knowledge and wisdom, smooth out their edges in order to become a perfect ashlar.

Some occult researchers have stated that the “Killing of the King” is the name of a Masonic rite of passage to obtain the 33rd degree (see “King Kill 33″ by James Shelby Downard & Michael A. Hoffman II). Semi-interesting sidenote: King Kill 33 is also the name of a Marilyn Mason song, with rather interesting lyrics.

Another sidenote: Researchers have reported that Killing of the King rites often happens in public, as more witnesses give more power to the ritual, hence … JFK. A completely crazy theory?… DYR (Do your research).

Back to Kanye and his standing … the two swords flying towards him never actually touch him but instead form a triangular shape above his head, possibly hinting to a “symbolic” killing and not an actual one. Notice the position of the crown above Kanye’s head. The combination of those elements form an interesting image.

Masonic Square and Compass

In Conclusion

To sum up the the video, Kanye stands at the border between Masonic knowledge and the decadence of the mundane life, represented by lustful and gluttonous women, lounging around eating grapes.

Kanye says “goodbye cruel world / I see you in the morning“, as he has been “chosen” to take part in an initiation process that is often metaphorically described as a “long night,” followed by a glorious awakening as a new being.

In order to accomplish this, Kanye needs to kill his old self and be ritualistically reborn. Once this is done, true power is within his grasp.

This “moving painting” is definitely a multi-layered artwork, with many levels of interpretation: the first level is a commentary on power by using timeless symbols taken from ancient art; the second level describes a Masonic initiation with a ritual murder and an imminent rebirth.

This video lasts a mere minute and forty-three seconds but it manages to give the viewers plenty to ponder on and many symbols to decode.

Looking at its meaning from a pop culture point of view, it is interesting to note that this short-film, intended to be viewed by the general public (especially young people), describes the concept of power with overt Masonic symbolism and occult references.

This causes the uninformed viewers to unconsciously associate those symbols with the concept of Power, while “those in the know” get the “insider’s wink” sent by this video.

Power ultimately becomes another piece in the on-going process called the “Revelation of the Method,” where the true source of power gradually and subliminally reveals itself to the world and occult rituals take place right in front of the public’s eyes.

How long before the complete revelation?

“The clock’s tickin’ / I just count the hours”

the vigilantcitizen

cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

Kanye West - POWER

You got the power to let power go

cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

Project Blue Beam - Realtime Holograms & Augmented Reality




I just saw this movie and of course I liked it, but more, I was shocked that it made it thru'....
Here is an excelent article of the vigilant citizen who wrote about it-a must see btw, desguised in a comedy::

“Josie and the Pussycats” is a “girl band movie” aimed at children and young adolescents, especially young girls. At first glance, the flick seems to be one of those generic, God-awful teen movies. However, a closer look reveals how its overall tone and message are in sharp contrast to stereotypes of the genre.

“Josie and the Pussycats” is indeed an acerbic critique of a morally bankrupt music industry. The most surprising thing about this 2001 movie is its frighteningly accurate predictions regarding today’s pop music and its Illuminati agenda:

mind controlled artists, hypnotized masses, subliminal messages… it’s all there. This article will examine the movie’s themes and their relation to today’s music business context.

Josie and the Pussycats was released in 2001 by Universal. In music industry terms, 2001 is ancient history.

Just to put you back in the context of the era: N’Sync were still singing Bye Bye Bye, Cisco wanted to see your thong-th-th-thong-thong-thong and everybody was wondering Who Let the Dogs Out. Teens were going crazy for boy bands like the Backstreet Boys and everybody was dancing to Ja Rule. So, yes, it was a long time ago.

Josie and the Pussycats came out during that period, but it seems to foretell the death of the era. The movie starts with members of the boy band “Du Jour,” a spoof on the Backstreet Boys, dying in a forced plane crash. The group is then replaced by a girl band with a semi-punky attitude and non-threatening pop rock music. This pretty much reflects what actually happened in the years following the release of this movie: N’Sync and the Backstreet Boys disappeared from the preteen music market and were replaced by Miley Cyrus, Hilary Duff, the Jonas Brothers, and so on.

