Saturday, January 31, 2009


Adormirea ucenicei (Rusia 2007) - este un clip video facut pe telefonul mobil in Rusia. Diferita de stralucirea soarelui, lumina puternica ce se observa aparand deasupra blocului unde locuia o femeie ce tocmai a adormit, ucenica a unui mare staret rus adormit si el intru Domnul, coboara si intra prin acoperis si prin peretii blocului si ridica la cer sufletul cel luminos al ucenicei. Este staretul care a venit sa-si duca ucenica in Imparatia Cerurilor. La sfarsit se observa deslusit cele doua lumini, ce au silueta ingereasca si 2 aureole luminoase ce strapung cerul si-l boltesc.


Jurnalul Elenei B. transcris de Simona T. – episodul 3

2008 October 24 6:13 pm

by Simona Tache

Draga jurnalule,

Astrologul si stilista mea de sprancene cred ca planetele sunt aliniate dubios chestie din cauza la care a inebunit toata lumea si sa ajuns la criza economica mondiala. Sunt perfect de acord cu ei in primul rand pentru ca sunt oameni foarte destepti (astrologul e student la a doua facultate, iar tipa a luat numai premiul II la scoala, dintr-antaia pana intr-azecea) si in al doilea rand pentru ca nici eu, care ca politician inteleg lucrurile mai bine, nu gasesc alta explicatie la criza asta. Pai cum sa se arunce americani pe geam asa din senin numai finca lea confiscat banca o casa? Nu era mai logic sa i-si cumpere alta decat sa se omoare?

Pe mine chestia asta cu atasamentul oamenilor fata de lucruri ma depaseste si m-i se pare de moda veche. Eu nu apuc sa ma atasez nici de haine nici de masini nici de telefoane nici de farduri, ca ma plictisesc foarte repede si le schimb. Am inteles demult (de cand eram mica si imi aducea tata blugi multi si sapun si banane) ca nu asta conteaza in viata, nu bani si lucrurile conteaza, ci dragostea si implinirea spirituala. As dormii fericita, in chiloti, pe o banca in parc la o adica, daca langa mine ar sforaii usor, barbatul iubit, nu miar mai trebui altceva.

A doua chestie e aia cu bursele care tot aud ca cad si care cred ca e lansata de cineva care am impresia ca vrea sa creze panica in interesul lui personal. Nu a cazut nici o bursa, sa fiie clar. Am vorbit cu ce-l putin 20 de studenti atat din ani terminali cat si boboci si miau zis ca le-a intrat bursele pe carduri normal ca si pana acum. In Romania mai e lumea speriata si finca a crescut euro in tinp ce leul sa devalorizat. E o prostie. Pai ce ma interseaza pe mine ca a scazut leul? Daca dadeam pan-acuma 1000 de euro pe luna pe abonamentul la sala no sa dau tot atat? Si atunci care-i problema? Se mai zice ca o sa se scumpeasca mancarea si o sa murim de foame. Alta exagerare. Sa zicem ca o paine costa acuma, cu aproximatie 50 RON. Cat poate sa se faca scumpinduse? 100 RON? Pai ce, e mult? Cu 100 RON nu se putea cumpara oricum nimic nici inainte de criza, plus ca eu oricum nu mananc paine. Nu mananc ca ingrasa si am auzit ca cica si prosteste.

(Din editia print a Academiei Catavencu)



S-au eliberat primele paşapoarte biometrice

ILFOV. Ieri, 28 de români au intrat în posesia primelor paşapoarte biometrice. Noile modele de paşapoarte conţin 50 de elemente de siguranţă, dar şi amprentele posesorilor, iar costul unui astfel de document ajunge la nu mai puţin de 230 de lei.

De trei ori mai mult decât costau cele obişnuite. Introducerea noilor paşapoarte în România a stârnit însă şi valuri de nemulţumire, retalează Realitatea. Patriarhia Română a cerut lămuriri privitoare la modul în care datele stocate pe aceste acte ar putea aduce atingere libertăţii şi demnităţii românilor. Mai vehemenţi sunt membrii nou-înfiinţatei Coaliţii Împotriva Statului Poliţienesc, care au anunţat că duminică vor ieşi în stradă. (G.R.)


"Poliţiştii comunitari, înlocuiţi de camere

SLATINA. Zeci de poliţişti comunitari vor fi diponibilizaţi, iar locul acestora va fi luat de camere video. Potrivit declaraţiei şefului Poliţiei Comunitare Slatina, Adrian Pop, concedierea angajaţilor din subordine se va face la indicaţiile venite de la Guvern, pentru reducerea cheltuielilor de personal din instituţiile bugetare.

„În principal activitatea poliţiştilor comunitari constă în asigurarea pazei la obiectivele publice ce aparţin municipalităţii. După implementarea proiectului de supraveghere cu ajutorul camerelor de supraveghere, va trebui să renunţăm la o parte dintre poliţiştii comunitari. Nu ştim câţi îşi vor pierde locul de muncă”, a declarat Adrian Pop. În acest an se va finaliza proiectul în valoare de un million de lei ce presupune supravegherea cu camere video a principalelor bulevarde din municipiu. Camerele se vor poziţiona în zonele cu risc crescut de infracţionalitate, unităţile de învăţământ dar şi alte obiective publice din subordinea Primăriei Slatina. (G.R.)"


Friday, January 30, 2009


Care este telul religiei si societatii??
by Frater RAH
(Posted here: Oct 28, 2005)


"Telul religiei si societatii este sa creeze un zid intre om si Dumnezeu, sa-l taie de la cunoasterea de sine si sa-l taie de la legatura sa cu Dumnezeu. Religia tinteste sa imbolnaveasca spiritual o persoana. Cum fac ei asta? Intorcind oamenii impotriva lor insisi si luindu-le energia.
Tinerii sint invatati ascultarea si alte forme de sclavagizare astfel incit energia lor spirituala sa fie ucisa. Ei devin docili si controlabili. Ei sint invatati sa nu se exploreze pe sine si pe ceilalti ca sa nu descopere un mod de gindire independent, ce le poate aduce o fericire durabila. Sint invatati ca rebeliunea este semnul unei persoane satanice si nu ca marcheaza spiritul unei fiinte ce a devenit puternica. Sint invatati sa nu-si invoce niciodata sufletul (dublul) in corp prin masturbare caci ar cistiga putere spirituala, mai degraba sint invatati ca asta e un pacat, pt. ca energiile lor sa ramina stagnante si sa putrezeasca creind stari mentale si spirituale morbide. Inteligenta si focul mental al fiecarei persoane sint distruse prin aceasta invatatura a mizeriei.
Ei sint fortati sa-si piarda energiile mentale invatind cum sa faca lucruri si bani.Sint invatati cum sa sufere cind sint singuri ca sa nu se gaseasca pe ei insisi, ci mai degraba sa fuga de ei insisi la nesfirsit. Totul in societate este bazat pe actiunea de a fugi de tine si a umple golul ce sintem facuti facuti sa credem ca exista cu distractii si cu ceilalti. Ei sint invatati sa traiasca intr-o lume a fanteziei bazata pe marirea imaginii de sine si sa aiba un tel ca sa evite realitatea ingrozitoare (telul nostru de fapt este sa traim pe deplin, functionind cu toate capacitatile noastre). Nimanui nu i se spune ca nu exista miracole sau supranatural in afara celor creeate prin puterea mintii noastre. Ei sint invatati sa-si gaseasca fericirea si raiul dupa ce mor, in loc sa il caute aici si acum. Aceasta se produce prin repetarea constanta a notiunii false ca exista ceva gresit cu fiecare persoana, si de aceea sint invatati sa se dispretuiasca, iar pacatul originar este una dintre formele de manipulare. Ei nu sint niciodata invatati cum sa se iubeasca pe ei, ci mai degraba pe egoul lor cu o iubire falsa ce ia forme din ce mai mari de egoism si egomanie pentru a ascunde iadul interior pe care societatea si religia l-au impus, sau prin stabilitate si o viata plina de succes, succesul de a fi o oaie care crede tot ce i se spune.

Persoanele religioase sint invatate ca fericirea se gaseste in ajutarea semenilor si doar acolo, si nu in interiorul lor in primul rind. In timp ce ei sint ocupati cu ceilalti, se neglijeaza pe ei si sint umpluti cu fundatiile nesigure ale unui refugiu temporar care se darima cu virsta, un refugiu creeat pentru ca umanitatea sa fie nefericita! In loc sa se descopere pe sine, persoana este invatata ca trebuie sa se creeze. Acest sine fals acopera adevaratul sine sacru si cauzeaza nefericirea individului ce devine din ce in ce mai inspaimintat de sine insusi asa cum este el in realitate, iar putinul comfort pe care si l-a creeat acceptind aceasta falsa personalitate este platit cu pretul libertatii sale, in schimbul acceptarii unui ego care il mentine in catuse. El nu a gustat bucuriile adevaratului sine divin si cauta sa se completeze prin pozitie sociala, bogatie si siguranta. Nu ca aceste lucruri ar fi negative in sine....dar ele nu trebuie sa devina mai mult decit acompaniamentele fundatiei sigure pe care fiecare o are, si nu o acoperire care sa tina in viata o falsa personalitate.

