The Khorumi is a war dance that originated in the region of Adjara, which is located in the southwestern region of Georgia. The dance was originally performed by only a few men. However, over time it has grown in scale. In todays version of the Khorumi, thirty or forty dancers can participate.
Although the number of performers changed, the content of the dance is still the same. The dance brings to life the Georgian army of the past centuries. A few men who are searching the area for a campsite and enemy camps perform the initial "prelude" to the dance.
Afterwards, they call the army onto the battlefield. The exit of the army is quite breathtaking. Its strength, simple but distinctive movements and the exactness of lines create a sense of awe on stage. The dance incorporates in itself the themes of search, war, and the celebration of victory as well as courage and glory of Georgian soldiers.
Since Georgia has seen many wars throughout its history, Khorumi is a call from the past and reminds us that in order to have peace, we must have war .
Hai, Nicușor, salvează-ne încă o dată
9 hours ago
Buna ziua , multumesc frumos pentru ca mi ai raspuns la postarea mea referitoare la plecarea in afara tarii.
Noi , adica sotul meu si cu mine dorim sa plecam sa muncim , timpul facultatilor a trecut si avem deja prea multe facultati cu care nu am facut nimic in tara , asa ca ne cautam ceva de munca in afara. Copilul ramane pentru moment cu mama mea , dar am in gand dupa o perioada de acomodare acolo sa l luam si pe el , insa mai e mult pana atunci , daca ma poti ajuta cu ceva ti as fi recunoscatoare . Multumesc!
Daca doresti sa mai stam de vorba id ul meu de mees este sau de skype darias_andreea.
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