The Jonas Brothers’ semi-punky attitude and non-threatening pop rock music replaced the Backstreet Boys. They’re the male Josie and the Pussycats.

Despite the movie’s apparent lightheartedness, it displays a harsh and sustained judgment of the music business. It is also severely critical of the state of America’s youth. Teens and preteens are constantly depicted as a herd of brainless drones who are incapable of independent thinking and prone to hysteria.

Preteens going crazy for the latest manufactured pop sensation.

But behind the usual “OMG these big corporations are so corporation-y”Josie and the Pussycats tackles, in an odd and humorous way, some of the darker sides of the music industry. These include the mind control of the masses and entertainers, and even the assassination of artists who rebel or ask too many questions. criticism,

The Boy Band That Knew Too Much

As stated above, the movie starts with Du Jour (the boy band “of the day”) enjoying their enormous success. In their private jet, the vain and half-witted group of singers complain about petty things to their record executive Wyatt, who acts more like a legal guardian. Or, in mind control terms, a handler.

The band then asks Wyatt about strange sounds they heard in the acapella tracks of their latest song… and they want some answers.

Du Jour asking their exec Wyatt the purpose of the weird background tracks found on their latest song.

Wyatt’s answer is quite extreme, for he and the plane’s pilot strap on parachutes and jump off, leaving Du Jour to die in what is afterwards called an “accidental” plane crash.

This has actually happened in reality numerous times. Artists who start uncovering the darker side of the entertainment business, who ask too many questions, or worse, who plan to reveal these things to the public, are often dropped, publicly humiliated and scorned. And, as in Du Jour’s case, they are also sometimes killed for displaying such behavior.

Mega Records

Du Jour was signed with the world’s biggest record label, Mega Records. We soon learn that the company is much more than a record label.

Mega Records is, in fact, “in business” with the American government and the FBI to brainwash the “most influential demographic in the entire population”: the youth. While giving a tour of the label’s headquarters to visitors from foreign countries (who are there to learn how it’s done), Fiona, the eccentric CEO of Mega Records, has this to say:

“I’m sure you’re wondering why agent Kelly and the United States government would be so interested in what appears to be a record company. Well, I’m about to show you why.”

Fiona’s office then turns into an elevator and starts descending into a secret underground facility.

Fiona, the CEO of Mega Records, giving a tour of the secret underground headquarters of the label.

The label’s headquarters is, in fact, a control center for manipulating the minds of the American youth. It creates new fads, decides everything from “what clothes are in style to what slang is in vogue,” with the ultimate goal of making the youth continually spend money on one temporary trend after another.

Reality is, of course, more complex than that. Trends are (probably) not created in an underground control center in New York City. There is however truth in this near-cartoonish depiction of the music business. The entertainment industry is indeed connected to “higher powers” (as personified in the movie by the FBI agent) in order to sell the youth on the economic elite’s agenda.

Popular culture not only attempts to sell products and brands to the audience, but also ideas, values and attitudes. In previous articles on the Vigilant Citizen, we have established that today’s agenda focuses on concepts such as transhumanism, Illuminati symbolism, premature sexualization, police state/militarization, and so forth.

Continuing her tour, Fiona says:

“But how, you may ask, can our operation be so effective? Sure these kids have brains like play dough, just waiting to be molded into shape, but something else must be going on, right?”

Fiona then explains that her label inserts subliminal messages in pop music in order to manipulate the youth into buying products and ideas. The label thus goes beyond the simple advertising of products. It conceals hidden messages in the music that bypass the audience’s conscious minds in order to directly reach their subconscious.

After the presentation, a foreigner asks Fiona “How can you control the rock bands? What if one of them discovers you are placing hidden messages in their music?” This is what she answers:

“Ever wonder why so many rock stars die in plane crashes? Overdosed on drugs? We’ve been doing this a long time. If they start to get too curious, our options are endless. Bankruptcies… shocking scandals… religious conversions!”

