

Thursday, August 16, 2012



Jordanes said that the Ister river was named by the "Bessi" tribe of Thracians, thus showing ties between the Bessi and the goddess, Ishtar, the so-called Great Mother of the Heavenly Dragon. How close, therefore, were the Bessi to the core of the Sumerian dragon cult? Are we to trace the Europe-ward dragon bloodline primarily through the Bessi and their relatives?

Indeed, among the Bessi were a Dionysus-worshipping peoples called "Satrae," who were obviously the Satan-important peoples depicted by the Satyr creatures of Greek myth, one of which was Pan, son of Hermes. Indeed, indeed, for Herodotus said that the Bessi were the priestly class among the Satrae. Plus, the Bessi were called "mountain wolves" (

As Strabo said that the Getae Thracians lived on both sides of the Ister river, and as I suspect that the Bessi Thracians had been of the Busae/Bese/Buzi branch of Medes, how closely related were the Iranian ancestors of the Bessi Thracians to the Guti Iranians? As I define the Guti/Getae as the mythical goats, should I likewise view the Bessi as goats? Or were the Bessi depicted by yet another animal? The bee? Yes, I think the bee.

While Pan was made a "Satyr" by the Greek myth writers, the Scandinavian pantheon of gods included "Satr," suggesting that certain Scandinavians were from the Hermes-Pan bloodline. It seems apparent that the Greek-to-Scandinavia link was to some extent through the peoples of Pannonia (now Hungary), for the following reasons.

In the case of the Greek version of Satyrs, the creatures were made half goat for a reason. If Pan refers to the Poeni (i.e. the Phoenicians), couldn't the goat in him refer the Getae portion of a Poeni-Getae alliance that had formed? I don’t think it would be at all off the mark to suggest that a Poeni-Getae alliance produced a new and historically-important peoples of Pannonia. Moreover, as the Satrae branch of Thracians lived between the Nestus/Nestos and Strymon rivers, Pan probably depicted the Paeoni(ans) of the Strymon. Myth writers made Pannonius (symbol of Pannonia) the son of an Illyrian tribe (Autarieus), and because his alternative name was "Paeon," Pannonians were one and the same, the Paeoni. The Greek-to-Scandinavian connection would in this picture involve both a Getae-to-Goth link and a Pan-to-Van(ir) link.

I struggled with the similarities between "Poeni" and "Paeoni," since the Paeoni are not regarded as the Poeni/Phoenicians. That being the case, where/who are the Phoenicians that founded Europe as per the Zeus-Europa myth? In that it is well known that the Paeonians were very important in the European migrations, it seems to me that they were none other than the Europa Phoenicians. But if not, the problem yet remains as to which of the two Pan may have depicted.

"Poeni" was a term used by Romans to speak of Phoenicians that had founded Carthage, and Roman myth included the Trojan ruler, Aeneas, as part of the Carthaginian make-up. Then consider Herodotus’ statement that the Paeoni were of the Teucrian (Togarmite?) sect of Trojans, and one has further reason to make the Poeni-Paeoni equation. Moreover, in a previous chapter I gave details of certain Teucrian Trojans fleeing Troy (in the Trojan war) and settling in Phoenicia.

It is known that the Paeoni were related to the Mysians, while the Mysians, settled right next door to Lydia, were relatives of the Lydians, meaning that the Paeonians were definitely of the dragon bloodline and quite possibly, as were the Lydians, directly related to the Biblical Gog.

[Update August 2006 -- The Middle-Eastern root of the Mysians, both ethnically and linguistically, is therefore important. Late last month, I found a certain mount Masius in the Akkadian region of Gozan to be important to the Dionysus peoples. It is said that this mountain was named by Mash, son of Aram and brother of Gether (Genesis 10:23). The latter name will soon be exposed in this book to be the very basis of the dragon cult. In fact, the mythical god, Aether (= sky) may have been none other than Gether, and do note, therefore, that since “mushus” meant snake/dragon, that Mash and Gether together may have been the foundation of the phrase, Heavenly Dragon. Aether was Uranus in Greek myth. End Update] I realize that equating "goat" with "Goth" and “Getae” may strike the reader a little simplistically, for which reason I’ll show here that various foreign words for goat do reflect those people names. The Danish goat is "ged"; the Swedish goat is "get,"; and both the Dutch and the Norwegian goats are "geit.” Moreover, and I don’t think that this is a coincidence, the Greek goat is "tragos," evoking both the Trojans and "Draco." Behold that the Sanskrit (i.e. quasi-Aryan) goat is "mesha" (see i.e. like "Meshech" [and Mash!]. [Update June 2006 -- Remnants of websites no longer active show these quotes: "many were converted either willingly or by force to the Khazar religion. ... To them, the goat was a symbol of the name Koza..." and "The meaning of the last name of Miss Koza is "goat." I mention this here because I'm in the throws of tying the dragon line to proto-Khazars (Kassites) who lived in the Zagros mountains, and because I suspect that these mountains were inhabited by Kassites/Guti who had everything to do with naming the Hebrew/Semite region of Goza(n). End Update]