Fiecare trebuie sa descopere singur cum sa-si creeze lumea proprie in care sa traiasca, mai degraba decit sa traiasca pe spatele viselor societatii sau ale religiei. Asta insa e prea multa responsabilitate pentru multi si de aceea ei aleg o viata care este dinainte desemnata. Sclavia. Lumea personala a fiecaruia poate fi iadul sau raiul, dupa cum fiecare vrea si o face, fiecare eveniment si situatie poate fi luat ca o oportunitate de crestere spirituala sau ca durere.

Viata omului obisnuit se bazeaza pe construirea egoului si apoi construirea unui imperiu pentru a-si sustine egoul. Acest imperiu contine diverse feluri de hrana ale sufletului cum ar fi faima, reputatia, familia, religia, bogatia s.a.m.d. Viata omului spiritual se bazeaza pe descoperirea sinelui si a sta singur ca un stilp catre cer. Cu toate ca se poate afla in compania altora el nu uita cine este si unde calatoreste....catre infinit si mai departe. El se afla permanent in acel loc din sine insusi unde nimeni altcineva nu poate intra.

O persoana se poate regasi pe sine si Il poate regasi pe Dumnezeu numai golindu-se complet. Religia il invata pe om sa gaseasca fericirea in altii, nu sa se uite inlauntrul sau si sa-si fie suficient siesi. El este invatat ca Dumnezeu este doar prezent in bine si ca este absent din rau, dar Dumnezeu este Totul. Oare soarele straluceste doar peste cei buni? El isi da lumina sa tuturor atit buni cit si rai. Toate lucrurile au viata lor, care este existenta lor in Dumnezeu.

Adevarul este ca nu exista "viata de dincolo" asa cum ni se spune, "viata de dincolo"este uniunea cu Intregul Divin. Dar pt. a convinge un om de aceste iluzii astfel incit sa poata fi transformat intr-un stilp al societatii si a suporta liderii, el este convins de fericirea sufletului dupa moarte, pentru a nu putea vedea adevarul si a nu trai in deplinatatea capacitatilor sale aici si acum.

Pentru a incepe calea in sens invers, calea catre cine sintem cu adevarat si catre adevaratul nostru tel sacru, constiinta socializarii trebuie sa fie ucisa si sinele trebuie acceptat si iubit neconditionat. Asa cum este, nu in starea idealizata. Sintem perfecti asa cum sintem, daca traim in armonie cu viata si natura, fara a incerca sa schimbam nimic, fara a ne amesteca in cursul natural al lucrurilor. Cautind ceea ce doresti te negi pe tine insuti si ceea ce iti apartine. Mintea nu poate diferentia intre realitate si vis/fantazie. Indeplineste ceva in minte si nu se va implini in viata reala.Viata ii va darui omului totul in momentul in care este pregatit sa primeasca ceea ce vrea cu adevarat, nu ceea ce crede el ca il va face fericit. Trebuie sa fim fericiti cu ceea ce avem si cine sintem, si prin aceasta stare de multumire, vom primi mai mult.

Chained with $$Banii sint una dintre hranele egoului, caci face un om sigur de el, in afara sinelui. Cu cit are mai multi bani, cu atit se simte mai maret. Ei sint folositi pentru a aduna, nu pentru a imparti caci sint o inlocuire a ceea ce este adevarat cu obiecte. In timp ce bogatia este importanta pentru stabilitatea vietii, nu trebuie sa uitam ca energia noastra nu trebuie pierduta pe bani. Omul care a fost conditionat de societate va gasi ca este greu sa faca bani in viata cotidiana, in timp ce preotul ipocrit si politicianul vor lua cu usurinta bani de la ceilalti. Calea catre bogatie este a-i disciplina pe ceilalti, ceea ce il va imbogati pe cel fara scrupule intarindu-i pozitia sociala.

Munca fiecaruia trebuie sa se bazeze pe exemplul personal si impactul pe care acesta il are asupra celorlalti. Astfel se intoarce la el adevarat bogatie. Un om care face legea va primi bogatii de la cei care vor sa eludeze acele legi.Un om care disciplineaza va primi bani de la cei disciplinati de el. Controlul dorintelor si controlul ambitiilor celorlalti duce la bogatia lumeasca. Acest lucru este exploatat de oamenii malefici.

Orice autoritate fie ea politica sau religioasa este bazata pe falsitate si minciuna. Fiecare om este propriul sau stapin si nu are dreptul sa interfereze in viata celorlalti, nici sa sustina ca adevarul sau este singurul, sau ca poate fi inteles de ceilalti. Nici un adevar nu poate fi comunicat prin cuvinte, adevarul poate fi doar experimentat si fiecare om are propriul sau adevar personal. A crede in cuvintele cuiva care pretinde ca este vocea lui Dumnezeu inseamna a crede in cuvintele cuiva care nu se poate manifesta direct si de aceea nu e altceva decit un gind trecator bazat pe minciuna.

Singura autoritate asupra unei persoane este sufletul sau care stapineste mintea si gindurile.

Singura religie adevarat este iubirea mai inti i de tine insuti, apoi de ceilalti.

Societatea impune vise false,ideologii si motive celor pe care i-a incatusat. Ea ii invata pe oameni sa nu fie asa sau pe dincolo, sa incerce sa fie actori intr-o mare piesa, si sa sufere cind sint diferiti. Acesta este inceputul unei societati slabite care nu poate lupta impotriva celor care au sclavagizat-o. Cei ce nu sint capabili sa se iubeasca pe sine, care nu si-au dizolvat ego-ul in focul propriului sine divin, care nu sint ei insisi, sint usor de pacalit prost ghidati si facuti sclavi pentru a servi un sistem ce le-a fost impus de la nastere.

Copiii sint invatati ca egoismul este satanic. Egoismul insa este putere prost inteleasa. Numai a unci cind devii plin pina la refuz cu ceea ce ti-a fost daruit, abia atunci poti sa daruiesti si celorlalti.Omul"egoist"nu poate fi controlat de religii, femei/barbati sau lege. El isi pune supravietuirea pe primul plan si abia apoi ii poate ajuta pe ceilalti sa traisca invatindu-i tot ceea ce el stie."


De mici am fost invatati de nenea popa de la biserica din colt, ca nu exista reincarnare. Ca e un pacat si sa gindesti asta. Ca exista doar aceasta viata si daca il ascultam pe tata parintele ne ducem cind crapam in rai. Ca nu conteaza daca suferim acum ca dupa aia o sa stam in rai la coada la coru' ingerilor (god ce plictis).Ca rocku' e de la satana maika (prin studii stiintifice s-a demonstrat puterea de energizare a muzicii rock).Ca suferinta innobileaza. Ca nu meritam sa vorbim cu Dumnezeu ca sintem impuri asa ca vorbeste taica parintele cu El in schimbul unui onorariu consistent. Ca sintem gresiti din nastere si suferim de o boala incurabila numita pacatul originar, care, orice am face, oricum am a da-o, tot ne omoara, ca deh, as i said before sintem eronati. Ca nu exista reincarnare, Da ma repet. Mare mi-a fost uimirea citind din Biblie paragrafele alea in care Iisus este intrebat de unii daca este Ilie sau Ioan Botezatorul, paragraf care atesta clar credinta israelita in reincarnare, la care Iisus nu le-a zis alora aberati nu exista reincarnare, ci le-a raspuns simplu NU. Citat din care biserica a facut un capat de tara ca iete Iisus a zis ca nu exista reincarnare. NU, nu a zis asa ceva, ci doar ca El Nu este Ilie. Ca deh nu putem fi toti Cleopatra sau HorusRa. Ca pe Origen, un sfint parinte foarte tru l-au anatemizat ca a zis ca exista reincarnare, am inteles. Ca pe acelasi Origen l-au anatemizat ca a zis ca exista apocatastaza iar am inteles. Apocatastaza e chestia aia identica cu budismul in care Origen le-a zis -o astfel. Cum pot io, sfint, urcat in rai sa ma bucur de-a pururi de fericire eterna, sa ma zbengui pe norisori roz cu ingerasii si sa ma bat cu perne de fulgi cu ei, cind jos, down under sint aia care urla in chinurile iadului, aia pe care dracii ii sfirteca cu furci de foc, aia pe care diavolitele ii devoreaza de vii ca apoi sa-i scuipe si s-o ia de la capat. Ce fel de sfint sint io care se poate bucura in liniste cind fratele meu, semenul meu, aproapele meu e in chinuri (rings a bell? compasiunea budista care spune ca toate creaturile trebuie scoase din iaduri si din sirurile reincarnarilor succesive ca sa fie mai intii aduse in paradis, si apoi, pt ca paradisul e tranzitoriu scoase din samsara?). Si precum spuneam, aia au luat foc cind au auzit asta si l-au afurisit pe saracu Origen.
Deci mare imi fu mirarea asta vara, cind vorbind cu un prieten israelian religios despre reincarnare, el imi spuse foarte mirat dar desigur ca noi credem in reincarnare, face parte din traditia noastra. Shock! Deci din moment ce crestinismu e bazat pe Vechiul Testament a.k.a religia iudaica, logic ca si Iisus credea in reincarnare, caci era un fapt al religiei mozaice. Nu stau acu sa discut miile si miile dovezi incontestabile ale reincarnarii. Problema pe care vreau s-o ridic este DE CE-I E FRICA BISERICII CRESTINE DE REINCARNARE? Am stat mi-am sucit mintea, mi-am deformat creierul si am ajuns la urmatoarele concluzii. BC se caca pe ea de frica ca isi pierde controlul. Daca exista reincanrare, inseamna ca oamenii se pot perfectiona si deci kestia cu
popii sint intermediarii intre noi si doamne doamne cade. Daca exista reincarnare muistii de inchizitori sint de mult in iaduri la protap la foc mic, si popii cei burtosi care intind mina la parastase si nunti si nu-ti ingroapa mortu' fara sa bagi banu', dupa moarte vor sta capra la draci. Daca exista reincarnare sfintii, daca asa au ei chef, pot reveni printre noi si vor taia cu sabia miniei si neprihanirii spurcaciunea numita biserica (da chiar, si in Apocalipsa dupa Ioan se spunea ca Ilie si Elisei(sau Ioan) or sa vina pe strazile Ierusalimului sa-i mustre pe necredinciosi). Daca exista reincarnare exista si corectie si deci omul poate face fara intermediari, prin evolutie, ceea ce ar trebui sa plateasca ca sa i se dea intr-o singura viata (gen indulgente, iertari, etc). Daca exista reincarnare atunci unii ne putem aduce aminte de istorie asa cum s-a petrecut ea, inainte de a fi modificata de cronicarii invingatorilor, sustinuti frenetic de biserica/bitch-cel mai recent exemplu fiind revolutia. Or mai fi si altele dar brainstormingu' deja m-a epuizat.
Atentie-prin biserica nu inteleg trupul mistic al lui Iisus, ci instituia curva care pretinde ca i-a luat locul. Adevarata biserica este masa creidnciosilor (aia tru)in uniune mistica cu trupul lui Christos, prin taina sfintei iubiri. Prin popi nu inteleg decit tirfele securiste sau masonice ce se pretind a fi pastori dar nu sint decit reptile pradatoare. Am trait sa cunosc oameni ce prin iubire si comuniune cu Iisus au devenit ingeri. Aripile lor ma mingiie si astazi pe umeri, atunci cind ii chem sau le rostesc in soapta, sfios numele;parintele Elefterie, parintele Galeriu, parintele Argatu, parintele Ioan, parintele Cleopa. Ingeri de lumina rostiti o cintare de lauda si pentru noi acolo unde sinteti, in fata tronului Gloriei!