There are numerous real life examples of celebrities who have been silenced, one of the most shocking and evident being Michael Jackson. After decades of being controlled by the entertainment business, he attempted to break free in the late 90s. He even spoke out about it (see the article “When Insiders Reveal the Ugly Side of the Entertainment Business“).

He then endured years of scandals, trials, public ridicule and financial difficulties. Michael Jackson still managed to keep singing and dancing, even organizing a world tour for 2010. Since previous attempts to destroy him failed, MJ got silenced… by force. So, it would seem that ten years after the release of this movie, shady celebrity sacrifices are still happening.

New 3D Technology

In an attempt to “take things to the next level,” Mega Records develops a new technology called “3DX Surround Sound.” This new technology “makes the music feel like it is happening all around you.” All the kids who attend Josie and the Pussycat concerts or watch them on TV have to purchase this headgear in order to hear the music.

Hypnotized, mind controlled teens testing the new 3DX Technology in a Mega Records lab. Note that the girl in the middle is a “free thinker” that got kidnapped by the label in order to have experiments conducted on her.

Back in real life, we are seeing the commercialization of a very similar technology…

3D glasses are today’s hottest trend. They are required to view 3D movies, TV shows and video games. Will this 3D technology bring new brainwashing possibilities? You betcha!

Josie and the Pussycats: From Nobodies to Sex Kittens Programming Stars

After the killing of Du Jour, record exec Wyatt is instructed to find a new band as soon as possible. The movie makes it clear that talent is absolutely irrelevant. The label just needs a good-looking group and it will take care of the rest. Then we are introduced to The Pussycats… and their lack of fans.

The Pussycats performing in a bowling alley, with nobody listening to them. Most overnight successes start from humble beginnings, until the industry takes them, changes them and sells them to the public.

The rock band comprises three young ladies who wear leopard ears as a prop. It is quite obvious that nobody wants to hear their music and even their manager Alexander doesn’t seem to like it.

After hearing about Du Jour’s plane crash on television, The Pussycats leader, Josie, is motivated to “get out there” and obtain a record contract. At the same time, Wyatt is driving around in the small town of Riverdale, looking for a band to sign. Then it happens.

Wyatt literally runs into The Pussycats crossing the street. Some dudes coincidentally walk behind them holding a sign with “#1 Band in the World” on it. That’s pretty much all Wyatt needed to see to sign them.

Wyatt sits down with the girls and tells them how happy he is “to be sitting down with The Pussyhats.” He obviously knows nothing about the band and does not care. He then offers them a record contract with Mega Records. Josie wonders briefly why her band is being offered a contract by a label that did not even hear them play. However, her hunger for fame dispels all her doubts and the band signs the contract.

The Pussycats’ story is classic: a broke, struggling band attempts to become big by performing gigs; a record label offers a shady contract; the desperate and fame-hungry band signs, not knowing what they are getting into. For the band, it’s either taking a chance and signing the contract or going back to eating Ramen noodles in a crappy apartment. So, they sign the contract.

Right after they sign, the label subjects the group to a complete metamorphosis: a make-over to “sexy them up,” and a name change, from The Pussycats to Josie and the Pussycats. The group is now completely owned by the label. It has lost control of its image, its name and even its music, as it has been modified to contain subliminal messages. But those changes pay off, as they become a #1 band in less than a week.

Josie and the Pussycats partying in Billboard’s #1 spot
Josie and the Pussycats looking at the “Megasound 8000.”

On top of “digitally enhancing” the singer’s voice (is it the ancestor of Auto-Tune?), the machine inserts subliminal messages in the music in order to convince listeners they love the band and to sell them products and ideas.

Mind Control

The movie also contains numerous references to mind control programming. As stated in previous articles, numerous celebrities have been subjected to mind control in order for them to become more easily manageable by their handlers. In bolder words, they become slaves of the industry.

From wearing cute little kitty ears, the group is now draped in feline prints, a mind control meme signifying a subject’s beta programming, also known as Sex Kitten programming. The fact that they wore the ears before they got famous might signify the group’s predisposition to this kind of programming.