Yet online definitions given for "Bacchus" by myth experts say nothing of this sort, regardless of the logic, leading me to believe that the online myth experts are purposely deceiving their readers with false meanings of terms. Consider also that another name for Dionysus was “Zagreus,” an obvious clue as to the Zagros origins of the peoples he depicted, and yet not one online myth website mentioning this term has come out to make that connection.

Bacchus was worshipped by the Edoni(an) Thracians, and because these Edones were made to stem from a certain "Dryas" while the Paeoni were of a "Dryalus" cult, there must have been a close Edoni-Paeoni relationship. If the Getae were the Edones, as I believe, then this relationship should prove to be the Paeoni-Getae alliance that Pan depicted. In this way, both Pan and Hermes were rooted in Dryas/Dryalus. There was a Centaur by the name of Dryalus, and because Centaurs are at times portrayed with the ears of Satyrs, they were a peoples related to the Satrae Thracians. Because Dryalus was depicted in war with a pine tree for a spear, he and all other Centaurs are revealed as descendants of Attis, for the symbol of Attis was the pine tree.

It would be a good idea for you to skim a long quote showing that the very dragon-line peoples I have been tracing are consistently connected to a peoples associated with the wolf. I did not take this list of nations and subsequently decide that it was the dragon line, but rather after discovering the dragon line myself and finding also that it was symbolized by the wolf, I found the quote as substantiation for my findings. The author mentions nothing about the dragon line wherefore his treatment of the subject is not in any consideration of my topic. The italics are mine to emphasize the peoples that I have been tracing to the dragon, but learn also that the Getae, because they were the same as Dacians, were a wolf peoples:

"According to Strabo, the original name of the Dacians was daoi. A tradition preserved by Hesychius informs us that daos was the Phrygian word for 'wolf.' P. Kretschmer had explained daos by the root *dhäu, 'to press, to squeeze, to strangle.' Among the words derived from this root we may note the Lydian Kandaules, the name of the Thracian war god, Kandaon, the Illyrian dhaunos (wolf), the god Daunus, and so on. The city of Daous-dava, in Lower Moesia, between the Danube and Mount Haemus, literally meant 'village of wolves.' Formerly, then, the Dacians called themselves 'wolves' or 'those who are like wolves,' who resemble wolves. Still according to Strabo, certain nomadic Scythians to the east of the Caspian Sea were also called daoi. The Latin authors called them Daliae, and some Greek historians daai. In all probability their ethnic name was derived from Iranian (Saka) dahae, 'wolf.' But similar names were not unusual among the Indo Europeans. South of the Caspian Sea lay Hyrcania, that is, in Eastern Iranian 'Vehrkana,' in Western Iranian 'Varkana,' literally the 'country of wolves' (from the Iranian root vehrka, 'wolf'). The nomadic tribes that inhabited it were called Hyrkanoi, 'the wolves,' by Greco-Latin authors. In Phrygia there was the tribe of the Orka (Orkoi).

"We may further cite the Lycaones of Arcadia, and Lycaonia or Lucaonia in Asia Minor, and especially the Arcadian Zeus Lykaios and Apollo Lykagenes; the latter surname has been explained as 'he of the she-wolf,' 'he born of the she-wolf,' that is, born of Leto in the shape of a she-wolf."

In J.H. Round's book, "Origin of the Stewarts," he writes concerning "Flaad", commonly recognized as a patriarch of the Scottish Stewarts but apparently having variable names such as "Flanchu," a man whom Round says was "known to his Irish kinsmen as Fleadan." He writes further:

"Fleanchus ... is the Latinised form of Flann-chu, the Red or Ruddy Dog ... and is also a sobriquet - the Bloodhound. This nomenclature is evidently a reminiscence of the dog-totem or dog-divinity, etc...

", arrayed in the Stewart tartan, and feasting, with fiery visage, on pancakes in the streets of Dol etc."

[Update June 2006 -- I have found (this month) that the Stewarts trace to Khazar rulers called "kagans,” and/or perhaps to Khazar cousins who used a similar term to describe themselves. It's perhaps pertinent that "khan," a common alternative of "kagan," resembles the Latin dog, "cano."