"News Report (from VOA News): “Researchers Investigate Biology of Social Conformity” According to researcher Vasily Klucharev of Erasmus University in the Netherlands, the study shows when people hold an opinion differing from others in a group, their brains produce an error signal, making people think they made a mistake.

My Comment: Kabbalah explains that a person is always under the influence of the environment and unwillingly perceives others’ opinion as his own (see the article “The Freedom”). We cannot avoid being slaves of our environment. Our freedom lies in finding an environment that will give us the correct opinion – one that’s directed at the goal of creation.

News Report (from VOA News)"-Cercetatorii investigheaza biologia conformitatii sociale" Conform cercetatorului Vasily Klucharev de la Universitatea Erasmus din Olanda, studiul arata ca atunci cind oamenii au o parere diferita de a celorlalti din grup, creierul lor produce un semnal de eroare, facindu-i sa creada ca au gresit.
Raspuns-:Kabbalah explica faptul ca o persoana este mereu sub influenta unui anume mediu si percepe involuntar opinia celorlalti ca a sa. Nu putem evita sa fim sclavii mediului nostru. Libertatea noastra sta insa in a gasi un mediu care ne va da opinia corecta-unul care este orientat catre telul creatiei. "

OK, slava Domnului ca mie creierul meu cel tulburat nu-mi da astfel de semnale-sint si nebunii avantajati. In alta ordine de idei sentimente puternice precum iubirea (nebun intru Christos, sint nebuna dupa tine, etc) clar ne scot din tesatura socializarii. Promit sa traduc articolul de mai jos legat de socializare in acest weekend. Prin recapitulare, act prin care ne tragem inapoi filamentele energetice lasate in ceilalti oameni si ne luam inapoi energia pierduta in interactiunile cu ei, ne descilcim din tesatura putreda a mediului social si incepem sa ne recapatam stralucirea originara, puritatea primordiala si sa ne conectam la divin. Daca din ce in ce mai multe persoane isi revin si se conecteaza la divinitate, atunci cind masa critica va fi atinsa, omenirea va face un nou salt evolutiv.


Posted on January 30th, 2009 at 11:07 am

"commissionIn the News: (from Fayette Front Page): Senators Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., and Kent Conrad, D-N.D., today introduced legislation to create a Financial Markets Commission that will be charged with fully investigating the near collapse of the banking system and the loss of tens of trillions of dollars. “If our nation is going to learn from history, we must know exactly what happened and why. We need to take a long hard look at how our financial system spiraled downward so far so fast,” Conrad said. “The final report of this commission will help make sure this does not happen again.”

My Comment: We cannot understand any phenomenon in our world from our level. Even Einstein said that in order to solve a problem, it is necessary to rise above it - to its source or initial origin. I hope this commission will be created, and even more than one - that it will be created in all the countries, and that it will be common, international. And I hope these commissions will somehow hear Kabbalah’s explaination of the reason, course, and purpose of the crisis, as well as the way to control it.

Kabbalah reveals that if we want to control the crisis through our actions, there is only one single opportunity in our world for us to influence the events: by continuously creating a better and better environment (society) that will influence every person. This environment will change everyone’s priorities from corporeal (receiving and using others) to spiritual (bestowal and love).

There are no other free actions we can make, because the rest of our actions are dictated by our natural egoism. They are elicited in us by egoism’s constant growth and change, without any participation on our part. Therefore, the reason for the crisis is the qualitatively new egoism that is being revealed in us.

The goal of the crisis is to bring us to similarity with Nature, the quality of bestowal and love. The means of attaining this goal, which is mandatory for all, is to change the environment that surrounds each and every one of us, or in other words, to change the external influence on every person. And to do this, we have to engage all the mass media channels and begin a broad action of worldwide education about the new reality of a united humanity."

Thursday, January 29, 2009


> Statia de metrou Washington DC intr-o
> dimineata friguroasa de ianuarie 2007. Un om canta la vioara
> 6 piese de Bach timp de 45 de minute. In acest timp,
> aproximativ 2 milioane de oameni trec prin statie in toate
> directiile, majoritatea mergand spre serviciu..
> Dupa 3 minute, un barbat intre doua varste il observa pe
> violinist cantand. Se opreste pentru cateva secunde dupa
> care pleaca mai departe, grabit.
> 4 minute mai tarziu, violonistul primeste primul dolar:
> o femeie ii arunca un dolar in cutia viorii si isi
> continua drumul, fara sa se operasca.
> Dupa 6 minute, un tanar se opreste, sprijinindu-se de zid,
> si il asculta. Apoi se uita la ceas si pleaca grabit.
> Dupa minute, un baietel de 3 ani se opreste dar mama
> lui il impinge mai departe.. Copilul se opreste iar si se
> uita la violinist. In final, mama il prinde de mana si il
> trage dupa ea. Copilul merge, dar tine capul intors si se
> uita la cel care canta. La fel s-a intampat cu mai multi
> copii care au trecut pe acolo. Dar toti parintii, fara
> exceptie, i-au tras pe copii dupa ei si si-au continuat
> drumul.
> 45 de minute violonistul a cantat. Doar 6 oameni s-au
> oprit pentru o perioada putin mai lunga sa il asculte.
> Cam 20 de persoane i-au dat bani din mers. A strans in
> total 32 de dolari.
> Dupa aproape o ora si-a strans lucrurile si a plecat, fara
> sa fie bagat in seama de cineva. Nimeni nu l-a aplaudat
> sau l-a laudat.
> Niciunul dintre cei care au trecut prin statie nu a stiut
> ca violonistul era Joshua Bell, unul dintre cei mai mari
> muzicieni din lume, canta unele dintre cele mai frumoase
> melodii scrise vreodata, la o vioara a carei valoare este
> estimata intre 3 si 5 milioane de dolari. Cu doua
> zile inainte, Joshua Bell a concertat cu casa inchisa la un
> teatru din Boston , unde un bilet costa de la 100 de
> dolari in sus.
> Aceasta e o poveste adevarata. Joshua Bell cantand
> singur in statia de metrou, o actiune organizata de
> Washington Post, ca parte a unui experiment social despre
> perceptie, gust si prioritatile oamenilor.
> Intrebarea care a reiesit: intr-o ambianta si la o ora
> nepotrivite, putem distinge ceva frumos ? Ne oprim
> pentru a aprecia frumusetea ?
> Recunoastem talentul intru-un context neasteptat ?
> Una dintre posibilele concluzii care au reiesit din acest
> experiment, ar putea fi: daca nu avem un moment in care
> sa ne oprim si sa il ascultam pe unul dintre cei mai buni
> interpreti din lume, cantand unele dintre cele mai
> frumoase melodii scrise vreodata, la unul dintre cele mai
> fine instrumente... cate alte lucruri trecem cu
vederea ?