Monarch mind control includes numerous types of programming, one of them being Beta (or Sex Kitten programming). It is the type of programming that is the most used in the entertainment industry and it is coded with references to “cats,” “kitties,” “pussycats,” and also with the wearing of feline print clothing.

This might explain why the producers chose to base the girl band on the Archie Comic of the same name. The symbolism was just too perfect.

The movie was based on this Archie Comic.

So, in less than a week, with the help of subliminal messaging, the group produces a #1 hit and sells out a huge concert. The group even earns the honour of meeting the label’s CEO, Fiona.

Fiona’s “hang out” room. Notice the painting on the left. Yes, this was years before the creation of the persona named Lady Gaga.

The girls soon realize that Fiona acts in a strange, dissociative matter, as if she were herself under some sort of mind control.

After the meeting, Fiona spies on the group using hidden cameras and learns that two members of the group, Melody and Valerie, are creeped out by her and flat-out do not trust her. So she decides to go with another tactic we often see in the music business: to keep the star of the group and drop the other band members.

In order to carry out this operation, the label proceeds to use mind control on Josie by making her listen to subliminal messages in her own music. The process completely changes her attitude and personality: Josie turns from a sweet and down-to-earth girl into an attention-hungry diva who is convinced that her friends are worthless.

This scene subtly describes the hidden, mind control aspect that happens in the music business: label execs use mind control programming to create an alter persona in Josie, which they can control and manage at will.

Josie, in a dissociative state due to her mind control. Everything is “blurry” and “foggy” around her. She is completely dressed in feline prints, still representing her “sex kitten” programming.

Fortunately, Josie manages to snap out of her hypnotic state and learns everything about the 3D, mass mind control concert. Unfortunately, her band mates Melody and Valerie have been kidnapped by the label and Josie must perform in the mind control concert to avoid the “accidental killing” of her friends.

Fiona shows Josie a pre-taped segment of MTV News announcing the “accidental death” of Melody and Valerie. This is a good example of media manipulation in order to protect the elite’s interests.

I will spare you the details of the ending, but I can tell you that it involves cat fights and the girls playing generic pop rock in front of a crowd that has learned to think for itself. Thank you Josie!

In Conclusion

The least we can say is that Josie and the Pussycats is an odd movie. It strongly criticizes some aspects of the entertainment business while perpetuating more of the same. One example of this paradoxical situation is the ridiculous amount of product placements in the movie.

As a running gag, the entire movie is filled with over-the-top product placements. Directors say no money was taken for these placements…

Some of those placements are pretty hilarious (see the box of Tide above), but in the end they too perpetuate the market ideology. Imagine me repeatedly punching someone in the face. Then when asked to stop, imagine me replying: “Can’t you see that I’m pushing this face punching to an absurd level? You’re obviously not getting the brilliant second-degree message here, I’m actually denouncing violence!

So sit there and think about violence in society while I keep pounding this guy’s face.” Despite what is being said, the fact remains that pounding someone in the face is itself perpetuating violence… and this movie keeps punching the viewers in the face with product placements.

In fact, the entire movie’s message gives the same odd feeling. Its clever “behind-the-scenes” look of the music industry makes the viewers feel they’re “in on the joke,” making them comfortable enough to let their guard down. However, at the end of the day, the young viewers are still the butt of the joke: all of the sleazy and gimmicky tactics are being used on real-life viewers in order to sell them mind controlling music.

Furthermore, the movie fictionalizes some of the darker aspects of the entertainment business, for example by making mind controlled artists something that one can “only see in the movies.”

At the end of the film, Mega Records’ mass hypnosis plans are uncovered, and the FBI (who funded the project) immediately attempts to dissociate from the label, even arresting Fiona “on charges of conspiracy against the youth of America.”

The agent then privately says to Fiona: “We were shutting down your entire project anyways… we found out that subliminal messages work much better in movies!” This is the movie’s way of saying that even though it has let you in on the joke, the movie is still part of the plans. In other words, the biggest joke in the movie… is you.

cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

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