The following quote from a website (no longer active) shares alternatives for the two royalty titles (kagan and beg) used by Khazar administrations: ""Gyula and Kende denoting the ancient Khazar double kingship terms..." The "kende" term matches the "Kandaules" and "Kandaon" dog-terms mentioned in the above quote; Kandaules was a king of Lydia/Mysia! Moreover, Wikipedia writes (Italics mine): "Contemporary Arab historians related that the Khagan was purely a spiritual ruler or figurehead with limited powers, while the Bek was responsible for administration and military affairs"

This priest-definition of a kagan has significance because the Cohen surname, to which I have rooted the Stewarts (details later), is with very little doubt in my mind a variation of “kagan.” It can’t be a coincidence that “cohen” means “priest,” as anyone with the Cohen name will verify; in fact, the Biblical priest is “kahan” and “kohen” (Strong’s #3547 and 3548 respectively). Others have pointed out that the Khazar form of government reflects the modern style of Illuminati-run states, where Illuminatists are the invisible rulers pulling the strings of the visible politicians/kings. One may then consider viewing the Bessi Thracians as the kagans/illuminatists of the Satrae Thracians. Because I identify the Dryas Edones as the proto-Druid priests, I would suggest that the very concept of Illuminati is rooted in the Dryas rulers. Indeed, for “dryas” means “oak,” which was the symbol of Zeus, who was depicted with a third (all-seeing) eye. End Update]

The Ister river was renamed the Danube river (possibly by the proto-Danes as they passed through Pannonia). From Thrace it led (upstream) into Pannonia and Buda. There is solid confirmation in the Dacians (inhabiting the region) that this migratory route was taken by the Getae (because it is known that the Getae and Dacians were the same peoples). The term, “Dacian,” aside from appearing to mean, “dog people,” may stem from Dagon, a god situated in Israel around Gath, the inhabitants of which the Bible calls, "Gittites" (see Dacia map). Jordanes (a Goth historian) had no bones about connecting the Getae to the Goths, and he has the Goths migrating at one point from "Scandza" to the Azov sea (then Lake Maeotis):

"We read that on their first migration ["from Scandza") the Goths dwelt in the land of Scythia near Lake Maeotis. On the second migration they went to Moesia, Thrace and Dacia..."

Jordanes then goes on to say that the Goths of the second/Thrace migration had "Zalmoxes" as their ruler, the god that was worshiped specifically by the Getae and Dacians. I would suggest that they ended up in Maeotis because their ancestors had lived there; they in turn had been from Armenia long before any of them ever entered Scandinavia. Jordanes doesn't mention the Goth-Armenian connection outright, yet he implies it succinctly when he copies Lucan: "They string Armenian bows with Getic cords."

Jordanes then echoes Pompeius Trogus who wrote that the Getae had stemmed from the Parthians. The Comarians of Aria (Iran) come to mind because the Goths were responsible for Odin’s Aesir cult. The Comarians-come-Cimmerians lived at Azov, a sea said to be named after the "Aes/As," a metal-weilding peoples that are equated by some with the Cimmerians themselves. "Aes/As" is a term associated with the Manes-to-Attis bloodline, in particular "Asies," mythical son of Cotys. Some report that the very term "Asia" was founded in the peoples depicted by Asies.

[Update August 2006 – I’ve argued that Cotys depicted the Getae, but it should be understood that he depicted Getae ancestors as well, and while I have mentioned several times that they were the Guti, I would now include the Cutha Hebrews/Semites of Gozan and their branch in proto-Israel: the pre-Philistine Gittites of Gath. End Update]

After discussing Amazonian women (the same ones whom Herodotus had joined to Gargarian men in the region of Colchis and Armenia), Jordanes asks of his own historical work, "Why does a story which deals with the men of the Goths have so much to say of their women?" In other words, Jordanes revealed the Getae/Goths as descended from Amazons, the very Amazons that Herodotus claimed sailed from the south to north shore of the Black sea, to Azov. But the Amazons were a Meshech peoples, I have found, and so I would not view Goths as a strictly Cimmerian peoples, but as a Gomer-Meshech mix. [Update August 2006 -- The question is, were the Gargarians/Gorgons the Gomerians of that mix, the Meshech, or likewise a Gomerian-Meshech mix? Or, were they a third peoples altogether? I have enough "smarts" on this subject now to confidently proclaim that the Gorgons were the foundation of the Latin/Lydian culture/peoples, even the Ladon/Lotan dragon of myth whom in historical terms were the Laz peoples of Colchis. The goddess, Laz, was given Nergal as her husband, and he just happened to be the god of the Cutha peoples...who were the goats of Gozan, and heavily stocked with pre-Israel Hebrew/Semite blood. More on this later. I’ve also become smart to the idea that the Eden cult was based in the Cutha-come-Edones, and that Goths can be rooted in the Cutha(h) (of Mesopotamia). End Update]

Jordanes then says that the Getae, in the time (6th century BC) of Cyrus (king of Persia), moved to Moesia, and in about 100 BC he has them further west in "Gothia," which the historian defines as Dacia (i.e. not Sweden though it too was "Gothia"). The Moesi (on the Danube) were the ancestors of the Lydians/Mysians!