"Cind un microchip de 5 mm este plasat in nervul optic, culege neuroimpulsuri din creier, care reprezinta experientele, mirosurile, vederile si vocea persoanei implantate. Odata transferate si storate intr-un computer, aceste neuroimpulsuri pot fi proiectate inapoi in creierul persoanei prin microcip pentru a fi re-experimentate. Folosind Sistemul de MOnitorizare la Distanta,un computer poate trimite mesaje electromagnetice codate ca semnale catre sistemul nervos afectind performanta persoanei. Cu cipul, persoanelor sanatoase le poate fi indus sa aiba halucinatii si sa auda voci in cap. Fiecare gind, reactie, lucru auzit, si observatie vizuala genereaza un anumit potential neurologic si un anumit tipar in creier si cimpurile sale electromagnetice care pot fi acum decodate ca ginduri, imagini si voci. Stimularea electromagnetica poate de aceea sa schimbe undele creierului si sa afecteze raspunsurile musculare cauzind crampe musculare dureroase experimentate ca o tortura.
Sistemul electronic de supraveghere al NSA poate sa urmareasca simultan milioane de oameni. fiecare dintre noi are o frecventa unica bioelectrica a creierului, asa cum avem amprente unice. Astronautii americani au fost implantati inainte de a fi trimisi in spatiu astfel incit gindurile lor sa poata fi urmarite si emotiile lor sa fie inregistrate 24/24.

Mass media nu a raportat ca intimitatea unei persoane implantate va dispare pentru restul vietii sale. Ea/el poate fi manipulat in multe moduri. Folosind diferite frecvente, cei ce controleaza aceste echipamente pot schimba viata emotionala a unei prsoane. Ea poate fi facuta sa fie agresiva sau letargica. Sexualiatatea sa poate fi influentata in mod artificial. Semnalele gindurilor si gindirea subconstienta pot fi citite, visele afectate si chiar induse totul fara consimtamintul persoanei implantate. Un cybersoldat perfect poate fi astfel creeat."

Rauni -Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD, Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland, SPEKULA, 1999 -
As vrea sa mai adaug ca visatul este singura noastra arma impotriva creatorilor Matricei de iad in care traim. Daca si visatul ne poate fi influentat prin tehnologie artificiala(avind in vedere ca ei nu pot visa, ne influenteaza pe noi, dictindu-ne ce si cum sa visam astfel incit sa perpetuam singuri iadul), atunci e chiar nasol. Ce putem face? orice tehnica de control al viselor de la tensegrity, la yoga tibetana a visatului, tantra sau orice altceva va permite sa va folositi energia sexuala pentru a intari visatul.


What is the Purpose of Religion and

by Frater RAH
(Posted here: Oct 28, 2005)

DisciplineThe purpose of religion and society is to wedge a wall between man and God, to cut him off from himself and cut him off from God. Religion aims at making a person spiritually ill. How do they do this? By turning individuals against themselves and souring their energies.

The young are taught obedience and other forms of enslavement that their spiritual energy may be killed. They becomes docile and controllable. They are taught not to explore themselves and others lest they discover their own way of thinking and what brings a lasting happiness. They are taught that rebellion is the sign of an evil person, rather than the mark of one who's spirit has become powerful. They are taught to never invoke one's soul into their body and mind through masturbation to gain spiritual strength, rather they are told it is a "sin" that his or her energies may remain stagnant and putrefy creating morbid mental and spiritual states. The intelligence and mental fire of every person is destroyed through this teaching of filth.

They are forced to waste their mental energies on learning how to make, of all things... money. They are taught how to suffer when alone that they may not find themselves, but rather, flee themselves endless. All in society is based upon running from oneself, stuffing the emptiness believed to exist within with entertain, and others. They are taught to live in a fantasy world based upon enlarging the image of themselves and having "purpose" to avoid the "awful" reality, which is that one's purpose is to be themselves living at full capacity. No one is told that there is no such thing as miracles or the supernatural outside of one's own mind. They are taught to seek their happiness and heaven in some "afterlife" rather than seeking it here and now. This is accomplished by constantly reinforcing the false notion that there is something wrong with each person, they are taught to despise themselves- "original sin" is one form of this. They are never taught how to love themselves, but rather their ego with a false love of constantly trying to form it larger and larger either in egomania to hide from the inner hell that society and religion has imposed upon them, or through "stability" in a "successful" life of being a sheep who believes as they are told.

The religious are taught that happiness is to be found in helping one's "fellow man" rather than themselves. While they are busy with others they neglect themselves and are filled with the shaky foundation of a temporary refuge which crumbles with age that only they can give, a refuge from the problem they originally created to make humanity unhappy! Instead of discovering oneself, one is taught they must create themselves. This false self covers the true self and causes the unfortunate individual to become more and more afraid of himself as he is, that what little comfort he has found in his created personality has afforded him -giving up his freedom for acceptance to the ego which has enslaved him. He has not tasted the joys of his true self and seeks to complete himself with position, relationship, wealth and security. Not that these things are inherently negative... but they must not become more than accompaniments to the foundation one has upon themselves, rather than a cover to keep the personality up and running.

One must discover for themselves how to create their own world to live in, rather that live upon the thoughts and Enlighteneddreams of society or religion. This is too much responsibility for most, and thus they choose a life that has already been laid down. A slavery. One's own world can be as hellish or as heavenly as one makes it, each event and situation may be taken as one wishes, an opportunity for spiritual growth or an opportunity for pain or for pleasure.

The profane man's life is based upon building an ego and then an empire to support his ego containing the various foods of the ego, such as fame, reputation, family, religion, wealth and so on. The spiritual man's life is based upon discovering himself and standing alone as a pinnacle to the heavens. Though he may have the company of others, he does not forget who he is and where he is traveling... to infinity and beyond. He is in the place within himself where no one can enter but alone.

One can only find themselves and God in their own nothingness. Religion teaches man to find his happiness in others rather than looking within and being suffient to themselves. He is taught that God is only present with the good and that he is absent from the evil. But this is not so, for God is not only the good but also the evil, and what lies beyond the two which are only seen as such by the most ignorant of individuals. Does the sun shine upon the good or the evil? The sun shines upon all, good and evil. All things have their life and their support, even their very existence in and of God.

The truth of the matter is that there is no "afterlife" as envisioned by the masses, the afterlife is but a union with the whole. But to convince man of these illusions that he may be turned into a unit of society to support the leaders, he is driven without his inherent happiness of his soul, where he cannot see and live in the whole here and now.

To start on the path back to who one is and where one is heading, the conscience must be killed and the self must be accepted and loved unconditionally. As it is, not in its "ideal" state. One is already perfect as is life, when it is followed as it is without trying to change the natural flow of things. By seeking that which you want you deny yourself that which belongs to you. Mind cannot differentiate between reality and fantasy. Fulfill something in the mind it shall not be fulfilled in the physical plane. Life gives to a man when he is prepared and ready for what it wishes to give and to show him, not when he believes it will make him happy. One must already be happy with what he has, and content with it, to receive more.

Chained with $$Money is one of the foods of the ego, for it makes a man feel secure outside of himself. It makes a man feel larger the more money he receives. It is used to hoard rather than share, it is the replacement of real objects and staples. While wealth is important for a stable life one's energies must not be wasted upon it. The man who has been conditioned by society will find it difficult to make easy money in life, while the hypocrite priest and politician will take that of others. The true path to wealth is in creating a discipline in others which leads to acquiring wealth through position.

One's own work leads to work in others through example and through this wealth returns. A man who passes laws will receive wealth by those who want those laws passed. A man who disciplines others will receive wealth from those he disciplines. Control of desires and control of ambitions of others leads to earthly wealth. This is exploited by the evil man.

All authority be it political or religious is based upon falsehoods and lies. Every man is but his own master and has no right to interfere in the lives of others, nor to claim his truth is even understandable by others. No truth can be communicated through words, truth can only be experienced and each man's truth is but his own. To believe in the words of one who claims to be the voice of god is to believe in the words of something that does not manifest itself directly, and is thus but a passing thought based on a lie.

The only true authority is one's own soul ruling one's mind and thoughts.

The only true religion is love, first of oneself then of others.

Society imposes false dreams, ideologies and motives in those it has enslaved. It teaches men and women to reject being such and seek out the roles of each other, and to suffer when not fulfilling such. This is the beginning a weakened society which cannot and will not fight back against those who have enslaved it. Those who are unable to love themselves, who have not dissolved their ego by just being themselves, are easily tricked, misguided and made as slaves to serve the system of living which has been imposed upon them.

Children are taught that selfishness is evil. Selfishness is but a misunderstood strength. Only when you have become overflowing with what you have given to yourself can you give to others. The selfish man cannot be controlled by religion, women nor law. The selfish man puts his own survival first in all things, and only then can help others to survive by teaching them likewise."




In an effort to make passports more secure, several countries have implemented RFID in passports. However, the encryption on UK chips was broken in under 48 hours.Since that incident, further efforts have allowed researchers to clone passport data while the passport is being mailed to its owner. Where a criminal used to need to secretly open and then reseal the envelope, now it can be done without detection, adding some degree of insecurity to the passport system.


