Anders Behring Breivik : Interests include freemasonry…290254&sk=wallFacebook account erased, but here is a pdf of it.
More here:…drap/17421854/Quote:The alleged offender is a member of the John lodge St. Olaus TD Three pillars of the Norwegian Masonic Order. He has 3 degree status, where the peak is ten degrees. – We have no way to express an opinion on individuals or incidents related to any members, said spokesman of the Norwegian Freemasons order Helge Qvigstad told Dagbladet. On a Facebook profile appears to be 32-year-old Christian and politically conservative. As favorite books provide the man behind the profile including George Orwell’s “1984″ and Kafka’s “process”.
Anders Behring Breivik Identified As Suspect In Norway Shooting
Suspect: Norwegian media reported that Anders Behring Breivik has been arrested
The 32-year-old Norwegian man who went on a shooting spree on the island of Utoya has been identified as Anders Behring Breivik, according to multiple reports.
The Daily Mail and Sky News were among those to report the suspect’s name. According to witnesses, the gunman was dressed as a police officer and gunned down young people as they ran for their lives at a youth camp.
Police said Friday evening that they’ve linked the youth camp shooting and Oslo bombing. Breivik is believed to have acted alone.
Norwegian TV2 reports that Breivik belongs to “ring-wing circles” in Oslo. Swedish news site Expressen adds that he has been known to write to right-wing forums in Norway, is a self-described nationalist and has also written a number of posts critical of Islam.
A Twitter account for Breivik has surfaced, though it only has one post, this quote from philosopher John Stuart Mill: “One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100 000 who have only interests.” The tweet was posted on July 17.
On a Facebook account that Norwegian media outlets have attributed to Breivik, he describes himself as having Christian, conservative views. He says he enjoys hunting, the games World of Warcraft and Modern Warfare 2, and lives in Oslo. He also lists political analysis and stock analysis as interests.
Andres Behring Breivik named as suspect in Oslo bombing: Report
A photo of the suspect, via his Facebook page.
Several outlets including UK newspaper The Daily Mail and Norweigan broadcaster TV 2 have reported that 32 year old Norweignan Andres Behring Breivik has been arrested in connection with the attacks in the country today: the bombing in Oslo and the shooting on the island of Utoya.
Breivik, a native of Oslo, is described as as 6 feet tall and blond, which matches earlier reports from eyewitnesses on Utoya of a man dressed as a police officer who called teenagers over before shooting them with an automatic weapon.
The latest confirmed death count between the two attacks is 17.
Reports suggest he was also seen loitering around the site of the bomb blast in Oslo two hours before the island incident.
A Twitter account (!/AndersBBreivik) and Facebook page for Andres Behring Breivik were created last week. The Facebook page contains a series of photos of the alleged suspect, and the Twitter account has one post: “One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100 000 who have only interests.”
Anders Behring Breivik
Like most people, the moment the Norwegian mass killer was named as Anders Behring Breivik, the first thing i did was look him up on facebook.
A Director of Breivik Geofarm with qualifications in micro and macro finance and holding Conservative political views, he lists political analysis as one of his interests and his favourite books are 1984, On Liberty and The Trial. He also lists hunting as a pastime.
The reports are that the attacks were politically motivated and judging by his facebook profile, he does seem a political person.
Anders also had a twitter page here with just one tweet on the 17 July stating ‘One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100 000 who have only interests.’
The Facebook and Twitter account were only recently set up which could mean that in a piece of grim pre-planning, he created his social media pages knowing that these would be scoured when he perfomed the atrocities and his name became known.
Single White Norway Psychopath Killer: Anders Behring Breivik, 32, Nationalist, Hates Islam
Zero Hedge ^ | 7/22/11 | Tyler Durden
Posted on 23. jul 2011 3:13:53 by Nachum
Perhaps it is time for the Telegraph to issue a retraction to its kneejerk publication in which it automatically cast blame on Islamists and other “eastern” terrorists-by-default. Because according to just released info, they could not have been more wrong, and it is the reaction to precisely this type of prejudice that will never facilitate bridging frayed relations between disparate cultures. Anyway, so much for prejudiced speculation and/or lies about some Islamist organization taking the blame for the events in Norway today. Here is the truth:” VG has received confirmation from several independent sources that it was Anders Behring Breivik, who was arrested by armed police after the mass killings of Utøya Friday. VG was also present when the emergency squad took action against the flat 32-year-old susceptible west of Oslo. Several foreign media have also named Breivik as the perpetrator.” More on his motives: “A childhood friend of Breivik says to VG Nett that he should have been right-wing in the late 20′s, and posted a series of controversial opinions on Facebook.” And the kicker, for all the bigots out there: he was an ultra nationalist who hated Islam. Today’s tragic events were merely the outburst of deranged and very much troubled Loughner, McVey-like psychophath. And nothing more.