The Goths that had not partaken in the migration away from Scandinavia, to Azov, who had remained behind in Gotland (Sweden), were later revealed by historical writings as the "Gautoi" and the "Geats." They are to be slightly distinguished from the Swedes ("Sweon"), however. Tacitus said that the Swedes lived beside the "Sitones," and that "...Sitones resemble the Suiones in all respects except that the Sitones have a woman as ruler." The Sitones can be traced to the "Sithone" branch of Edones, meaning that the Sithones were likewise Amazons/Meshech (at least in part).

Britannica tells that "the Jutes are the Eotens of the Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf." Venantius Fortunatus called the Jutes, "Euthiones," again evoking the Edones. Some theorists insist that Odin came from the Goths rather than the Swedes, and I take this position since I'm convinced that "Woden/Odin" was derived from "Edoni/Eoten." One can see how the Swedes under the rule of Gotland would have mixed with Goths, or how the Sitones would have mixed with the Suiones, and therein would be explained the worship of Odin by Swedes as well as Goths. In other words, the Goths and Swedes came from the same root...whatever Odin and the Aesir pantheon represented.

Pan was associated with Dionysus in Thebes, and this city was the only continental Greek home of the Galli cult, also called the "Kabeiri" cult of Hephaistos. Cadmus (the son of Phoenix, and therefore a Phoenician) was king in Thebes, and, some say, its founder. Britannica says that Hermes "is often identified with...Cadmilus, one of the Cabeiri." Some websites equate Cadmilus with Cadmus. The myth writers made Cadmus king of Thebes through the help of a dragon. Consider also that Cadmus' wife, Harmonia, was in one myth version a daughter of Aphrodite [Apiru-dite?], wife of Hephaistos.

[Update August 2006 -- Harmonia therefore depicted Hebrew and Semite (esp. Arameans) peoples who initiated the Kabeiri cult. “Apiru” is an historical term referring to the non-Israelite Hebrews of Akkadia/Mesoptamia. To indicate the Aryan side of this dragon bloodline, Harmonia was made the daughter of Ares, he being a depiction of the Hros/Rus of Caucasia. This means that the Hros were mixed with the Apiru. As "Cadmus" would imply, those Apiru were either the Cutha themselves, or inter-married with the Cutha ("Cati" when in the Phoenician-Cilician theater). End Update]

Harmonia must be the dragon itself, the teeth of which became the rulers of Thebes. Her father was the chief dragon that put forth the dragon that Cadmus slew.

Dionysus was the son of Semele (or "Zemelo," a Thracian/Phrygian goddess), she being a Phoenician-Thracian mix because she was daughter to Cadmus and Harmonia. We thus see Hermes -- because he was associated with Dionysus -- very closely associated with Cadmus and Harmonia, this being important because it is generally understood that Europe was founded by this couple, or, at least, that the Celts were founded by them. In other words, Europe is based in Hermes and Harmonia.

Certainly if Hermes depicted an Armenian people in Greece, Pan, as his son, would depict the same, albeit mixed with certain Greeks. Wouldn't Hermes peoples have mixed with Harmonia since her name is essentially "Armenia"? One could even equate Hermes with Harmonia on that count alone. In historical fact according to Britannica, Lake Van was named after the "Biaina" peoples, who could have modified over time and over geography to "Poeni." Or to "Paeoni." Or to Pan. Some go so far as to equate Hermes with Cadmus, which then makes Hermes more solidly a Phoenician entity from Armenia.

We find in a myth that the mythical Prometheus was tied to a Caucasus mountain by either Bia or Hermes, depending on the myth writer, suggesting that Bia and Hermes were the same, even the Bia peoples of Armenia.

To support that Prometheus was a peoples that ventured to the extreme ends of the known world (i.e. to Britain), "NASA's nuclear power and propulsion technology development program for the exploration of the outer planets is called Project Prometheus." (italics mine)

Prometheus was the creator of mankind; he had Asia as his mother in at least one myth version, a term that is equivalent to the Aes/Assi peoples. Because he stole fire from Zeus, he appears to depict the inventors of metal: the Kabala of Chaldea/Halybes. "Rockefeller Center in New York City is a virtual shrine to Prometheus. His golden statue stands at the head of the central fountain"

Hermes, I deduce, depicted the Cotys migration (of Armenians) along the south shore of the Black sea, and we see that they arrived as far as Lydia (on the western end of Asia Minor), for just a couple of miles from the Lydian capital (Sardis) was the Hermus river. But this river was also called "Gadiz," similar to "Cotys," wherefore myth does not surprise us where Cotys brought forth "Lydus" (technically, Lydus was the son of Attis son of Cotys), the mythical symbol of Lydia.