Patriarhia cere lamuriri despre pasapoartele biometrice -- Si ea (fiara) ii sileste pe toti, pe cei mici si pe cei mari, si pe cei bogati si pe cei saraci, si pe cei slobozi si pe cei robi, ca sa-si puna semn pe mana lor cea dreapta sau pe frunte. Incat nimeni sa nu poata cumpa­ra sau vinde decat numai cel ce are sem­nul, adica numele fiarei, sau numarul numelui fiarei. (Apocalipsa, 13:16-17). Biserica Ortodoxa Romana a solicitat Directiei Pasapoarte sa spuna in ce masura datele cuprinse in viitoarele documente de calatorie in strainatate nu aduc atingere libertatii si demnitatii persoanelor. Pornind de la cuvantul parintelui Iustin Parvu, de la Manastirea "Petru Voda" din Neamt, teologi respectabili invoca folosirea Numarului Fiarei intr-un "plan demonic" ce ar duce la dictatura globala. Centrul National Unic de Personalizare a Pasapoartelor Electronice a inceput sa produca noile tipuri de pasapoarte la inceputul acestui an. Incepand cu 31 decembrie 2008, Romania poate emite pasapoarte electronice in conformitate cu Regulamentul nr. 2252/2004 al CE, privind standardele pentru elementele de securitate si elementele biometrice integrate in pasapoarte si in documente de calatorie emise de statele membre. Conform OUG nr. 94/2008, personalizarea pasapoartelor electronice se realizeaza de catre CNUPPE, care functioneaza in structura Directiei Generale de Pasapoarte a MAI. Initiativa a generat numeroase proteste si controverse, pornindu-se in special de la conotatii religioase cu trimitere la pasaje biblice vechi de doua milenii, care fac o conexiune intre temutul "numar al Fiarei", 666, si masuri luate la scara planetara pentru inrobirea totala a fiintei umane. "Patriarhia Romana a solicitat Directiei Pasapoarte din cadrul MAI lamu­riri privitoare la pasapoartele biometrice si in ce masura datele cuprinse in acestea nu aduc atingere libertatii si demnitatii persoanelor", a comunicat, ieri, Biserica Ortodoxa. Biserica cere oprirea "vanzarii sufletelor" "Nimeni din Guvern nu s-a gandit sa supuna aceasta tema dezbaterii publice, ca o problema de etica cetateneasca sau de etica biometrica a tehnologiei moderne, asa cum s-ar cuveni unei tari democratice, la care se pare ca suntem doar figuranti. Propun ca implementarea cip-urilor biometrice sa fie amanata, pana ce aceasta problema va fi dezbatuta public", a spus preotul profesor Mihai Valica, de la Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza" din Iasi. Pornind de la cuvantul parintelui Iustin Parvu, de la Manastirea "Petru Voda" din judetul Neamt, care cerea "poporului ortodox" sa nu permita introducerea acestui tip de document, au avut loc numeroase luari de pozitie, pana la strangerea de semnaturi in sprijinul ideii de organizare a unei dezbateri publice pe tema amintita. "In spatele acestui sistem de insemnare a oamenilor, de codare si stocare a datelor de identificare se ascunde o intreaga dictatura, un intreg plan demonic, prin care de buna voie iti vinzi sufletul diavolului. Insemnarea oamenilor, ca pe vite, este primul pas al unor alte masuri luate pentru controlul absolut al fiintei umane. Dragii mei, dupa cum proorocesc Sfintii Parinti, primirea acestui semn este lepadarea noastra de credinta (...) Nu primiti acest insemn diavolesc care va rapeste ceea ce va apar­tine dreptul la identitate, dreptul la unicitate si originalitate, al fiecarei fiinte umane!", solicita parintele Iustin Parvu, care si-a argumentat pozitia intr-un interviu amplu pentru ziarul ZIUA. "Cine are pricepere sa socoteasca numarul fiarei; caci este numar de om. Si numarul ei este sase sute saizeci si sase", se spune in Apocalipsa. Codul 666 este "numar de om", oricare ar fi el si reprezinta o structura genetica cunoscuta de mii de ani, din momentul scindarii evo­lutiei genetice a programelor de ingi­nerie genetica, respectiv a conflic­tului dintre Dumnezeu si Satana. Numarul de om nu are nici o legatura cu ADN-ul somatic, ci exclusiv cu ADN-ul energetic informational, dupa cum inter­preteaza analistii acestei teorii.
Proteste de strada
Coalitia Impotriva Statului Politienesc anunta doua actiuni stradale de protest fata de introducerea documentelor de identitate cu cip biometric si instaurarea controlului total al mijloacelor de comunicare electronice. Prima demon­stratie va avea loc duminica, 1 februarie 2009, intre orele 12.30 si 14.30, in Bucuresti, la Crucea de la poalele Dealului Patriarhiei, in Piata Unirii. A doua manifestatie de protest va avea loc miercuri, 4 februarie 2009, intre orele 12.30 si 14.30, in Bucuresti, Piata Victoriei, in fata sediului Guvernului Roma­niei. "Coalitia saluta initia­tiva ziarului ZIUA, de a contesta la Curtea Constitu­tionala, prin Avocatul Popo­rului, Legea 298/2008 si reafirma ca va actiona de asemenea pentru desfiin­tarea acestor acte anti-con­stitutionale si pentru pro­tectia drepturilor cetate­nilor romani in fata abuzu­rilor statului". (Victor RONCEA)
Adrian-Nicolae POPESCU


Ma stiti ca nu sint fana Rominica, si ca fericirea pentru mine are doua nume: Berlin si Ierusalim. Da nici nu cred ca imi doresc sa traiesc the american dream. Sau sa ma duc la americutza decit poate pentru un seminar tensegrity if ever. Redau scrisoare a unui roman plecat la americutza, preluata de pe blogul lui arhi

Sal everybody si la multi ani!

Mailul asta are un kilometru… ba nu,o mila :)) Ca astia masoara in mile,uncii si alte prostii de pe vremea lui pazvante chioru :))Deci risc sa va plictisesc cu parerile mele despre america :)

Sorry if I do.

N-am prea scris… deloc despre marea si minunata, cea mai beton si ca lumea tara din lume… pentru ca nu prea stiam ce sa zic.

La inceputa fost socul, si apoi frustrarea, apoi dezgustul, apoi am asteptat sa vad,poate ma insel… si acum mailul asta :))

Deci, la noi in america, unde totul este cald si bine si frumos…

Ehe as vrea eu. Ma tot gandesc ce sa va zic despre fundul asta de lume? Si cu ce sa incep? Ca sunt atat de multe…

Pai in primul rand sa incepem cu distractia americana: "FUN".Pai nu trecu mult, o zi doua, de cand am ajuns aici si tot aud reclame,in taxi, la radio, la tv, cu tot felul de chestii, toate ducand la aceeasi idee, idee pe care o desprind dintr-un mare si important ghid turistic despre/din San Francisco: "and… What can be more fun than shopping?"

Deci citind eu ghidul acesta si incercand sa gasesc ceva "fun" sau macar interesant de facut prin San Francisco… asta era top of the list. Doamne si ce m-am excitat la gandul de ore de cumparaturi in diverse magazine ale patratului uniunii (Union Square).

Da’ oricum, radio si tv, si net nu contenesc sa iti aduca aminte ca"shopping is so fun". Hai sa zicem ca e reclama, acceptabil.Asta pana cand vezi americanii in actiune. Dupa cum zicea cineva (roman plecat in state, stabilit aici de 10 ani): americanii sunt ca lacustele.

Si asa e.

Dupa promotiile de sarbatori magazinele au rafturi goale, mai nimic nu mai gasesti, ca a trecut valul de lacuste. Si cumpararafrate tot, da tot. Am zis sa incerc si eu. In primul rand: magazinele sunt, sa zicem … nici cat jumate dintr-un magazin mediu european? Dar,marimea nu conteaza nu?

Dar calitatea? Doamne daca nu m-am invartit de mi-au iesit ochii si mi s-a facut parul maciuca. Calitatea produselor americane, toate facute pe vapor, undeva in apele internationale sau langa taiwan sau china…e EXECRABILA.

Si iarasi, am zis sa ma abtin, ca poate nu am nimerit eu in magazine care trebe, nu am cautat suficient… ce stiu eu. Dar nu, este o stare generala: haine de cel mai prost gust ever to be shown to me :)), chestii electrice pe care le folosesti de doua ori si apoi le arunci la gunoi ca s-au stricat si tot asa.

A… si macar de ar fi ieftine, pe masura calitatii. Dar dai la bani de teusca… Oricum lacustele cumpara tot.

Hai sa va povestesc cum functioneaza telefonia mobila aici. Pai in primul si in primul rand: platesti si ce dai si ce primesti. Prima oara cand mi-a zis asta la dealer, am ras, am crezut ca glumeste.

Dar si ea a zambit ironic si a zis ca da, noi europenii si asiaticii avem altfel sistemul.Deci, daca suni, platesti, daca esti sunat si raspunzi, platesti. Daca trimiti mesaj, platesti, daca primesti mesaj (si nu prea ai cum sa refuzi),guess what? Iar platesti. Si da, trist, dar nu glumesc.

Dar cea mai tare faza a telefoniei mobile americane: in timp ce suni (adica telefonul suna) si alalalt inca nu a raspuns… Guess what?Deja PLATESTI :)) Ca cica e air time sau nu mai stiu ce. Ihi. Deci cand vb cu Denisa, platesc ca vb cu Denisa, si ea plateste ca a raspuns, deci ajung sa platesc de doua ori ca vb cu ea. :)) Cum toti fac asa, si mai mult,li se pare chiar normal… tac si inghit.

Anyway, sa mergem mai departe :) Aici in the most advanced country on the earth (si apropos, toti americanii chiar cred asta), exista notiunea de credit history. Adica te inregistreaza la plati.