(Excerpt) Read more at …
Anders Behring Breivik Facebook scoured for clues in Oslo terror attack
With local media reporting that the 32-year-old suspect in the Oslo terror attack is allegedly a Norwegian national named Anders Behring Breivik, people are inevitably asking why someone would carry out such an atrocity.
Breivik’s Facebook profile is being scoured for clues as to any kind of motivation. There are rumours of a connection to right wing groups, but it’s not clear where these rumours are coming from. But if true, the rumours would seem to confirm that there is no link to Islamic extremism.
The search for answers is likely to be long. People will look for an easy explanation for what has happened but, in all likelihood, there will be no easy answers. The suspect has been arrested but there is no indication as to what, if anything, he has told investigators.
UDPATE: Photo of him with a gun shooting at people. (Full Screen Here) NSFW:
And then there are the numbers…always the numbers
9/11 9+1+1=11
7/22 7+2+2=11
7/22/11 features 22/11
Initial reports: 7 dead in bombing
9 dead in shooting
Bombing happened 3:26pm local time 3+2+6=11
560 members of the Labor Youth Movement on the Island 5+6=11
One headline read “Shocked by twin attacks” echoing “attacks on twin towers”
Is it a false flag done by the same group of people behind 7/7 and 9/11? Absolutely, the numerological fingerprints are all over it.
Is it surprising that the guy was a freemason? Nope, but
Is it a reason to demonize all freemasons? Absolutely not.
He also murdered children.
The bomb wich killed 7 in Oslo at the goverment building, and injured alot of people, where a fertilizer bomb.
He then travelled out to the island where there where there were a youth convention for the political party wich is in power, about 500 teenager on a island.
He had disguised himself as a policeman, and used a bulletproof west, he informed the camp-guards that he came to check on them to make sure they where not a terror-target, they took him over to the island.
Then he called the kids to him, said he where there to help them, and had information about the attacks on the goverment building.
When they started to come to him, he started shooting at them with a automatic weapon, he also had a handgun.
The teenagers ran around hiding in tents, in bushes, or behind rocks on the island while he walked calmly around shooting at them.
Currently the police has found 10 killed on the island. At the closest small hospital they’ve treated 38 people for gunwounds – but the worst injured people is beeing treated at a different hospital, a few people are in coma, and they’re also searching for more bodies in the water, it’s around a hour to swim to the mainland.
They also found a undetonated bomb on the island.
So the current deathtoll is at at 17, but this number will rise according to the police.
Sky News saying 80+ killed in Utoeya, horrible stuff.
BBC now confirming the 80+ figure as well
Norway police: ‘Eighty killed’ in island shooting
At least 80 people died when a gunman opened fire at an island youth camp in Norway, hours after a bomb attack on the capital, Oslo, police say.
Police in Norway are questioning a 32- year-old Norwegian man in connection with both attacks.
The man was arrested on the tiny Utoeya island where police say he opened fire on teenagers.
The attacks are the worst Norway has seen since World War II.
At least seven people died in the earlier bombing, which seriously damaged a number of government buildings in the heart of Oslo.
Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, whose Oslo offices were among those badly hit by the blast, described the attacks as “bloody and cowardly”.
OSLO, Norway (AP/The Huffington Post)– A homegrown terrorist set off a deadly explosion in downtown Oslo before heading to a summer camp dressed as a police officer to commit one of the deadliest shooting sprees in history, killing at least 80 people as terrified youths ran and even swam for their lives, police said Friday.
Police initially said about 10 were killed at the forested camp on the island of Utoya, but some survivors said they thought the toll was much higher. Police director Oystein Maeland told reporters early Saturday they had discovered many more victims.
“It’s taken time to search the area. What we know now is that we can say that there are at least 80 killed at Utoya,” Maeland said. “It goes without saying that this gives dimensions to this incident that are exceptional.”
A suspect in the shootings, and the Oslo explosion that killed seven people, was arrested. Though police did not release his name, Norwegian national broadcaster NRK identified him as 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik and said police searched his Oslo apartment overnight. NRK and other Norwegian media posted pictures of the blond, blue-eyed Norwegian.
A police official said the suspect appears to have acted alone in both attacks, and that “it seems like that this is not linked to any international terrorist organizations at all.” The official spoke on condition of anonymity because that information had not been officially released by Norway’s police.
“It seems it’s not Islamic-terror related,” the official said. “This seems like a madman’s work.”
The official said the attack “is probably more Norway’s Oklahoma City than it is Norway’s World Trade Center.” Domestic terrorists carried out the 1995 attack on a federal building in Oklahoma City, while foreign terrorists were responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.
The official added, however, “it’s still just hours since the incident happened. And the investigation is going on with all available resources.”