[Update June 2006 -- I have recently tied Gades, an Atlantean city in western Spain, to the same family of "Cati/Katziri" peoples who put forth the Khazars. I have moreover identified their root in the "Cutha" Kabalists of Agade, that latter term being an ancient form of "Akkadia." I would not hesitate, and in fact I will attempt to prove, that the same Hermes Arcadians who founded Gadiz in Lydia were the same dragon, Ladon, found in western Atlantis. The two regions should be understood respectively as A-Cuthia and Ar-Cuthia, while Cadmus should be understood as Cutha-Mus. End Update]

Some Phrygians moved to Greece on the one hand as Hermes the goat line, and on the other as Apollo the wolf line. The Hermes line became centered at Arcadia and the wolf line immediately to the south in Laconia/Sparta ("Laco" means “wolf"). That these two lines merged and intermarried is evident. For example, Leda's daughter, Helen (of Troy), gave birth to Hermion, evoking a branch of Hermes even though Leda was a Spartan.

The Trojan war began when Paris stole Helen from Sparta (keep in mind that Helen was not likely a person but a peoples). The Trojans depicted by "Paris," upon losing the war and fleeing from Troy, probably partook in the Celt/Gaul migration under discussion, and settling in France, they named the city of Paris.

The Romans came from both the wolf and Hermes lines (since Romans worshipped both Mercury and Apollo). They equated Odin with Mercury, and the same comparison is made where "Wednesday" is named after Woden while the Latins and the French called that same day of the week after Mercury.

[Update August 2006 -- Now that I know the root of Odin in the Cutha, I can also root Hermes in the Cutha. That is, the Hermes migration along the southern side of the Black sea was the Cati/Cutha migration, even the same as that which named Cadmus, for indeed some have equated Hermes with Cadmus. To explain the difference in terms, I would suggest that the Armenian (probably Aramean) side of the bloodline used “Hermes,” while the Cutha side of the bloodline used “Cadmus.” This of course requires that the Arameans and Cutha were either one and the same peoples, or so strongly allied/mixed that they became a single peoples. Keep in mind that Josephus pegged Hul, son of Aram, as the founder of Armenia, while one may easily discover (by means to be shown later) the root of the Kabala in “Kether,” which must refer to Gether, Hul's brother. Consider also that "Cad-Mus" may have been formed to reflect Cutha-Mash, for Mash was yet a third brother. I should also mention here that I have recently (last month) traced the Kabala to the Spartans by independent means, to be explained later. End Update] The German historian Tacitus said that Germans worshiped their ancestors "Tuisto" and his son "Mannus," where "Tuisto" might once again be an allusion to Hermes, for he was "Thoth" to the Egyptians and "Taaut" to the Phoenicians. This could reveals that Hermes was viewed as the father of Manes, which makes great sense where both gods depicted Armenia. Behold that one of the three trunks of Mannus, according to Tacitus the German historian, were the "Herminones." May we ask if these Germanics were rooted in Hermion, Spartan offspring of Leda?

In “Bloodline of the Holy Grail,” a modern book concerned with the dragon blood of the Stewarts/Merovingians, there is this claim: "The Sicambrian Franks, from whose female line the Merovingians emerged, were associated with Grecian Arcadia..." This implies that all Franks had been descencded from Arcadia, the birthplace of Hermes. His being made born there in no way discredits my theory that Hermes depicted Armenia beforehand, for the gods were older than the people who worshipped them, and the god was often an honoring of ancestors from a previous homeland. I view the birth of Hermes in Arcadia as indicating the chief Greek settlement of the Armenian branch depicted by Hermes.

Yet this in no way discredits my theory that Hermes depicted Armenia beforehand, for the gods were older than the people who worshipped them, and quite often the places to which the peoples had their gods pinned down were new settled locations, although the god was often an honoring of their ancestors from the initial/previous homeland.

It is thought that "Tuisto" was the Norse god, "Ymir," that latter term a valid variation of "Gamir," an historically-popular designation for Gomerians/Cimmerians. Ymir was made the father of the Vanir giant, "Aegir" (still of the Norse gods), yet this term seems to depict the Aegean sea. Indeed, for Aegir was made the sea god. Aside from Ymir there was a "Gymir" mountain god (still of Norse myth) that is equated with Aegir. Moreover, Aegir was also known as "Hler," and this is a German term said to be relating to the Cimmerian sea of Azov, perhaps from Hul/Ul, son of Aram (Genesis 10:23. If that's not enough, Aegir was also "Hymir" (linguistically the same as "Gymir")...the father of the war god, Tyr, and the husband of "Hrod." That latter term evokes the Heorot Danes and Haeredaland, even the Aereda/Redones of Hros roots.