Daca platesti curentul la timp, daca platesti mobilul la timp, daca platesti chiria,etc etc. Si daca le platesti pe toate la timp, ai credit history bun. Daca ai omis vreuna, sau ai intarziat (nu conteaza si 5 min), devii dubios.

Si mai mult, cum trebuie sa platesti prin posta (cec), daca nu ajunge cecul la timp (nu conteaza ca nu e vina ta)…. tot aia-i! Ei fie,poti sa zici ca e acceptabil, dar daca vii in alta tara (over seas cum zic astia)… nu ai nici un credit history, nu? Si cine spera ca asta inseamna ca e bine :)) (prezumptia de nevinovatie? hello?) Well, e la fel de rau ca unu care nu si-a platit ever facturile, singura diferenta este ca tupoti sa iti construiesti credit history (in vreo doi ani), iar ala cubad credit nu mai scapa ever.

De fapt, asta ramane asa ca un stigmatasupra intregii sale vieti, ca auitat sa plateasca o factura. Ba mai mult, caz real: unuvoia sa divorteze de sotia sa ca el avea credit history foarte bun si ea ilavea dubios, ori prin mariaj isi asocia numele lui cu credit history-ul ei,deci ii scadea lui scorul. Iar ea era disperata, ca nu stia ce sa faca sanu divorteze ala de ea.

Un nou taram de explorat pentru telenovele.

Oricum, noi cum nu avem nici o istorieamericana, nici de credit nici dealta natura, suntem cei mai suspecti oameni on earth :))Si cand am vrut sa ne luam mobile (cu abonament, that is), trebuia sa platimun deposit de 500$ per telefon. Adica 1000$, pe care ii vezi inapoi intr-unan daca esti cuminte si iti platesti la timp toate facturile. Daca amanivreuna, risti sa ii pierzi pe toti :) Si nu primesti dobanda pe anul ala!

Si depozitul este raspunsul la toate. Casa stai in chirie fara istorie decredit, platesti depozit (ca daca nu le platesti chiria?).Ca sa ai curent in chiria in care stai, platesti depozit, ca daca nu platesticurentul? Si pentru toate serviciile platesti depozit.

Ca sa nu mai zic ca daca vrei sa faci imprumut(pentru masina de ex. Ca aicinu poti sa mergi pe jos nici sa iti iei painea, ca e 3 milesaway), bineinteles ca platesti o dobanda frenetica si in caz canu ai platit rata lunara pana la minutul x al ultimei zile, in 5 min. vinenenea sa iti ridice masina din fata casei. Si nu-i gluma :))

Adica eu tot radpe aici, dar nu-i rasul meu.

Cum faci credit history? Pai te imprumutide la banca din banii tai siplatesti bancii dobanda (varianta pe scurt). Adica deschiziun cont de credit card la banca, pe care il garantezi cu 500$ blocatiin banca.

Apoi cheltui de pe credit card in limita celor 500$ si lunar itivine factura cu cat ai cheltuit dobanda bancii. Lunar o platesti la timp,ca orice alta factura :) Si asa construiesti credit history. Dureaza unan sau doi.

Dar america este o tara a tuturor posibilitatilorsi a oamenilor liberi. Derevelion, neavand ce face (in mare parte), am pus si noiniste muzica. Din pacate, vecinul nostru nu a fost de acord si ne-a batut inperete de mai avea putin si se darama (casele aici se construiesc din cartoane,chestii prefabricate in caz ca nu stiati.. si costa… Vecinii (toatafamilia) voiau sa doarma. (In caz ca va intrebati, nu sunt un caz singular,multi stau acasa si dorm de rev, pe aici).

Si cum in contractul de chirie scrie clarca dupa ora 10 nu ai voie sa facinici pas, si revul e pe la 12 noaptea… ne-am conformat.Am dat muzica in surdina… si ne-am zis un la multi ani in soapta.

Dar macar de-ar fi asta totul. Cateva ziledupa ce ne-am luat aparat fotodigital (o sa trimit in viitor si niste poze), a iesit siDenisa pe afara sa fotografieze imprejurimile si pe unde stam. Numai ca un altvecin a sarit la ea si a tipat (la propriu, chiar a tipat) ca "ii invadeazahis privacy", si Denisa speriata si cu coada intre picioare a inchis aparatulsi a intrat in casa.

Si cum la astia chestiile astea nu suntde gluma, taci si te conformezi.

Ce se poate intampla daca dai muzica prea tare? Vecinul sunala 911, te trezesti cu politia la usa si primesti citatie la tribunal pentru urmatoarea saptamana. Orice vecin poate sa iti faca asta… si o sifac, daca prind momentul.

Asa ca incerci sa respiri si sa nu deranjezipe nimeni prin existenta ta. Casi daca te uiti mai lung la cineva, s-ar putea sa te dea in judecata ca l-ai hartuit. Si nici asta nu e o gluma, am primit training dupace m-am angajat.

Deci esti liber sa faci ce vrei atata timp cat nu deranjezi pe nimeni si cumorice ai face (in afara de banal) deranjeaza pe cineva, estiliber sa faci nimic.

Sa mai vb putin de mentalitatea ameriana:zambeste oricarui strain, intreaba"how are you?" cand vezi un om, nu raspunde niciodata altceva decat "fine" la intrebarea de mai sus (nici asta nu e o gluma), exista doar americasi "the rest of the world" care oricum nu conteaza…si sa nu indrazniti vreodata sa afirmati ca altundeva in lume, ceva se face maibine decat in US :))

Am avut oroarea de a-mi fi scapat o mica sugestie inacea directie.

A, mai era o chestie funny. Ca oricum sunt inapoiati mai cu toate chestiilepe aici, le-am zis ca aveam un telefon mobil care ma tinea11-14 zile, cand mi l-am luat. Si ca asta ma intereseaza cel mai mult, sa ma tina cat mai mult bateria. Si mi s-a raspuns: wow, il ai la tine? poti sa ni-l arati? am auzit ca in Europa aveti tehnologie mai avansata decat aicila mobile. Asta ma tine 3 zile (e cel mai tare de pe piata).

Oricum pe aici nu sunt decat LG si nu maistiu ce (inca vreo doua marci).Celelalte nu au voie pe piata, nu stiu din ce motive. Banuiescca libertatea pietei :))

In rest? Ce sa va mai spun de pe aici?Eventual doar ca sunt ca nisterobotei. Muncesc si muncesc si muncesc, si se mai duc dincand in cand acasa. Si am colegi care imi povestesc cat de entuziastisunt sa munceasca la nu stiu ce feature, sau altul zise acu ceva vreme: "thiswill keep me busy this weekend" si mi-a tras un zambet.

La care i-am tras si eu un zambet inapoi si gata. Unde "this" era ceva de munca bineinteles(dar nu era neaparat o cerinta la munca ci era o gaselnitape care voia el sa o faca, pt binele comun). Sunt de acordca din cand in cand mai gasesti cate ceva entuziasm si in munca (desi eunu prea, in ultima vreme), dar la ei e obicei, nu exceptie.

Familia este ca o afacere. Ea in masinaei, pleaca de dimineata, el inmasina lui pleaca de dimineata. Se intalnesc seara la cina(daca munca permite) si discuta "afacerile" de familie, la10 stingerea. Si a doua zi de la capat.

Craciunul este despre cadouri si shopping(so FUUUN), si nici o mentiunedespre aspectul crestin (nasterea Domnului)… cum s-ar puteaasa ceva? Este politic incorect. Evreii nu cred in Iisus, si nici budustiisi alti cativa… deci nimeni nu poate sa impuna religia lui altora,deci nimeni nu poate sa pomeneasca despre asa ceva, ca daca ar pomeni, arfi o incercare de a-ti impune religia, of course.

A.. si e o mizerie pe strazi si prin garisi transportul in comun (careoricum e mai mult lipsa) e de un jeg… de cateodata mi sefacea pielea gainii gandindu-ma ca o sa stau pe scaunul ala in tren, saumai stiu eu. Cersetori sunt garla. Oameni prost platiti sunt si mai multi.

A… si am uitat, eu sunt in cea mai frumoasazona din state, iar SanFrancisco este cel mai frumos oras din state. Mi se aduceaminte asta… foarte des :))

A… si mai e un banc, pe care l-amauzit de la un indian: "Theonly culture in america is agriculture." Am ras… trist, dar amras. Denisa a mers fericita la cea mai marelibrarie din Standford shopping center (standford nu?) careera plina cu:"How to lose weight in 20 days" si "How to livelonger", si nimic altceva :))

Incerc sa scriu ceva de bine de pe aici… dar nu gasescnimic :))

Ma opresc aici… la reflectia mea asupraculturii si civilizatiei americane(care e lipsa) ca v-am umflat capul destul :))

Si cum stiu ca majoritatea romanilor considera asa o realizarea pleca"dincolo", si cum majoritatea celor plecati au fazelealea de doi bani ca nu s-ar mai intoarce niciodata si se dau de parca ar fi totiburicii pamantului… am vrut sa va trimit o poveste mai putin spusasi auzita de pe aici de peste hotare.

