De aceasta data cadoul este un abonament pentru 2 persoane la B’est Fest la concursul oferit de hotcity.
Care este cel mai haios cintec de dragoste pe care il stiti? Si nu uitati sa traduceti cuvintele, for sum extra fun!
de ce a trebuit sa pleci si sa ma faci atit de
Caci chiar acum as da orice sa-mi pot evacua intestinele.
Stau si ma caznesc si astept si transpir
si imi string pumnii simtind durerea...
Tell me,
Why'd you have to go and make me so constipated
'Cause right now I'd do anything to just get my bowels evacuated,
In the bathroom.
I sit and I wait and I strain and I sweat and I clench and I feel the pain
Oh, should I take a laxative or have my colon irrigated.
No, no, no.
I was feelin' pretty down,
'Til my girlfriend came around.
We're just so alike in every way, I gotta say.
In fact, I just thought I might,
pop the question there that night.
I was kissin' her so tenderly,
But woe is me.
Who would've guessed, her family crest.
I'd suddenly spy, tattoo'd on her thigh.
And son of a gun, it's just like the one on me.
Tell me.
Hai, Nicușor, salvează-ne încă o dată
9 hours ago
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