

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Middle ages msitery-Astronautul din evul mediu

The cathedral in the Spanish city of Salamanca was constructed in 1102, and is therefore one of the oldest such constructions in the world. It features magnificent stone carvings on all its walls, but one of them is a bit more special than the others, so to speak.

CATEDRALA din Salamanca a fost construita in 1102 si este una dintre cele mai vechi structuri din lume. Pe zidurile sale putem vedea magnifice sculpturi dar una mai speciala..

It bears the depiction of what appears to be a fully dressed astronaut in a space suit, complete with details such as the sole of his shoes. Nobody knows how he got there, or what a 20th century astronaut is doing on the walls of a 12th century religious building.

Este vorba despre ceea ce pare a fi un astronaut intr-un costum spatial cu detalii specifice cum ar fi talpa pantofilor sai. Nimeni nu stie cum a ajuns acolo sau ce cauta un astronaut din secolul 20 pe zidurile unei cladiri din secolul 12..

cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

1 comment:


    Among the ornate carvings on the façade is the incongruous likeness of an astronaut floating in space; it was added by an artist during restoration work in 1992 as a symbol of the 20th century.