Si acum ma gandesc ca acasa sunt multelucruri mult mai importante si mult mai bune decat viata asta pointless si plina doar de munca pe care o duc romanii americanizati de aici (ca am intalnit destui si nici unul, "vai doamne" nu s-ar mai intoarce in rahatul din romania). Eu cred, acum mai mult decat inainte, ca acasa in rahatul dinromania, esti/poti safii mult mai ferice decat aici.

Noh ne mai auzim noi, va mai povestesc de prin state… cand oi mai avea timp si chef, ca greu imi vine orice chef pe aici: The greatest countryin the world, the greatest place to be! Remember that! :)


PS: O sa va trimit si niste poze mai ‘colo,si alea promit ca o sa fie nice:)) Si revin cu amanunte placute ale vietii americane, mai intai trebuie sa le descopar :)) Wish me luck! I’m on a quest: discover theamerican beauty! (Interesant ca filmul cu…)


An exclusive excerpt from Rabbi Weinberg's first book,

"What the Angel Taught You".

Something very strange is going on in this world.

  • The more knowledge we accumulate, the more confused we get.
  • The more conveniences we invent, the less time we seem to have.
  • The more pleasures we create, the more pain we need to confront.

The questions appear to engulf us. The answers seem so elusive. We run. Sometimes physically, sometimes mentally. We hide. Or at least we try to. But more often than not, the questions come with us. Gnawing at us...reminding us that we are not really at peace. When contradictions abound, we are perplexed and in need of direction, clarity, and understanding.

The voices within us never really go away. The "mute" button may be on and the "white noise" might be deafening, but the doubts still lurk in the distance and the uncertainties never really fade away.

When will I be truly happy with my life?

Can I really trust my beliefs?

How do I know if my decisions are the right ones?

What is the definition of "love"?

How do I get my prayers answered?

Why doesn't money bring me more pleasure?

Is life pre-ordained or do I determine what happens to me?

Are there absolute truths in this world or only people's "perceptions"?

Believe it or not, according to Jewish thought and tradition, you don't have to search far for the answers. You already have them! The answers to these and all the other questions you may ask are closer than you think. Permit me to explain.

According to the Talmud, before we were born, when we were safely ensconced in the comfort of the womb, we all had access to the ultimate search engine. God dispatches a personal angel to each and every soul in utero, who sits besides each and every one of us, and actually teaches us all the wisdom we will ever need to know on this planet. Everything.

And then...just before we are born...the angel gives us a little "tap" between the nose and the upper lip and everything he taught is immediately forgotten. That is how all human beings receive that small indentation in the skin beneath their noses, anatomically known as the "philtrum."


"Strange story," you say. And who could blame you? First of all, how do we know that angels exist? And secondly, why would God send an angel to teach us everything we need to know, only to instruct him to then make us forget everything he just taught us? What would be the point?

Proving the existence of angels is not an easy chore, nor is it the purpose of this book. However, if we believe in God (and four out of five people say they do believe in some kind of deity), trusting that He would have some kind of ministering work corps is certainly not very far removed.

More perplexing is question # 2. Why bother to teach us everything, only to erase our memory chip immediately afterwards?

The answer, like most answers after we know them, is really rather simple. The best way to acquire real knowledge, and to retain it, is through self-exploration. The facts and the understanding that we become most proficient with are those that we ourselves have studied, researched or experienced personally. Wisdom that is spoon-fed to us or acquired second-hand is not nearly as clear or as functional. So allowing us to keep the knowledge we learned in the womb would surely not be in our best interests. So why bother teaching it to us in the first place? Because learning something once, makes it so much easier for us to learn it for the second time.

Learning something once, makes it so much easier for us to learn it for the second time.

Life is so very complex. Knowing all there is to know in order to navigate through this world safely, productively, and pleasurably is a daunting task. God says, "Let me help you out a little. Learn about your destination before you embark on the journey. That way, when you get there, you'll have a head start." Everything will seem just a little bit familiar to you. Instead of starting from scratch, and scratching from the start, you will be reviewing, so to speak, everything you already knew.

What a novel concept! Perhaps this is what King Solomon was alluding to when he proclaimed in Ecclesiastes, "There is nothing new under the sun." Once we are born and live "under the sun" we have already been exposed to everything we need to know. So there really is nothing we can learn that is new to us.


Before we can answer life's questions about happiness, beliefs, love, prayer, absolute truth etc, we must first clear a path -- a path that fosters openness and authenticity. A path that allows us to examine truth in a light that is truly objective and dispassionate. And for that to happen, we need to understand the building blocks of the human experience.

Five billion people inhabit this Earth. No two are the same. Diversity is present in every facet of our existence. And yet, there are certain tools to understanding mankind that are truly universal. There are mechanisms at play that cut across all lines of difference - racial, cultural, religious, biological, characterological - all components of the human species. Let us examine these fundamental truths, remembering all along that we are not seeing them for the first time, but rather re-connecting to a knowledge base that we encountered long before our conscious awakening.


The first primary concept of these foundations of life, or ABC's of human understanding, is the appreciation of where our personal values and beliefs about life really come from. We would all like to think that each one of us has formed his or her own belief system based on independent and unbiased perceptions and experiences. After all, who would allow a prejudiced view or ideal to influence the formation of the core of one's character or values?

The sad reality is that we are all creatures of the society we live in.

And yet, the truth parks itself very far from that curb. The sad reality is that we are all creatures of the society we live in. And the influence that our surroundings have on our ideas about life and the way we live every day is both immeasurable and unavoidable.

How do we decide what is right and wrong?

What is considered 'acceptable behavior'?

How do we distinguish between a 'good thing to do' and a genuine priority?

What really dictates our dress code, life-style, and occupational choices?

The list goes on and on. Fact is, the collective consciousness of any culture is communicated to its constituents through the books and periodicals they read, the visual media that is broadcast, the educational system that is employed and the socio-economical and political messages that are promulgated. Some of the messages are direct; others are discreet. All are powerful. Try, as we do, to shield ourselves from the raging forces of partiality, we fail. How we shape our thinking is, surprisingly, often not more than a mere accident of birth.

There are exceptions. But, chances are, no matter what you believe right now, if you were born into a religious family in Haiti, you'd be sticking pins in voodoo dolls. If Tehran was your city of birth you might very well be a devout follower of an Ayatollah of some kind. Sure, radicals emerge in every society, but for the most part, we do follow some party line.

This sorry state of affairs should irk every one of us! How do we pretend to objectively determine reality? How is it possible for any self-respecting individual to discern who he really is and what he should believe in?


The solution to this problem is staring you right in the face...literally! The answer is right under your nose. Yes. The philtrum. It wasn't enough for your angel to teach you all about life. Nor was his job completed when he made sure you then forgot everything he taught you. There was one final step remaining. He had to leave his 'calling card' with you so that the only thing that you would remember was that he was there.

The philtrum was the angel's very personal way of leaving a message behind. "When you seek the truth and feel like the search may be a lost cause, just run your finger over your lips, close your mouth and feel the "impression" that was made on you. Do not despair. You'll recognize reality when you see it. After all, you already found and understood it before."

We enter this world fully equipped with wisdom. The soul knows everything there is to know about life. What holds us back from being fully objective and independent, is not the difficulty in learning what reality is, but rather the effort we need to exert to access what we already know. All three dimensions are really on the screen; we just forget to put on the 3-D glasses!

In other words, there is no clear-cut formula for figuring out which ideas and values are truly bona fide and which are ultimately invalid. But that by no means implies that we are discouraged from conducting the examination. Quite the contrary -- making the effort to conduct the scrutiny, having the wherewithal to demand clarity -- is precisely how the truth will emerge. Living in a semi-comatose existence of blind acceptance of the beliefs of our neighbors, columnists, and yes, even our clergy, is just grazing with the rest of the herd.

This is the true challenge for every one of us. If we commit ourselves to the task of sorting through the muck and the marketing, and become ardent truth-seekers, we can actualize our full potential as human beings on this planet. It is only through this critical analysis that we can say that we lived life to its fullest.

The good news is that we already have a head start. The philtrum.


Folks are fond of saying," Life is complicated." But I've heard it said that life is really quite simple; it's the people who are complicated. And it's true. The mystery of what makes a man or a woman tick will surely be considered until the end of time.

But one fundamental truth about the human condition can be stated with certainty; and this can be identified as the "B" in our schemata of the ABC's of human understanding. There is only one major factor, endemic to all people throughout all of time, which dictates our every move and motivates us in every decision we make. And that is pleasure.

Every single time we are faced with a choice of what to do, we always ask ourselves, "Will this bring me pleasure or not?"

Every single time we are faced with a choice of what to do, be it something crucial and monumental or something trivial and inconsequential, we always ask ourselves, "Will this bring me pleasure or not?" Sometimes the question is asked consciously, sometimes not. Sometimes the choice is rather obvious; other times it is exceedingly subtle. But always, what we end up doing is determined by what action will result in the ultimate greater pleasure. Keep in mind, that the particular pleasure may not be immediate. It may even appear to be more painful than pleasurable (at the moment). But the evaluation will still boil down to an assessment of the potential for pleasure.


Ask any parent: "What do you really want for your children?"

No matter which culture you are in, you are bound to hear the very same answers from all parents. They want them to be healthy, strong, and full of joy and vitality, be accomplished, attractive, confident, popular, maybe even rich etc. But why do they want all these things for their children? One answer. Because these are all ingredients for happiness. Every parent wants his or her child to be happy...full of pleasure -- the maximum pleasure. When their children are happy, the parents are energized. If the children are sad and miserable, the parents can go out of their wits.

