Agent Smith: "Esti vinovat de orice crima legata de computer pentru care avem o lege''
"You are guilty of virtually every computer crime we have a law for"
Morpheus: "They got to you first, but they've underestimated how important you are."
"Ei au ajuns primii la tine, dar ti-au subestimat importanta"
Morpheus: "Don't think you are, know you are"
'Nu gindi ca esti, fii sigur ca esti"
Morpheus: "Come on. Stop trying to hit me and hit me."
"Ei hai. Opreste-te din a incerca sa ma lovesti si loveste'ma"
Cypher: "I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss."
"Stiu ca friptura asta nu exista. Stiu ca atunci cind o pun in gura, matricea ii spune creierului meu ca este zemoasa si delicioasa. Dupa 9 ani stii ce am realizat? Ignoranta este extaz"
Cypher [Original Matrix 1 shooting script]: "I'll go back to sleep and when I wake up, I'll be fat and rich and I won't remember a goddamn thing. It's the American dream."
"O sa ma duc sa ma culc si cind o sa ma trezesc, o sa fiu gras si bogat si nu o sa-mi aduc nici un nenorocit de lucru. Asta e visul american."
Neo (the first time he returned to the Matrix): "I used to eat there. Really good noodles. I have these memories from my life. None of them happened. What does that mean?"
Trinity: "That the Matrix cannot tell you who you are."
"Obisnuiam sa maninc aici.Au niste taietei cu adevarat buni. Am toate amintirile astea din viata mea si totusi nimic din toate astea nu s-a intimplat. Ce inseamna asta?
Ca Matricea nu-ti poate spune cine esti cu adevarat."
Agent Smith: "You are a plague, and we are the cure."
"Voi sinteti plaga si noi sintem vaccinul"
Tank: "What do you need, besides a miracle?"
Neo: "Guns. Lots of guns."
'De ce ai nevoie in afara de un miracol?
-Arme. O gramada de arme"
Trinity: "No one has ever done anything like this."
Neo: "That's why it's going to work."
"Nimeni nu a mai facut asa ceva.
-De aia o sa si functioneze"
Neo: "There is no spoon"
"Nu exista lingura"
Oracle: "What do all men with power want? More power."
"Ce vor toti oamenii cu multa putere? Mai multa putere"
Morpheus: "Everything begins with choice."
"Totul incepe cu o alegere"
Merovingian: "No. Wrong. Choice is an illusion, created between those with power, and those without."
"Nu, gresit. Alegerea este o iluzie creeata intre cei cu putere si cei fara"
Smith (taking over Morpheus): "If you can't beat us, join us."
"Daca nu ne poti ingfringe, alatura-te noua"
Architect: "Denial is the most predictable of all human responses."
"Negarea este reactia umana cea mai usor de prevazut "
Neo: "Who are you?"
Bane/Smith: "Look past the flesh and see your enemy"
"Cine esti tu?
-Uita-te in spatele carnii si priveste-ti inamicul"
Mifune: "If we have to give our lives, we'll give 'em hell before we do!!!"
"Daca trebuie sa ne dam vietile, o sa le aratam iadul inainte de amuri"
Hai, Nicușor, salvează-ne încă o dată
9 hours ago
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