Monday, January 19, 2009


"Scientists have found that the pleasure women get from making love is directly linked to the size of their partner’s bank balance.
They found that the wealthier a man is, the more frequently his partner has orgasms.
“Women’s orgasm frequency increases with the income of their partner,” said Dr Thomas Pollet, the Newcastle University psychologist behind the research.
He believes the phenomenon is an “evolutionary adaptation” that is hard-wired into women, driving them to select men on the basis of their perceived quality."

Interesant. Deci exista o adaptare evolutionara care spune ca femeile selecteaza barbatii pe baza contului din banca. Hmmm...foarte interesant. 

O alta comanda sintactica venita de la massmedia americana care spune"fetelor e ok sa fiti curve, nu e vina voastra este doar o adaptare evolutionara."Si eu care credeam ca toata Coasta de Azur e plina de femei bogate care cauta masculi cu p.u.l.a(saraci de obicei). 

Si iata cum se nasc trendurile si degradarea morala. De fapt, ceea ce cauta femeile intr-un barbat este MASCULINITATEA, acea calitate yang ce face un barbat sa structureze o femeie, sa o faca sa se simta ancorata, protejata. Sincer, in toata viata mea nu cred ca am intilnit mai mult de 10 masculi cu adevarat yang. 

Asta este din pacate trendul evolutionar, diminuarea energiei yang in favoarea celei yin. Asa ce fetelor cultivati-va feminitatea, dar si calitatile yang, ca barbatii sint pe cale de disparitie.



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