The dragon of Greek myth that helped Cadmus to secure Thebes turned up in the Golden-Fleece myth, and in fact the dragon was the Golden-Fleece bloodline itself, namely, the Ares bloodline to which king Aeetes of Colchis (in Georgia) belonged (Ares, it is well understood, was an Amazon patriarch, wherefore I view him as a Meshech entity, at least in part).

[Remember later on that the Scandinavians/Germanics stem from the elements engaged with Thebes and Aeetes, for I will later identify the two terms as Kabalists among Aryan bedfellows.]

Upon leaving to Colchis to pick up his crown (as mythology goes), Aeetes had left behind in Greece the sons of Hermes to continue his business there, suggesting a close relationship between the Aeetes peoples and Hermes. Indeed, the Golden Fleece was depicted as the pelt of a ram, while Hermes, according to Britannica, was known as "the ram bearer." Moreover, it is Hermes who is shown assisting the rider of the Golden Ram when the rider was in the throws of escaping to Colchis. That rider was named "Phrixus," a term that must surely imply that certain Phrygians were the Golden-Fleece (i.e. dragon) line.

The staff of Hermes was called by the Latin term, a "caduceus", and so just take a look at that symbol and see if it isn't surely a symbol of the Mushussu dragon. The caduceus is a staff entwined by serpents, and the staff depicts the Hermes' penis, and that of his ancestors, the "sacred" bloodline.

[Update June 23 2006 -- Behold evidence that Hermes depicted Armenian peoples, for I just learned of a people-group of Cadusii (Greek "Cadousioi") on the south-west shores off the Caspain sea, close indeed to Verkana (modern Gorgan) on the south-east tip of that same sea. Armenia was on the south-west side of the Caspian, and so there you have it, the origin of Hermes in the Cadusi Armenians. What do we suppose "Cadus" refers to? I say, the Cutha/Cati/Katziri Kabalists! End Update]

This symbol is probably the same as the Dionysus staff called "thyrsos"; a look at this ancient illustration of a Dionysus Maenad (possibly a depiction of a transvestite) reveals how the staff was viewed as a penis. The wings at the top of the caduceus depict the wings of the dragon, but they must also depict Atti(s) since the pine cone (and tree) at the top of the thyrsos was a depiction of Attis (some say that the Christmas tree derives from Attis). This makes sense if Atti(s) was a variation of "Utu," but Atti(s), by that particular title, was a god peculiar to Phrygia.

The wings on the boots of Hermes (Mercury to the Romans) are therefore a symbol of the Utu-dragon bloodline. The caduceus was twined with two ribbons, and it just so happens that the thyrsos was topped also with vines or ivy. Thus, the ivy and the ribbons were a depiction of the two snakes that were the symbols of the Utu cult, the snakes probably depicting the two sacred families (Ishtar and Tammuz) from their respective cities of Eridu and Uruk/Erech.

The caduceus is used as a logo by the American Medical Association, albeit with a single serpent. It is used by other organizations as well. I found that there was also a Celtic caduceus, speaking to the Celt-Greek connection.

It should also be mentioned that Roman Catholicism at times depicts the Communion wafer (i.e. the "body of Christ") with striations emanating in all directions so that the wafer, being round as it is, appears un-coincidentally as the sun (god). That is, they merge Christ with the sun god to this day. This polluting of Jesus with the sun god is a common theme in secret societies, and it's a way for the secret societies to get their dragon-based concepts accepted by society at large. The same public-relation tactic may be in play when the dragon bloodline ties itself to the blood of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

The Paeonians "worshiped the sun in the form of a small round disk fixed on the top of a pole."

The Paeonians are thus revealed as part of the caduceus/Hermes bloodline. The other peoples in their midst (upon the Strymon river) are suspect as the same, especially the Edones.

The priests of the British dragon lines were the Druids. Now it just so happens that in Greek myth there was a king "Lycurgus/Lycourgos" in Thrace and also one in Arcadia/Sparta, and I do think that this term depicts the same "Loki/Lykos/etc" wolf peoples that became the Ligurians of Italy en route to their forming the Redones of Merovingian-France importance. King Lycurgus of Thrace was "son of Dryas ("Oak-Man")," and "king of the Edonians, who dwell beside the river Strymon."

To be exact, the Edonians lived between the Nestus and Strymon rivers, but so also did the Satrae tribe of Thracians live between those two rivers. Again, the religious leaders among the Satrae were the Bessi tribe of Thracians. If these were the proto-Druids, then the Druids proper (of Britain) may have descended from the Buzi/Busae Medes.