The attacks formed the deadliest day of terror in Western Europe since the 2004 Madrid train bombings, when shrapnel-filled bombs exploded, killing 191 people and wounding about 1,800.
Gunman’s background puzzles police in Norway
STOCKHOLM (AP) — The 32-year-old suspected of massacring at least 80 young people at a summer camp and setting off a bomb in downtown Oslo that killed at least seven is a mystery to investigators: a right-winger with anti-Muslim views but no known links to hardcore extremists.
“He just came out of nowhere,” a police official told The Associated Press.
Public broadcaster NRK and several other Norwegian media identified the suspected attacker as Anders Behring Breivik, a blond and blue-eyed Norwegian who expressed right-wing and anti-Muslim views on the Internet. Police have the suspect in custody.
Norwegian news agency NTB said Breivik legally owned several firearms and belonged to a gun club. He ran an agricultural firm growing vegetables, an enterprise that could have helped him secure large amounts of fertilizer, a potential ingredient in bombs.
But he didn’t belong to any known factions in Norway’s small and splintered extreme right movement, and had no criminal record except for some minor offenses, the police official told AP.
“He hasn’t been on our radar, which he would have been if was active in the neo-Nazi groups in Norway,” he said. “But he still could be inspired by their ideology.”
He spoke on condition of anonymity because those details had not been officially released by police. He declined to name the suspect.
Neo-Nazi groups carried out a series of murders and robberies in Scandinavia in the 1990s but have since kept a low profile.
“They have a lack of leadership. We have pretty much control of those groups,” the police official said.
Breivik’s registered address is at a four-story apartment building in western Oslo. A police car was parked outside the brick building early Saturday, with officers protecting the entrance.
National police chief Sveinung Sponheim told public broadcaster NRK that the gunman’s Internet postings “suggest that he has some political traits directed toward the right, and anti-Muslim views, but whether that was a motivation for the actual act remains to be seen.”
A Facebook page under Breivik’s name was taken down late Friday. A Twitter account under his name had only one Tweet, on July 17, loosely citing English philosopher John Stuart Mill: “One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100,000 who have only interests.”
Police were interrogating the man, first at the scene of the shooting, and later at a police station in Oslo.
“It’s strange that he didn’t kill himself, like the guys that have carried out school shootings,” the police official told AP. “It’s a good thing that he didn’t because then we might get some answers pointing out his motivation.”
He said the attacks appeared to be the work of a lone madman, without links to any international terrorist networks. The attack “is probably more Norway’s Oklahoma City than it is Norway’s World Trade Center,” he said referring to the 1995 attack on a federal building in Oklahoma City by domestic terrorists.
Investigators said the Norwegian carried out both attacks — the blast at the prime minister’s office in Oslo and the shooting spree at the left-wing Labor Party’s youth camp — but didn’t rule out that others were involved. But the police official said it wouldn’t be impossible for one man to carry out the attacks on his own.
“He’s obviously cold as ice. But to get close to the government is easy. The streets are open in that area,” he said.
Associated Press writer Bjoern H. Amland in Oslo contributed to this report.
English translation of Utøya-shooting victim´s account
by Nina Volstad on Saturday, July 23, 2011 at 9:24am
23 year old Khamshajiny Gunaratnam was one of the youths attending AUF´s summercamp at Utøya where a machine-gun desperado killed at least 80 yesterday (July 22nd 2011).
Kamzy´s gripping account of fleeing for her life can be found in Norwegian at her blog
Below you have my English translation – word by word.
Love to Kamzy and all others touched by this unbelievable tragedy
“The worst day of my life”
I´m still in shock. Just got home. Prableen´s dad drove us from Sundvollen Hotel.
I´m actually still in shock. I can´t shed a single tear. I can´t believe it: Today I actually almost got killed. Hunted and killed.
What can I say? The last normal thought in my head was about the AUF´s organization of students. I had just been to a political workshop (that´s what we do at Utøya) – and was on my way up tp the AUF-shop where I was going to take a shift.
A good friend came over and informed me of the explosion that had happened in oslo. Sick! The Government-block and Youngstorget?! Of course many were concerned. The atmosphere wasn´t exactly great, many thought this to be the worst moment at Utøya this year, but then things started happening. I had a lump in my throat. The biggest one ever.
We were first summoned to an info-meeting by the leaders in order for everyone to get the same (and correct) information. This meeting was helpful and went well. Most people got hold of their family members in Oslo and checked that they were alive. I couldn´t get hold of anyone in my family for ages! When I finally got a confirmation that three of them we´re out of town and that one was at work far away from the city – then I could breath. Really. I went back to the AUF-shop.
The General Secretary Tonje Brenna came over and spoke to me. Wondered if I needed someone to talk to. Then we heard shots from down the hill. Who the fuck is fooling around now, we thought. Who didn´t think it was just a joke?
