My heart has become capable of all forms;
A prairie for the gazelles;
A covenant for the monks;
A Ka'ba for the pilgrim;
The tablets of the Torah;
The book of the Qur'An,
I profess the religion of Love,
And regardless of which direction, its steed may lead,
Love is my religion and my creed.
-Ebn'Arabi (12 Century Sufi)
Inima mea a devenit capabila sa ia orice forma
o preerie pentru gazele,
o manastire pentru calugari
Ka'aba pentru pelerini
tabletele Torei
Cartea Qoran ului
caci profesez religia iubirii
si indiferent de directia in care calul meu ma conduce
Iubirea este religia si crezul meu.
-Ibn Arabi
Abu Yazid said:
On my first Hajj I saw the house (Kaa'ba).
In my second Hajj I saw the house-owner (Allah) and not the house.
In my third Hajj I saw neither the house nor the house owner.
Abu Yazid spunea:
In primul meu pelerinaj la Meccah am vazut casa Domnului Ka'aba
IN al doilea am vazut proprietarul casei, pe Allah.
La al treilea pelerinaj nu am mai zarit nici casa nici pe proprietarul ei.
- pink mondays
11 hours ago
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