[Update June 2006 -- The picture developing in my mind is that the Bessi were rooted in the Cutha since the Edones were so rooted. As I've found the Cohens to be at the root of the dragon line, and since the Cohens are "Jews," might the Bessi priests have been cohens from the Hebrew, Buz, son of Nahor? Did the Cohen surname form as a result of describing the Bessi-Hebrew priests? If so, wouldn't the Druids stem from the same Cohen/Hebrew root? A startling thought for those Cohens today who claim to be from the Levites. But this is exactly the purpose of this book, to expose the false claims of Kabala/Rosicrucian cults, that they derive in Israelite and/or Christian elements. End Update]

Doesn't an Oak peoples in Thrace by the name of "Dryas" evoke the Druids who, in Britain, were known as "Men of the Oak." This was the sacred tree of Zeus, and Hermes was made a son of Zeus. An ancient version of "Dryas" was "Dryad," and, in Greek myth, "Dryad" was the designation for "Nymphs of the Oaks" (

[Update June 2006 -- I don’t think the Druids were named after oak trees, but rather the oak became a symbol of the Druids in that their “Dryas/Dryad” designation sounded like the word for “oak.” As the Dorians are seen by some historians as Macedonians, while there is good reason for identifying the Macedonians as Mac-Edones, couldn't the Dryas peoples have been Dorians since Dorians are said to derive from "Doris"? Moreover, the mythical Polydora was mother to that one could justify expanding that term to "Dori-ops."

I'm suggesting that Redones (Ligurian allies) were Nahorites along with the mythical "Gorlois" (Carolingians) of Wales, both of which were Tuatha-de-Danann peoples that, as the mythical Nor and Gor, sailed to proto-Norway to found the Danes proper, who in turn mixed with Thorri Goths/Jutes to produce the Saxons/Pomeranians that would contribute solidly to the Merovingian bloodline. End Update]

Jutes are often lumped in with Saxons and Angles simply because they shared similar territories, but I view the Jutes as distinct, an earlier peoples in Scandinavia, even the Goths, the fathers of the Germanics. That is, the Goths became the Swedes from whom the Saxon and Anglo Germanics stemmed. The Britannica statement, "the Jutes are the Eotens of the Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf, tends to confirm that the Jutes were a Getae branch from Thrace (i.e. "Getae" easily modifies to "Eotens"). Knowing, as Britannica puts it, that Mona (Wales) was "a famous center of the Druid religion," and that the locality of Great Ormos was at Mona, behold the following quote proving both that Edonians were of the Manes (father of Cotys) line and that Cotys depicted Getae Thracians: "Kotys: A Thracian goddess. The cult of Kotys was worshiped by the Edonians..."

Now if the Getae and the Edonians were thereby the same peoples, then the Getae were likewise related to Dryus/Dryad, wherefore it's not surprising that the Druids were called "Gutuatri"! If that's not enough, the Druid goddess was "Eadon."

What I am suggesting is that the Stewarts were descended from the Edonians because the Eaton surname traces itself to Stewart blood, or vice versa. It is now significant that the Jutes appeared in Germany/Denmark along with the appearance of the Saxons and Angles, for an Eaton-family website says: "the family surname of Eaton is shown in the ancient manuscripts and cartularies as tracing their ancestry to Anglo Saxon origin"

The evasiveness of the Eaton family is clear in that they don't as much as mention possible ties to the Jutes/Eotens. The Saxons didn't appear out of nowhere, but were from the Jutes, wherefore the Eatons must have been from the Jute side of the Dane-Jute mix that brought about the Saxons.

Because I equate the Edones with the Budini, I will consider viewing “Bute” as a variation of “Jute.” Threfore, when the Stewarts inter-married with the Bute family (of the Scottish island of Bute), it was probably an Eaton-Stewart mix.

The Pollok family (also connected to the Stewarts) is found in the records only as far back as "Fulbert the Saxon" (11th century), and this provides the same challenge of discovering which, the Dane or Jute side of the Saxons, they stem from. In either case, Druid connections are evident, for Druids had also been the priests of the British Danann (verifying a Dane-Goth alliance). After the Conqueror (1066), the Stewarts and Eatons settled in/near Shropshire on what is now the Welsh border (Eatons first settled Cheshire, adjacent to Shropshire), and the Polloks ultimately settled facing Bute. It’s possible that these settlements were chosen in that they had been ancient, ancestral homelands of the respective surnames, by which I mean to suggest that the settled locations had been Druid/Eadon/Gutuatri territories. I’m also reiterating that the Stewarts, because I have traced them to the Cohen surname, were the Druid priests themselves.