In Judaism, and later in all religions, God is referred to as "Our Father in Heaven." We are referred to as His children. Just as a parent only wants his children to be happy, so does God only want His children to be happy. It is clear that this is the reason we were created -- to get the most out of life.

Of course, pleasure is a very relative term. People experience pleasure in many, many different forms. And, as they say, "to each his own." However, if I told you that my neighbor's son enjoys playing Lego very much, you'd have no problem with that. If I then told you that he plays Lego 16 hours a day that might be problematic to you. And if I later informed you that my neighbor's son was 32 years old, you'd be unlikely to respond, "Oh, whatever makes him happy, I guess." Especially if you were his father!

Why not? Probably because everyone realizes that there exists on this world an incredibly wide range of pleasurable experiences. We want our children to not only be happy, but also to enjoy what we call, "a full life." And the assumption is that "a full life" is a lot more pleasurable than one limited only to Lego, backgammon, or video games. There's love, meaning, creativity, religion, the joy of giving and so on. But more on that later.


Meanwhile, let us apply the "A" principle to the "B" principle. We are stating that the driving force behind our decision-making apparatus is the quest for pleasure -- be it immediate or eventual. But how do we know this is true? Let us not blindly accept this premise on face value. Without proper investigation, we could be accepting a false reality. What method would we use in order to determine the intended utility of any item? Primarily, we would examine its construction. We see a knife. We take note (carefully now) of the sharpness of the blade. We conclude, correctly, that it is made for cutting purposes.

Now, pretend that you have never before seen a ballpoint pen. Someone shows you the pen and tells you it is a toothpick. You'd say, "Ridiculous! Toothpicks do not have ink in them (among a host of other obvious differences)." So he changes his mind and tells you the pen is really a very small car. "Impossible," you say, "Where's the sunroof and CD player?"

With very little effort you could discern that the pen is, in fact, a pen. You examine the structure of the item and know that it is designed to write with, because that is what it does best. That's what the parts seem to indicate.

Now let's take a look at how human beings were constructed.

Our day is filled with decisions -- thousands of them -- but most of which we make subconsciously. What time to wake up, what to wear, the breakfast menu, whether to answer the phone, how to travel, work related judgments, social commitments etc. And many factors are involved in our evaluations of what we should do. Primarily, however, in every case, we are really deciding what will bring us the most pleasure.

Let's take a closer look. It's 7:00 A.M. The alarm clock rings. You shut it. you get out of bed or not? Somewhere, in the deep, sleepy recesses of your mind you are asking yourself, "What is my pleasure?" If your decision is to sleep some more, you hug the pillow. But if you decide that going to work will really bring you more pleasure (eventually), you'll get up right away. We may call it "obligation" or "responsibility," but, in fact, it is our assessment that being responsible will result in more overall pleasure that motivates us to get up and go.

Of course, often times the appearance of pain or effort serves to obfuscate our vision, and cloak the pleasure in shrouds of exertion. That is when we fall victim to the trap of making the "wrong decision," and avoid effort at any cost. But clearly, pleasure is the ultimate yardstick. This applies whether we are deciding which pajamas to buy, whom to marry, or what career to choose. If it promises pleasure and enjoyment, we'll pursue it. That's the way human beings are wired.

We are all pleasure seekers. Even when we do something altruistic, we do it because it gives us pleasure. Even when we restrain and restrict ourselves from a certain pleasure, it too is because of our judgment that this particular restriction is "good" for us. And "being good" is a great pleasure.

Curiously, this is exactly the way God wants us to be. We know this to be true because that is exactly how he programmed each and every of us. Sometimes we mistakenly forget that this world, that he created, affords us endless opportunities for pleasurable experiences. We focus on the pain, the effort, the hardships and the suffering that frequently appear inexplicable. These inevitable distractions deflect our attention from the fact that pleasure drives every move we make. That is not a human weakness or accident -- it is a Heavenly design for mankind.

Therefore, if you find yourself unhappy, or not as happy as you should be, it behooves you to ask, "Why not? What is blocking my path to real and lasting happiness?" More than likely, the problem lies in your not having learned all the pleasures that are available to you in this world. You just don't know where or how to get the kinds of pleasure that will be ultimately satisfying -- the kinds of pleasure that all of us are truly searching for.

Later on we will discuss the different classes of obtainable pleasure, how to recognize them, access them, and avoid the pitfalls that impede our means to reach them. Meanwhile, let us understand that just like our parents want us to enjoy our lives, so too does God want His children to get the maximum pleasure out of life. We just have to find out how to do it. That is the goal. God made this world to give us pleasure. That is the "B" of our model.

"C" is something puzzling. All the systems seem to be in place. God only wants to give us pleasure. We are programmed to receive pleasure. And yet, so many of us are bored, dissatisfied, or just plain miserable! How are we to understand this? What is getting in the way?

We are geniuses at making mistakes.

Judaism teaches us that we are geniuses at making mistakes. We get confused. We err. We miss the mark. Our mistakes in judgment cause us to severely limit the amount of pleasure we can derive. The missteps of man do not come about because we are sinners; rather, it is because we are mistake prone. And there is a big difference. That is the "C" of human understanding.

Deep down, everyone truly wants to be good. Everyone wants pleasure. But we err in our evaluation of how to get it. We forget how much effort it sometimes takes to see the benefits and rewards of our toil. Instead, we often choose short cuts, which sometimes can work, but more frequently leave us depressed and bewildered. "What happened to my marriage?" we ask. "Why did this great relationship end? Where did my kids go wrong? Why don't I have meaning in my life? How did I end up in this dead end job anyway? Why am I so unlucky?"

We want a thriving family life, but forget the overwhelming need for commitment and investment of time and effort. We claim to long for meaning, but then fall prey to social pressures that attach importance only to the facade of success. We want to live compatibly with everyone, but never lay the groundwork for the methodology of avoiding arguments.


Picture the following all-too-common scenario:

Marty, 16, has just walked in to the house at 2:45 A.M. -- two hours past his curfew. It is his third violation this month. Dad, awakened by the slamming car door, comes storming down the stairs to confront him. He is clearly at the end of his rope. In seconds, the situation erupts.

"You're driving me crazy, Marty. What in heaven's name is wrong with you? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

What is the response Dad is hoping to get from his sincere plea for sanity? What does he want to hear from Marty?

"Gee Dad, I never thought about it that way. You make an excellent point. That's just the message I needed to hear now. On the basis of your powerful and persuasive argument, I've just decided to turn over a new leaf and do something really meaningful with my life."

What are the chances of that happening? Right. Zero. And yet Dad must believe, on some level, that his tirade is going to work? What a mistake! A far more likely response from Marty might be:

"Listen, Dad, I'm in no mood to listen to you. Fact is that you made a mess out of your own life. You never had time for me and you never really loved me, so just stay out of my life."

Now, I suppose Marty is expecting a reply to that resembling...

"Son, I am really impressed with you. You are very perceptive. I especially admire how you don't let anyone push you around - even me! I want you to know that I am behind you 100 per cent!"

Not in a million years! And yet, we all make mistakes like this all the time.

What is going on here? Dad just wants Marty to show a little respect. He really wants to be close to his son, but hasn't a clue how to achieve that. Marty's needs are not very different. He would treasure a closer relationship with his father, but also wants to be allowed to express his independence. They need each other. They want each other. But they are badly mistaken in how to go about creating a relationship that never really got off the ground.

Our lives are full of mistakes. But don't confuse mistakes with accidents. Mistakes can be avoided. We don't have to put others down to raise our own self-esteem. We can commit ourselves to diet and exercise. We can learn that getting even brings us only to a warped sense of temporary satisfaction. We are able to understand what our life's priorities should be.

But steering clear of these crucial mistakes in life requires perception, commitment, and mostly, hard work. With proper focus we can ensure that the pleasure we ultimately desire can actually be attained.


Above all, if we sincerely want to stay away from a lifelong pattern of repetitive and catastrophic blunders, we must avoid the number one mistake in life. And that is the mistake of ignorance.

Ignorance is really the foundation of all mistakes.

Ignorance is really the foundation of all mistakes. People ruin their lives out of ignorance. They cheat. They under-achieve. They berate. They complain. They pretend. They even murder -- physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Why? Because they don't understand. They don't know what true pleasure is. They never learned how to enjoy life to the fullest -- in fulfilling and long-lasting ways. And so, out of confusion and ignorance, they react -- without giving serious thought to the implications of their decisions.

Everyone knows that getting an education is important. But is education limited to calculus, literature, microbiology, and quantum physics? Shouldn't we know more than how the process of osmosis works, the trajectory of planetary orbits, and when and why Australia was torn off the Indian continent?

It's nice to know all these things, but when all is said and done, we still need to know who we are, why we were created, and what we are living for. Somewhere along the way, we seem to have lost the forest for the trees. The bottom line is...if we don't know ourselves, we know nothing. And the greatest pleasures in the world will elude us.

We need to re-educate. In this book, we will attempt to do that. The philtrum holds the answers to the questions we really should be asking. About life, meaning, clarity, love, purpose, prayer, free will etc.

Let us re-connect and re-discover the answers that will bring us clear, true and lasting happiness.

Let's begin.

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