Astazi a fost suspendat pe un copac Cel ce a suspendat pamintul peste ape
Astazi a fost spinzurat de un copac Cel ce a separat pamintul de ape.
Astazi a fost rastignit pe un copac Cel ce a despartit pamintul de ape.
Today is suspended upon the Tree, He who suspended the land upon waters.
Today is suspended upon the Tree, He who suspended the land upon waters.
Today is suspended upon the Tree, He who suspended the land upon waters.
O coroana de spini il incoroneaza pe El, care este regele ingerilor.
Este imbracat cu roba purpurie a rusinii El care imbraca cerul cu nori.
El primeste lovituri, El care l-a eliberat pe Adam in Iordan.
Este batut in cuie, Cel care este Fiul Fecioarei.
A crown of thorns crowns Him, who is the King of the angels.
He is wrapped in the purple robe of mockery, who wraps the heavens with clouds.
He receives smitings, who freed Adam in the Jordan.
He is tranfixed with nails, Who is the Son of the Virgin.
Veneram crucificarea Ta Iisuse
Veneram suferinta Ta Christoase,
Veneram rastignirea Ta Iisuse
Arata-ne invierea Ta glorioasa!
We venerate Thy passion, O Christ.
We venerate Thy passion, O Christ.
We venerate Thy passion, O Christ.
Show us also Thy glorious resurrection!
اليوم علق على خشبة الذي علق الأرض على المياه
إكليل من شوك وضع على هامة ملك الملائكة
برفيرا كاذباً تسربل
الذي وشح السماء بالغيوم
قبل لطمة الذي أعتق أدم في الأردن
ختن البيعة سمر بالمسامير
و إبن العذراء طعن بحربة
نسجد لألامك أيها المسيح
Hai, Nicușor, salvează-ne încă o dată
9 hours ago
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