My heart is bleeding since a year, today. Since one year, I can't read his books. Since one year I can't understand my stupidity-how I didn't record our long skype conversations, his golden words that should be kept.
De un an ma intreb cum de soarele mai straluceste, cum de lumea merge inainte, cum de oamenii nu isi dau seama ca pamintul este mai sarac, aerul mai irespirabil, soarele mai intunecat si luna mai trista.
Since one year I ask myself how comes the sun still shines, the world goes around, how come the people don't realize that the earth is poorer, the air harder to breathe, the sun darker and the moon more sad.

Oceanele au cistigat. Ele ii poarta singele, scurs printre crapaturile gliei ca un elixir pretios, si pastrat alchimic in vasele gemelor din interiorul pamintului, permitind izvoarelor cristaline sa se purifice odata cu atingerea de picaturile pretioase ale vietii lui.
The oceans, they are the winners. They carry his blood that entered the earth like a precious elyxir, that the gems kept like alchemic vases, allowing the rivers to be purified by the droplets of his precious life.
Si noi sintem norocosi, familia. Singele. Cei ce il purtam in celulele noastre.
Iubirea sa ca un sigiliu etern nu poate fi stearsa de nici o tortura, de nici o durere, de nici un obstacol.
We are lucky too. His family. The blood. Those who carry him inside our cells. His love, like an eternal seal cannot be erased by any torture, by no pain, nor any obstacle.
De ce sa fim in viata daca nu purtam onoarea sa in ADN ul nostru? Pentru ce sa mai continuam sa traim daca nu ii onoram moartea prin frumusete si curiozitate, ca vechii cavaleri si domnite ce gasind Graal-ul ii reflectau stralucirea in lumina ochilor, zimbetului si inimilor lor.
Why should be still alive if we don't carry his honor in our DNA? Why should we continue this dull life unless we honor his death through beauty and curiosity, like the old knights and ladies that, finding the Graal, reflected its light in their shining eyes, smiles and light hearts.
Cum sa mai fim la fel dupa ce l-am cunoscut, l-am ascultat si am inteles.
How can we be the same after we met, listened and understood him?
Nu mi-e frica. Intunericul e biruit, caci singele LUI ne-a spalat. In mine straluceste Graalul si nimeni nu mi-l poate lua. Regele meu mi-a intins mina, si cind a deschis-o ascundea piatra filozofala, substanta din care cupa minunata este creata.
I'm not afraid. The darkness is conquered, for his blood washed us. Inside me shines the holy Grail and no one can take it away from me. My King hold out his hands towards me and inside his palms he hid the philosophers stone, the wonderful substance of the Cup he partook with me.
Noi am atins nemurirea, iar Moartea, dulcea fecioara cu plete albe si ochi focosi, este amanta, mireasa si sfatuitorul nostru de pret.
We reached immortality, for Death, the sweet maiden with white long hair and fiery eyes, is our mistress, bride and most cherished adviser.
Nici Cerberul ce ni se va asterne la picioare si ne va linge miinile, nici Styxul care ne va purta pe valurile sale cum odinioara pe Iisus, nici dracii, mai puri ca oamenii, care l-au plins cu durere si acum ii tes mantii de crini, nu ne sperie.
We are not scared by the Cerberus that will lick our hands and lay at our feet, nor by the dark Styx that will carry us on its waves like some time ago it carried Jesus, nor by the devils, purer than humans, that cried with bitter pain, and now are weaving for him mantles out of lilies.
Intunericul este lumina tesuta de Mama, izvorita din ranile sale. In ea salasluim, in ea ne gasim si in ea, viata eterna ne este daruita.
For the darkness is the light woven by the Mother, sprung from her wounds. In her we dwell, in her we find ourselves and in her we are given eternal life.
Si stiu ca va veni o zi cind tesatura universului va fi sfisiata de zvircolirile Mamei ce isi va recapata trupul sfirtecat-intreit. Si in acea zi stelele vor cadea, luna si soarele- ochii ei -se vor inchide; riurile vor fi singe-singele tradatorilor si singele dumnezeului nebun ce din sadism ne-a chinuit milioane de ani.
And I know a day will come when the web of the universe will be torn apart by the convulsions of our Mother, that will regain her broken body-thrice more powerful. And that day the stars will fall, the moon and sun- her eyes- will close, the rivers will turn to blood, the blood of traitors and the blood of the crazy god that enjoyed millions of years our torments.
Iar in acea zi, condusi de Regele nostru invesmintat in mantia singelui sau, vom marsalui triumfatori, peste ranile infestate de viermi ale Strainilor. Vom ride, vom cinta si vom dantui in suntele flautelor lui Dyonisos si tamburinelor lui Hathor, avind calea luminata de flacarile lui Sekhmet.
And that day, lead by our King veiled by his blood stained mantle, we'll march triumphantly over the worms infested wounds of the Strangers.We will laugh, we'll sing and we'll dance hearing the flutes of Dyionisos and Hathor's drums, on a road lit by the flames of Sekhmet.
Iar cortegiul nostru nebun de ologi, schiopi si muti, va intra in vaginul cosmic al mamei noastre Tiamat ce ne va reface, ne va ingriji si ne va iubi cum numai Regele ce a murit pentru lume stie sa iubeasca-memorie vie a pintecelui mamei tuturor.
And our crazy cortege of maimed bodies will enter the cosmic vagina of our mother Tiamat. And she will make us golden, nourish and love us like only the King that died for the world knows how. Koz he remembers her.
Si voua, celor ce ati varsat singe nevinovat va spun atit-singele creste si creste si creste si se revarsa in valuri pina cind in noptile voastre de desfriu va va ineca si va va arunca inapoi in iadul vostru personal, infinit.
Si atunci, voi cinta din nou.
And you, those who spilled innocent blood, I tell you this-the blood will raise and raise until it will drown you, in one of your debauched nights, when you will be thrown back in your unending personal hell.
And then I will sing again.

cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
de ce "no pink monday"?! :(
(la ora 10 pe blogul meuâna.html)
am scris in post-este o data de doliu pentru mine
?? name??
mă înclin!
cine este?
Of whom are you writing???
Ke Serpent Rouge = Le Dragon Rouge. You and i are frater and soror in the same lineage my dearest TG.
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