Suddenly I saw all the security guys running upwards telling us “to hide”, “run into the main building” etc. I ran to the loos just by the AUF-shop. The shots came closer. I was quite sure that this was some “joke”, but you can nevner know for sure, as today has shown us. The seconds in that loo were horrible. Slowly but surely I managed to set my mobile to silent and put it in my bra so I wouldn´t loose it. I took of my purse and put it on the floor. When I finally heard a familiar voice I came out.
But it wasn´t over. We had to run behind the NATO-loo (as it´s called) and downwards to the corner, to the right of the jetty. We fell and tripped through a lot of bushes and huge rocks. I got a lot of cuts. There were probably 15-20 persons, maybe? I was stressed out. Matti held me and calmed me.
We ran and ran. The worst was when we got to know: The shooter was dresses as a policeman. Fucking hell.
In that case, who could we trust? If we call the police – then this guy will come and check or what? But we did try to call the police! They used a damn long time. So I gave my phone to Munir and asked him to update Facebook saying that everyone with a boat on the fiord had to help us.
We ran back and forth when the shots drew nearer. Matti said we had to swim. But how would I manage that, thaaat far?
Trond Agnar suddenly appeared. He said that severeal had tried to swim, but had returned because it was too cold, too far, too difficult simply. But do you know what? I´d rather drown than be shot. Sorry. I took my shirt off, and by Matti´s encouragement started swimming. It got heavy, so I had to remove my trousers too. Soo cold.
I swam. Matti saved me. He said the right things and he did the right things. He made me swim – SO far. When we´d swam some distance Matti said: “Kamzy, don´t look back. Look towards the land on the other side and think that that´s you goal.”
“Ok” I said. We heard shots all the time, and I´m still surprised that me or Matti didn´t get hit. (But, I was told later that he stood there. That was why Matti told me to look straight ahead. He stood exactly in the spot where we´d just been hiding. My God! Nad he´d tried to shoot at us. We were hunted.
But I swam. Then boats came to rescue us. One of the boats threw lifevests and then had to drive on. Then the next boat came and got us. Even when we were in the boat I couldn´t relax. It wasn´t like a “yes, we´re saved”-spirit. He could still hit us with his machine-gun! I got down on the floor of the boat immediately. I didn´t feel safe. Not at all.
Some of the locals helped us when we arrived. They gave us towels and drove us to the Esso- gasstation where the police and ambulancepersonell were waiting. I was in shock. I couldn´t shed a single tear. Hadn´t is dawned on me?
Suganthan came over to me with my mobile and apologized for it not working any more. Dear Suganthan, I´m just happy you´re alive!
Anniken Huitfeldt (ed. profiled AP politician) called me and talked to me. I have no idea who´s phone it was, a girl came over to me and told me that Anniken wanted to speak to me. And I asked her: “What the hell took the police so long?”. She agreed. And tried to calm me, asking what happened.
A really nice girl who worked there got us clothes and warm drinks. I also got to call my dad. I´m so happy he handles these things calmly – even though he was worried sick.
An then we went on. Everyone had to go to Sundvollen Hotel. There we had to register and assemble.
We were amongst the first to arrive. That´s why we saw one after another arriving.. crying and screaming. I understand them so well. I just couldn´t understand, and still can´t understand why I couldn´t shed a tear. I just want to get out of this state of shock I´m in. I want to get out of here. I rode with Prableen and got home to dad who was waiting for me.
Coz I´m still in shock. Who does that? Blowing up important buildings in Oslo and killing the future politicians of the Arbeider-party (ed. AP) who are attending summercamp at Utøya. What wrong have we done?
Those who resort to violence have run out of arguments. How could he do this to my AUF-friends? It seems so surrealistic. I don´t understand. I can´t comprehend.
I recommend every one to watch Jens Stoltenberg (ed. Norwegian PM, AP politician) and Knut Storberget´s (ed. Norwegian Minister of Justice, AP politician), press conference:
“No one shall bomb us to silence. No one shall shoot us to silence” – this is what Jens Stoltenberg says and I total agree with him.
But first of all my thoughts go to all family and friends. This is the time to take good care of each other. Contribute and lift each other. Comfort each other. And show the warmest parts we humans have.
But I´m still in shock. And that´s the reason why I´m writing this note. I can´t bear to tell the story again and again. That was a short version of what happened. On my part. But the fear that was there all the time… I don´t think I can describe that. We were also informed constantly of who had been shot etc – I´ve left that out. It´s inconsiderate towards their family and friends. They deserve better. We don´t deserve to die. And that´s why I´m writing this. We´re just normal youth. We participate in politics. We want to make the world a better place – I missed the part where WE became the bad guys.
Thinking of every single one of you that were at Utøya today. I really hope everyone survives. You deserve better. It was important for me to share this. It is important.
Norway Attacker Posted ‘Manifesto’ Before Assault
cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
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