It's my deduction that, when all three families (not to mention the Veres) were in Britain prior to the Conqueror, they were not Anglo-Saxons, but Celts. As would seem obvious, all four families were chased out of Britain (to Normandy) by the Anglo-Saxons (the white dragon of myth) when the latter became powerful enough to rule most of Britain (i.e. when they over-powered the original inhabitants of Britain, the Celts). While the families had been mixing in Britain, it amounted to a mixing of the red and white dragon lines, known to themselves euphemistically as the red and white roses. This mix created the so-called "Tudor Rose" family, a red-white rose mix. The patriarch of the Tudors, Owen Tudor, lived on Mona, according to Britannica! However, the island was "Anglesey" at that time, exposing the point all the more, that white-dragon Angles came to rule/inhabit red-dragon Mona so as to mix colors there.

[Update August 2006 -- I found a Stewart-roots website today that finally came out with it, by saying:

“Some historians mistakenly refer to Alan [fitz Flaad, supposedly the earlist-known Stewart] as Norman because he was part of the Norman conquest. However Alan was Breton, not Norman...So although the (future) Stewart line were part of the Norman ruling class, they were a Celtic people.” End Update]

Later in the aforementioned Britannica article I found that "Venantius Fortunatus (d. 609) mentions the Jute (Euthio) beside the Dane and the Saxon..." (brackets not mine). It's not hard to see how "Euthio" was the origin of "Othinn," the latter a variation of "Odin"...wherefore the supreme Scandinavian bloodline. See how the more-common "Woten" is very nearly "Eoten." Indeed, in German myth, the Goths were from Gaut, who has been generally regarded as Odin himself.

Now the picture of Odin being married to "Frigg" is a picture of the proto-Jute Edonians mixing with Phrygians. If no one has figured that out yet, shame-shame on all. It's too easy, yet not one website makes the connection so far as I have witnessed. Phrixus, depicted as the Golden Fleece (i.e. Golden Hermes), comes to mind as the root of Frigg.

Lycurgus and Dryas did not get along, and they warred because Lycurgus detested the Dionysus cult (that Dryas was a part of). While Loki was ruler of the Vanir/Danir sect of Scandinavians, Odin was the ruler of the Aesir sect, and because Scandinavian myth reports wars between the Vanir and Aesir, Loki may have been an extension of the Lycurgus Edones, and Odin from Dionysus/Dryas worshipers. As Apollo worshipers were antagonistic to the Dionysus cult, it would argue in favor of a Loki-Apollo connection, which has viability in that Loki and Apollo were both depictions of wolves (i.e. the two gods symbolized the same peoples).

The Loki sect may have been from Sparta (Greece), for there was provided yet another mythical king Lycurgus, fashioned as a patriarch, and therefore a symbol, of Sparta. This agrees with the fact that the Greek Danaans were in-part Spartan.

Sparta (the goddess) was made the daughter of king Eurotas, a term that evokes "Eridanus." Sparta married and had "Eurydice" for a daughter, and she in turn married the father (Acrisius) of Danae (a root of the Danaans), wherefore Spartan blood was the other, non-Rhodian side of the Greek Danaans. And that, in a nutshell, is the Greek root of the Danes.

Eurotas, it should be added, was the son of Lelex, the symbol of the Leleges, a Gogi peoples no doubt because they were related to the Caucones. As the Golden-Fleece dragon giving birth to certain "Sparti" belonged to Ares, it would seem evident that Eurotas was from that Ares dragon since the goddess Sparta was made to descend from Eurotas. In this way, it makes sense that Eurotas depicted the Greek root of the Eridanus Redones (the proto-Rus in France) in that Ares was the symbol of the Hros. Ares was made to father Cycnus/Cygnus...the name of the Ligurian ruler who (according to myth) moved to Eridanus! There were two Cycnus', I’ll admit; the one from Thrace was that of Ares, but "he" no doubt migrated to become (the peoples of) king Cycnus of Liguria. Therefore, the Gogi had been in Thrace, and must have been the Ares dragon there, wherefore the Gogi and the Hros appear indistinguishable.

As Eurotas figures prominently in the red/Dane dragon line, especially as he may have been named after Hirota (Norway) to depict the very Greek line leading to that city, a look at his father is necessary. He was Myles, whose brother (Polycaon) was married to Messene (depicting Messenia), who was in turn made the daughter of Triopas. Wouldn't you know it, Triopas was the son of Helios and Rhoda, the same parents that I independently traced the Redones to. In other words, Eurotas stems from the proto-Russians of Rhodes (as even “Eurotas” would hint) depicted by code-word Polycaon, while that latter term seems to undress to “Po-river wolf peoples.”


cybershamans (karmapolice) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

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